Debating With Evolution Deniers is Just Like This

by cofty 218 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidqun

    Landy, rather give a sugar-coated pill as placebo. And wait for secondary infection, then prescribe the antibiotic. Perhaps the person gets over the flu without a secondary infection. Then an antibiotic would have been unnecessary.

  • Caedes

    Come on Vidqun, why should anyone follow your advice? why should anyone believe anything you have to say?

  • Landy

    Landy, rather give a sugar-coated pill as placebo. And wait for secondary infection, then prescribe the antibiotic. Perhaps the person gets over the flu without a secondary infection. Then an antibiotic would have been unnecessary.

    I'm not arguing that what they are doing is right - I'm saying that they aren't prescribing AB for the flu. Which is what you original assertion was.

  • Viviane

    So the microfauxologist is now trying to pretend and article on the internet that doesn't say what he thought it said proves him right?

    This just keeps getting better and better.

  • Vidqun

    Why don't you Google "Doctors prescribing antibiotics for flu" and see what you get. I got approximately 650 000 results. Here's one in plain English:

    Doctors urged to stop prescribing antibiotics for cold and flu - CBS

    "Despite years of warnings, doctors still overprescribe antibiotics for acute respiratory infections even though most are caused by viruses that those drugs cannot help. The consequences are serious: overuse of antibiotics is fueling the rise of drug-restant superbugs, and patients can suffer significant side effects from drugs they don't really need."

  • Landy

    CBS - seriously?

    So, do you think that doctors are prescribing antibiotics in the mistaken hope that they will cure a virus based RTI - or do you think that doctors are prescribing antibiotics as a placebo or to help with a secondary bacterial infection?

  • Vidqun

    Landy, perhaps one should ask a doctor that question. I don't know why they prescribe antibiotics when patients present with cold or flu symptoms. I know for a fact they do it in my part of the world. I always thought their treatment would be more effective if they first sent in a sputum, nose or throat swab to the lab. There it would be cultivated on blood plates aerobically (for gram negatives, e.g. Klebsiella and Pseudomonas and gram positives, e.g., Staph), anaerobically (e.g., gram negatives: Haemophilus, Neisseria and gram positives: Strep) as well as for fungi (e.g., Aspergillus) and yeast (Candida). The latter two are cultivated on a special yeast plate. ZN stain for TB is done routinely on all sputums. If any one of the above bacteria are cultivated, sensitivities are done. Only then should an antibiotic be administered. Antibiotics would also not be effective againt the fungis and yeasts.

  • cofty

    Is there even a remote possibility of getting back on topic?

    By the way the topic is how frustrating it is trying to hold a rational conversation with a creationist. Ha!

  • Landy
    By the way the topic is how frustrating it is trying to hold a rational conversation with a creationist. Ha!

    Asked and answered I reckon ;)

  • Viviane

    Wait. Wait Wait Wait. So microfauxologist Vid posts a link to an article about docs prescribing anti-biotics for what they think is an infection but is really the flu, and somehow thinks this means doctors are prescribing them FOR the flu?

    This Is hilarious.

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