NEW personality 2 - The armor

by Lady Lee 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    As a JW I recall many talks and references to a Christian putting on the "complete suit of armor"

    In following some of the threads here lately I have been wondering just what this armor does?

    Paul talked about two pieces of armor the "large shield of faith" and the "helmet of salvation" after stating that people should "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil." Eph 6: 11-17

    Then the JWs teach all this other armor that one is supposed to wear.

    Breastplate Any soldier who really doesn't want to die in battle must have his breastplate on. Let's face it if you get a spear in the heart you're a goner. Christians are to wear a "breastplate of righteousness or faith"

    Hmmm seems to me that is spears can't go in then. The accusation here several times lately is that JWs have "no natural affection." Could it be that this armor doesn't allow for a person to be natural , to display normal affection for family and other loved ones? If stuff can't go in they it certainly won't let it out either.

    Coat of Mail This is supposed to offer over-all protection except for the areas of the body where it attaches with other parts of the body - the weakest link theory. Even King David refused to wear this heavy garment (126 pounds or 57 kilograms) There is no mention of this peice of armor by Paul or anyone lese in the new testament. But it sure would slow a person down and the weight alone would make escape from danger pretty difficult

    Girdle Another weighty cumbersome piece of equipment that sometimes holds a weapon. Paul calls it a girdle of truth. But what "truth" is it supposed to be protecting. In Psalms 45 it says to gird the sword and "ride in the cause of truth and humility and righteousness." Truth humility and righteousness - that doesn't sound like the organization I know. They hide the truth from their own members, proudly believe they are the only ones to be saved and there just isn't anything righteous about allowing or encouraging people to be hurt. Their whole disfellowshipping policy displays this perfectly.

    Greaves. I didn't know what this was until I looked it up. The greaves were thin plates of metal covering the shins No wonder JWs don't run anywhere. These things are tied around their legs

    Helmet Well the obvious here is that the helmet protects the head/brain. If you're brain isn't working you have a problem. But what is it that one is protected from when wearing the helmet of salvation that Paul talked about. Perhaps in the case of JWs it doesn't allow salvation IN. Few JWs are part of the covenant. Few have a hope of salvation hence all the works to keep them chasing their dream. In fact they are so busy (and weighed down with all this armor as in heavy load to carry) that they don't really have time to think about what they are really doing and involved in or all the contradictions and reverals. In the case of JWs it seems the helmet they are told to wear stops them from thinking clearly. No wonder we have such a hard time talking to them about real truth

    Sheild Paul talks about a shield of faith. I find it interesting that the JWs rarely talk about the real meaning of faith. Here again the shield will act as a two way barrier. It prevents information from going in regardless of the content of that information. If it stop the evil from going in it also will stop real truth from going in.

    It seems to me that the suit of armor that the JWs are taught does more to keep real truth away from them than it does to protect them. In fact is seems to protect the r&f from the real truth about the org they are involved with.Ever tried arguing doctrine with a JW. No amount of truth is going in. Drat must be that helmet again

    Ever tried appealing to their emotions. I have better luck with this one but once they put on that breastplate the mind snaps closed along with the heart

    Yup no natural affection. The suit of armor is just too heavy to allow the heart and mind to work

    Feel free to add to this list or any other thoughts you have about this.

  • JH
    The accusation here several times lately is that JWs have "no natural affection." Could it be that this armor doesn't allow for a person to be natural , to display normal affection for family and other loved ones? If stuff can't go in they it certainly won't let it out either.

    You are right about this armour, it does stop love from flowing in and out. This reminds me of a soldier at war. Does a soldier smile all day when he is at war. The JW's are like soldiers of the watchtower and their love and symphaty for others is not to be shown.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Yes the reality of armor is that it is two-way. It doesn't allow natural thought and feelings to go either way. Appeals to the emotions or intellect are useless. They have to be told to be happy to present an illusion of it because the real thing is guarded.

    I think that when we talk to JWs we need to see this "new"/other personality. We need to be constantly aware of this suit of armor. I feel sorry for them becuae I have been there under that heavy load of armor and it sure makes it difficult to think clearly.

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