by Terry 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Isn’t the Watchtower Society Valuable Because It Gets People Talking About Important Issues in Our World?

    Hell no!

    This argument presupposes that Jehovah’s Witnesses are ethically neutral–that if the core doctrine (The Truth) is not true, its untruth is harmless, but if (by wild coincidence) the Governing Body of this Organization happen to aim a wayward arrow at some real-world issue that needs addressing, The Watchtower is a net positive because it directed, at least, some energy toward addressing essential issues of life. That’s not the case because the great deal of damage that its untrue and disingenuous depictions of societal issues cause far outweighs any marginal benefit this religion’s indoctrination might have by “accidentally” aiming at a valid target.

    Let me give you an example.

    Conspiracy Theorists endeavor to change issue-sensitive people into activists working toward make-believe solutions to life’s problems. The Jehovah’s Witnesses door to door activism requires reeducating curious persons to somehow realize that everything they’ve ever heard is a falsehood and that competing religions have misled them. If they’re already interested in working toward moral and ethical life solutions, it’s likely whatever stimulus sets them on a more productive path could have interested them in mainstream real-world solutions at the get-go, which means the fact that Jehovah’s Witness propaganda turned them on to Governing Body reliance is totally irrelevant.
    In fact, JW Bible studies in this example have been counterproductive, because it wasted the would-be activist’s (and society’s) time by encouraging naïve interested people to tilt uselessly at the windmills of imaginary “divine” intervention.
    This is not a net positive.

    The issues Jehovah’s Witness leadership cares most passionately about are loyalty to the Governing Body and their churning and fanciful conspiracy theories. Consequently, what little “activism” it can hope to ignite will almost invariably be directed at rooting out potential enemies to the cause, especially within their own ranks. That is not a net good for society. It’s a net negative because conspiracy thinking is part of the problem and is not a solution to anything.

    In the final analysis, the only thing ever produced by The Watchtower and its leaders is a dysfunctional, depressed, paranoid social movement of coerced mind-control puppets, transfixed on saving their collective asses from destruction by their imaginary tribal God, Jehovah. They trust nobody but the Governing Body leaders. The net result is a weird social movement of self-conscious elitists with a hive mentality who are absolutely committed to weeding out who will live and die.
    This summary judgment is based entirely on each person’s embrace or rejection of feckless magazine articles spewed out in a never-ending fable of contradictory nonsense.
    To be a Jehovah’s Witness is to be nothing less than a Conspiracy Theorist hell bent on spreading their viral infection to the farthest reaches of the Earth.

  • Finkelstein

    Good analysis Terry

    I liked to add that the majority of the ideology the WTS professes comes from the attempted emulation of the social moral standards of an ancient civilization and the contained mythological beliefs of that civilization, of what they wanted their god to do.

    The WTS instituted a division of who said yes to their doctrines and demonized individuals who didn't.

    The power these men made was their own cultivation built from and off the general public's own ignorance fears and insecurities. The real human tragedy was that thousands of people died needlessly, millions of lives were wasted and just as many families were broken apart.

  • Finkelstein

    You could say the WTS are professed conspiracy theorists by virtue of how long this organization has been insinuating that mankind is living in the last days, as well how it has insisting that god has chosen them as his solemn organization.

    Yet by identification of the bible itself, the WTS has solidly proved itself a indulgently corrupt false prophet.

    Somehow I don't think god would choose a false prophet as his spirit directed earthly organization.

  • Clambake

    I don’t know if the average Jehovah Witness realizes how the insertion of the name Jehovah in the New Testament changes the entire doctrine of the bible. Not really a subject I need to get into but when the foundation of your beliefs is the bible has been changed? What do you really believe in?

  • Vidiot

    Of course WT theology is conspiracy-theory-esque.

    Huge chunks of Fred Franz's entire Cold-War-centric End-Times script was either adapted or lifted wholesale from mid-20th-Century right-wing conspiracy theory (the John Birch Society, Hal Lindsay's Late Great Planet Earth, etc.).

  • Terry

    Fred Franz lifted wholesale from Seventh Day Adventist spirit guidance by "seer" Ellen G. White in her Book series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY (1858).

    Franz also sucked the marrow from many of Martin Luther's writings as well. He lavished much attention to silly details of Babylonish corruption due to the writings of Alexander Hislop's feckless THE TWO BABYLONS.

  • Vidiot
    Well, since so much of the Bible itself is cribbed from older stuff, you could say he was just carrying on a time-honored tradition. :smirk:
  • Terry

    The 'interesting' phenomenon of the entire Watchtower religion's success rests on the shoulders of two men, Russell and F.Franz, who were highly skilled and prolific at creating a weird buffet table of other people's ideas, distilling them into a package of razzle-dazzle.

    The inventor of SCIENTOLOGY, L.Ron Hubbard, did the same thing--except, he had a terrific imagination until his mind deteriorated.

    Watchtower Theology is so-o-o-o unimaginative, dull, exasperatingly convoluted and anti-social. The engine driving the Org is paranoia, mind control, and fear.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    To be a Jehovah’s Witness is to be nothing less than a Conspiracy Theorist hell bent on spreading their viral infection to the farthest reaches of the Earth.


    You could say the WTS are professed conspiracy theorists...

    By page 3, the Watchtower APRIL 2024 gets right down to business.

    '5 On the other hand, a Christian who remains immature can easily be misled by “trickery” and “deceptive schemes” and be taken in by conspiracy theorists and apostates. (Read Ephesians 4:14, 15.) He may be prone to being jealous, creating strife, taking offense, or yielding to temptation.—1 Cor. 3:3.'

    Is Watchtower getting paid to mold membership away from conspiracy theorists?

  • NotFormer

    "On the other hand, a Christian who remains immature can easily be misled by “trickery” and “deceptive schemes” and be taken in by conspiracy theorists and apostates. (Read Ephesians 4:14, 15.) He may be prone to being jealous, creating strife, taking offense, or yielding to temptation.—1 Cor. 3:3".

    I think it is the apostates that are really scaring them. By conspiracy theorists, do they mean those who accuse them of colluding with world governments on the vaccine? Or those who are speculating about AM3's removal?

    This sort of thing must be starting to bite, because otherwise, why point it out? Are they running scared? What is threatening them and putting the fear of "Jehovah" into them?

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