Spreading the "Religion of Peace" in Europe

by freemindfade 59 Replies latest social current

  • freemindfade

    So sad. I love Europe. I love going there not as a tourist, but just blending in and spending time with locals in non-touristy local gems.

    Islam seems to be spreading their religion of peace throughout the continent. Officials seem puzzled how complex a network these "radicals" have, but maybe its time they admit that the religion is radical in nature and that gives them a vast network of "non-radicals" who actually help and support their cause.

    People want to compare islam with other religions that have "radicals", but do any of them have such a large worldwide network assisting their agenda? No they don't. Most other disgusting religions like Christianity of been dulled by progress and have died out. You cannot compare the dangerous idiots in Christianity to the worldwide threat and destruction network of the Islamic religion of peace. And now Pakistan...

    I hope Europe takes care of their business, I'd like to come back and I have a feeling its not getting any better.


  • SecretSlaveClass


    I couldn't agree more. Where you really nail it is with regard to the support network. They may say the vast majority are peaceful, but I don't see that vast majority doing much about those fundamentalists who they claim are giving their religion a bad name. If only they were as outraged about them as they are about cartoons and works of fiction making reference to their religion. The vast majority may be peaceful, but they are also certainly complacent, apathetic and in my opinion, disingenuous about their outrage against fundamentalists.

    It is not the place of outsiders to sort their problems out, it's their responsibility. Unless they undo the support network themselves, there can be no solution.

    I will say this: letting in refugees by the tens of thousands who hold fast to an ideology like shariah who will inevitably demand it be recognized or claim discrimination, is asking for trouble. The "touchy-feely" powers that be and their supporters aren't thinking clearly. Think things are getting bad with fundamentalism and rampant crime against the European social system now? Wait twenty years when saying "we warned you" won't mean a damn thing.

  • freemindfade

    Hopefully the size of the attack that happened in Pakistan doesn't make its way into European borders.

  • SecretSlaveClass
    Frequency and destructive power of attacks is only going to increase over time. They are determined to undermine the various political and social structures of the West, and the more they kill in the process the clearer their message of ruthless determination will be. It is not possible for the West to stop them without Muslim help and the emotional crowd being convinced we all need to "love" our way to victory or a peaceful solution, let alone stem the frequency of attacks.
  • freemindfade

    The peanut gallery of opinions that often chime in on american issues and politics is painfully silent on this post.

    Really? no opinions on this?

  • Finkelstein


    Yes ban the practicing adherence to Muslim in every country that you can, starting in modernized countries not in the middle east, based on the fact that this religion has violence, prejudice and hatred ingrained in its teachings toward nonbelievers.

    Putting the message across that this religion is not suitable for humanity in today's cooperative modernized social environments.

    Its not 600 AD. in other words such as when the Quran was written.

    Why these predominant Muslim based countries operate themselves backwards to the rest of world has very much to do with these countries adhering to the social directives written in this particular ancient "Holy" book.

  • SecretSlaveClass


    It isn't just the West they are determined to undermine. They are waging wars of terror all over the world with the sole purpose of imposing their fundamentalist ideology. This is not just a West vs. radical Islam issue.

  • freemindfade

    by what is contained in their doctrine any religion should be subject to being taken off the "Religion" list and moved to the "Hate Organization" list. I imagine that would either change religions to stop preaching the rhetoric of their ancient books, or show their true colors and lash out in holy war.

  • freddo


    "Hopefully the size of the attack that happened in Pakistan doesn't make its way into European borders."

    Already has FMF - with routine regularity terrorist bombings and shootings have been in the newspapers since I delivered them as a kid and on the TV I watched from the black and white years onwards ...

    Here's a few of the more notorious ones.

    1974 Dublin and Monaghan 34 deaths ... 1980 Bologna Italy 85 deaths ... 1988 Scotland (Lockerbie) 243 deaths ... 1998 Northern Ireland Omagh 31 deaths ... 2004 Madrid 191 deaths ... 2005 London 56 deaths... 2011 Norway (Brevik) 77 deaths ... 2015 Paris 137 deaths.

  • Finkelstein

    It seems secular societies will treat non violent religions with unrestrained openness, when then practice peacefully and cooperatively with respect to outside nonbelievers of their religious faith.

    Islam has too much of the opposite inherently ingrained in this relgoius practice.

    It influences the hatred and prejudices against nonbelievers so much so that it becomes dangerous to all humanity, sure there are moderate practitioners but they are a minority, controlled mostly by secular laws in modernized countries.

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