Interesting fossil find in Australia

by wozza 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • wozza

    A 95million year old fossil of a new species of crocodile found with a dinosaur in it.s stomach found story here,,,

    Well the WTS has been lying to the world .because they say no aniimal ate meat before the fairy story flood ,

    I'll bet they ignore this story or say the crocodile could have fallen on top of the dinosaur critter .any lie will do for the governing body!

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I always thought of a crocodile being a bit like a dinosaur itself. The surprising thing is that the croc is so little changed over all the millennia.

  • Biahi

    Some ignorant dub will respond that “Satan put that there” , to confuse scientists. 😕😂

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    The WT doesn't believe in a literal plain reading of Genesis. True to form, when something doesn't fit their narrative, they simply wave it away and say this must be symbolic. Once you understand their grift, you start seeing it in all their writings.

    They believe in billions of years and progressive creation. They teach this, even though virtually every Hebrew scholar in the world agrees that the language and context of the creative days in Genesis were meant to be understood as literal 24 hr. days. Ex. - "there was an evening and a morning, the first day".

    Like most anything the WT touches, they get it wrong. You have successfully refuted the false WT teaching of "Progressive Creation", but not 'Biblical Creation'.

    The fossil you referenced does represent rapid burial in a catastrophic event. Biblical Creationists would say this evidence is consistent with a catastrophe like the biblical Noah's flood.


    Clams all over the world are found fossilized, tightly together in the "closed position" like the one pictured above. Normally when a clam dies, it opens up and the shells are found in halves.

    Fossilized Fish

    Another example of rapid burial.

    After abandoning the false narrative of progressive creation, next stop is abandoning the WT false teaching of "billions of years".

    Here's a good place to start. List of 'Not So Old Things'.

  • wozza

    I do have trouble believing the flood story as the bible presents it as a worldwide event at once. The scientific finds don't seem to back it up to a lay person ,it is similar to the evidence for the exodus with moses , where is the evidence.

    Clams being shut and fish swallowing fish ,to me , only show that they died quickly due to a local event that may not have been a world wide flood. The fact that some creatures have not changed much in what scientists say are tens of millions of years just says to me that the environment for them has not changed enough for them to adapt.

    As to the length of creative days ,well if you are going to believe stories in the bible ,then it would of course be possible for god to do this in such a short time because it written like fables and stories of gods like the greeks believed in. That's why when I left the JWs I broadened my outlook of religion and studied up on how religions formed etc

    It seems incredible now that I bought into this belief of religion and how ignorant I was to believe what the Watchtower told me ,and other beliefs well ,are so varied ,it simply shows how man made religion is ,it seems to me it was evolved as a response to living in this world and coping and driven by power hungry people and ignorance.

    As has been noted here the WTS could probably say satan put the fossil record this way to decieve future generations, they are not alone and all we have is written down ,by men ,words that say such and such in all of the denominations of christianity ,24 hour periods or 7000 year periods or millions of year periods which is it?

    It seems to me only science is moving forward to find a truth about the past and actually prove something by evidence that harmonises not written words that have formed by corrupted men's thinking and greed .



    Uninteresting Aussie fossil

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Hi Sea Breeze. The idea you stated of the writer of Genesis 1:1 - 2:4 having the idea of the creative days being 24 hours long (and that analysis of the Hebrew text reveals such) is one of the key concepts (one which I learned online from a Seventh-day Adventist) which caused me to abandon belief of the biblical creation account (and by extension, belief in the Bible and in Jehovah/Yahweh God), since such a view is totally at odds and irreconcilable (at least to me) with the scientific geological (including paleontological) evidence. But, I have a question for you. Since you say " virtually every Hebrew scholar in the world agrees that the language and context of the creative days in Genesis were meant to be understood as literal 24 hr. days" what do you think of what is said at ? What is said in that article (in "Creation/Evolution Journal, Volume 4, No. 2, Spring 1983" of the National Center for Science Education) is the best reconciliation I have ever read of the Bible's creation account with science (including evolutionary science). Had I read of that article 13 years ago (or earlier) I might would remained a Christian (though not a JW), but I would have been a very non-literalist type of Christian.

    What do you think of what is said at ? That article overwhelmingly makes it impossible for me to believe most of the biblical details of the story about the Ark and the associated flood, though there is some evidence for a massive local flood that wiped out lush vegetation and a human population about 9,000 to 11,000 years ago, in (or very near) what later became know as Sumeria.

    What do you think of the History Channel program (I saw it two days ago on regular antenna broadcast digital TV) called "Decoding The Past: Mysteries of the Garden of Eden"? I think it makes very convincing claims.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Sea Breeze, please provide some reliable source for your claim that "virtually every Hebrew scholar in the world agrees that the language and context of the creative days in Genesis were meant to be understood as literal 24 hr. days". I ask that because my impression is that the vast majority (though not all) of modern-day Jews, (including those who have the religion called Judaism), believe/accept biological evolution and that they don't interpret much of the Hebrew Scriptures literally. For example, consider what is said at . It says the following.

    "Biblical chronology indicates that God completed the creation of the world close to 6,000 years ago. This age is reflected in the chronology developed in a midrash, Seder Olam, but a literalist reading of the Book of Genesis is rare in Judaism. ... Most modern rabbis believe that the world is older than 6,000 years.[5] They believe such a view is needed to accept scientific theories, such as the theory of evolution. Rabbis who have this view base their conclusions on verses in the Talmud or in the midrash. ... The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) has "maintained that evolutionary theory, properly understood, is not incompatible with belief in a Divine Creator, nor with the first 2 chapters of Genesis."[32] ... Conservative Judaism embraces science as a way to learn about the world,[citation needed] and, like Modern Orthodox and Reform Judaism, has not found the theory of evolution a challenge to traditional Jewish theology."

    It thus seems to me that even if the vast majority of modern-day Hebrew scholars in the world agree that the language and context of the creative days in Genesis were meant by the ancient writer(s) to be understood as literal 24 hr. days, the vast majority of modern-day Hebrew scholars in the world don't interpret that text literally. Jewish culture adapts application of the Hebrew Scriptures to the changing society that Jews find themselves in - they change their interpretations of the Hebrew Scriptures over time. From what I have read of Jewish publications and online articles written by Jews, it seems to me that in much of Judaism it thus doesn't really matter what precise meaning the writers of the Hebrew Scriptures meant, but rather what current Jews interpret it to mean for their current day. My impression is that most modern-day religious Jews consider their Holy Hebrew Scriptures as containing much mythology that should not be interpreted as being true in a literal sense. Perhaps since Genesis is a book composed by their culture (non-Christian Jewish culture) and is thus their book, their views of what of Genesis should be interpreted to mean should be more an authority as to what it means than those of young earth creationist gentile fundamentalist Christianity. However, I can't take seriously a number of Jewish religious stories and ideas, including a number of ideas about Lilith.

  • truth_b_known

    Reformation/Protestant/Evangelicals: "Martin Luther said Solo Scriptura. So its six literal 24 hour days for creation.

    Jewish Rabbis of the religion that actually gave us Genesis: "Genesis is allegorical."

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