Marketing Crappy Products

by ColdRedRain 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    I remember back when I was still with the dubs, how I thought to myself "God, this video/book/brochure is crappy!" but I was too afraid to say it to other people. The thing that sparked that memory was when I picked up the Noah video in my dad's stash of videos the other night. Talk about your bad animation! Honestly, I've seen better animation get deleted off of

    The ones that really take the cake are post Evolution or Creation creationist books and articles. Talk about your bad arguments!

    I remember getting admonished for "Putting down the efforts of the Bethel Brothers" for saying they sucked.

    Poor dubbies can't even say that their products suck...

  • Matty

    The Noah video is the absolute worst and has to be seen to be believed, I can't accept that anyone wouldn't think that it sucked big time - even the most fanatical and devoted dub must surely think it inside.

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