Nagging starting

by road to nowhere 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Phone call to us. Attend meeting, wear mask, distance, get shots. Every one was said to be nobodies business. The midweek announcement said zoom would continue " for the time being".

    I aint going.

  • Smiles

    According to the new guidelines for Kingdom Hall meetings, any potential cold or flu symptoms disqualify people from attending JW meetings at a Kingdom Hall.

  • FFGhost
    any potential cold or flu symptoms disqualify people from attending JW meetings at a Kingdom Hall

    Or if you've been "exposed" to the virus in the past 10 days.

    "Sorry, brother, since a significant number of those infected with COVID are asymptomatic, I cannot confirm I have not been exposed to it in the past 10 days. So, out of an abundance of caution and concern for the brothers, I'll be staying home from the meeting."

    Repeat every week until they stop asking.

  • WTWizard

    I get exposed to the virus just about every time I have to work, and I get sicker just being at the boasting sessions or out in field circus than I ever would from this wimp of a virus. And a slight sniffles due to breathing cold air (that is the result of humidifying the air, not a sickness) counts as "a symptom". As for my shot, I am sticking with the Amazon "shot". Nothing else.

    However, there is a far worse disease than a wimpy virus. This is called Christianity, and it spread simply being in the vicinity of others who are pushing that filthy bible. You can get that disease through Zoom, or even just reading the bible on its own. This puts the ultimate filth on all your chakras, and Trouble eventually happens as a result. And this "trouble" is more than getting two weeks off from work. It is even worse than getting a disease and dying. Your soul is ruined, and serous trouble dogs you in every life moving forward, until the soul dissipates or you end up in heaven (where it is destroyed). As far as I know, there is no vaccine against this, aside from just not attending churches (or boasting sessions) and throwing that abomination of a book (the bible) in the trash after desecrating it.

  • WokenfromJWcult

    The 6 foot rule will be easy to enforce, since so many don’t want to return and have to wear pants and shoes.

  • Smiles

    Simply attending a meeting inside Kingdom Hall would be a potential exposure, leading to a mandatory self-isolation from the upcoming meetings for 10 days.

    Their new light for in-person meetings seems to inhibit the very idea of in-person meetings.

    Even if not exposed to a virus while at the meeting, still have to sit there wearing a mask for two hours, and try to sing the songs while wearing the mask.

    Truly, that governing body must be receiving all these ideas directly from invisible Jesus. No?

  • skin

    Here in this part of the world, we have been almost virus free since it first appeared on the world scene over 2 years ago, then a few months back, is when it first got out of control here, now its everywhere and our first in-person meeting is tomorrow. Good one!..but most JWs i know are excited to be going back to the hall, if the control center say its ok to go back to meetings in person, then it must be safe.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Here in the UK it's just been announced that 4.9 million people has Covid, about 1 in 13.

    How is it possible to step outside without coming into contact with someone that is infected? Out of concern for brothers i will be staying at home. (Hint of sarcasm)


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