If the Catholic church has to pay retribution to victims, is the WT next?

by LyinEyes 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LyinEyes

    At the beginning of Dan Rathers news report he mentioned the vast amount of retribution, not sure if that is the correct legal word, ( money paid to victims thru settlements etc), and it was a staggering amount. There are so many who will finally have their day in court, literally.

    So if the Catholic church has to pay out for their coverups , doesnt it seem that soon the WT will also have to do the same?

    I know for over the last year I have seen the Jehovah's Witnesses child sexual abuse scandle broadcast on all news stations all over the world. The word is out and it can not be denied or hidden anymore, I just felt a great sense of happiness , thinking that soon those like Heidi , and so many more will also have their day in court. I can't wait to see how this all will play out and how the WT will stand to lose great quantities of their vast fortune . I just said,,,,,,,,,,,,YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! The thing they value so much , their better than everyone eles attitude, reputation is shot to heck now, and hopefully so will their money.

    I think it will be poetic justice for these victims to get a retribution for what they have been thru, because while they were being abused as little children, they were still out there peddling the WT literature, and only to be abused more by the WT, their "spiritual leaders", by it all being covered up.

    So do you think soon the WT is really going to have to pay for all of these past child abuse cases ?
    I am not up to date on how many cases are in the courts now, and being settle out of court, so as " to not drag Jehovah's name thru the mud", does anyone know ?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I think we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg with regards to the Watchtower Society's culpability...it's going to be interesting to be 'down the road' a bit, like the Catholics, to see how this is going to pan out. I wouldn't be the least surprised if within the next 3 years the news is going to be reporting the WTS 'settling' with ex-JWs. Stay tuned.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    doesnt it seem that soon the WT will also have to do the same?

    I sure hope so!!

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