Growling Velcro - (epitaph for humanity)

by Terry 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry


    I know why you're feeling edgy, feeling down and depressed.
    Every one of us has been dreaming and now - rudely - awakened.

    All along our Matrix-like dream was OUR LIFE.

    We had it oh-so good and dreamed we had - a-l-m-o-s-t a chance at a perfect life. Except for ...
    Except for minor annoyances.
    (Money, insurance, paying bills...Trump!)

    Yes, now wide awake we are annoyed at interruptions in that dream.

    We have RIGHTS - the pursuit of our 'happiness.'
    Imagine that - how naive we were.

    We sit blinking, rubbing our eyes.
    Suddenly UNPLUGGED from the Matrix!

    WTF just happened?

    Naked and alone are we. The right to pursuit of happiness popped like a soap bubble.
    Vulnerable are we.

    Dropped into a jungle with tooth and claw dripping red all around us.
    Beasties crave our flesh?

    Nope. Not jungle cats nor ravening wolves.

    Our threatening monsters are mere teeny weeny dots...
    viral dots.
    Growling Velcro.
    How unworthy!

    So, my lads and ladies - hunker down ... hunker down.
    Hide inside and abide.
    It's almost HIGH NOON and Frank Miller is about return.
    The townsfolk won't be any help at all.

    What stands between US and the tiny beasties?
    One thing only: our rational mind.

    Do we still have a 'rational' mind?
    No. Long gone. We voted it away.

    Cower till the final hour or stand tall and brave it all:
    What's comin' for our hide outside like a horror flick
    WILL INVADE our quivering corpus...unless...unless...

    Unless what?
    Unless we do something so simple: Behave.
    Is that even possible?
    Following directions? You gotta be kidding.

    The nerds in horn-rimmed glasses are feverishly working on the science of it. The politicians are hoarding promises and cash.
    Meanwhile the old clock on the wall ticks and tocks.

    "DON"T WORRY FOLKS - we got this!"

    Well then - heaves a sigh and go back to your Netflix and crossword puzzles.

    "Time for that nap."

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