X2 - Was it worth the wait?

by happyout 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • happyout

    I have to say an emphatic "HELL YES!!!". I don't want to pump it up too much, because that inevitably leads to expectations that can never be met, but it was really good. I thought the character development was much better, and they gave more time to some of the "minor" characters, which led to a lot more going on in the movie than the first one. I really liked that they allowed Wolverine to show his more aggresive side, and the cute little romance they have started between two of the students. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but I will say, carefully watch the water at the end of the movie. There is no doubt there will be another movie, and I can't wait. I like this almost as much as The Matrix.

    Anyone else see it this weekend? Any opinions?


  • ashitaka

    I saw it too, it was great loved it. Especially the end.....where we we true fans found out about one of our favorite x-men evolutions....can't wait for X3:)


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