Upcoming Wedding

by ShanPatt 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ShanPatt

    I hope someone might have the answer to this question for me. I am an Ex-JW, never been officially "disfellowshiped", but left the JW's 7 years ago. I am getting married in June and my father told me he would not be attending because in his own words he "can't particiapate in anything like that". He said this because the service will be being performed by a catholic preist as my fiance is Catholic. My father is still a practicing JW and barely has any contact with me at this point. Does anyone know if there is any validity to this or not? I appreciate any input I might get on this.


  • gcc2k

    I can see why your father might not want to participate in a religious ceremony, but depending on the person's conscience, it is not unheard of for a JW to attend a service such as a wedding, funeral, etc. Some strict JWs won't go near the church, others are OK with sitting and observing, as long as they are not participating. I honestly don't know the current "official" view.

    If you want your father there, ask him to come as an observer, since the priest is a legally ordained minister, just like any elder. If he can do that and attend the wedding reception, I think you'll be happy and he won't be doing anything wrong.

    That's my 2 cents anyway.

  • Prisca

    Most JWs will not attend a wedding or funeral if it is conducted inside a church. Depending on their "conscience", they may wait outside the church, or perhaps stand at the entrance, but not go inside.

    I believe the "official policy" is that JWs wouldn't attend a church wedding because wedding ceremonies conducted in churches would contain some kind of religious service, even if it's a priest praying over the couple. JWs regard being in the church whilst this is going on as participating in false worship with Babylon the Great, and will have no part in it.

    Congrats on your wedding. I hope your Dad will come along as an observer at least.

  • SpiceItUp

    I believe this is a conscience issue.

    When my Aunt got married we all attended and it was a very Catholic Wedding in a Catholic church. We wen't allowed to participate in any way but got second row seats to observe.

    I also think that maybe just asking him to observe he might come as long as he is not asked to participate in any way.

    Congrats & Good luck.

    btw---welcome to the board

  • nonjwalltheway

    I was raised Catholic and married my wife who came from a hardcore JW family, but she was never baptized and basically rebelled against the religion. She is close to her family now. I have tried to keep her out of that cult as much as possible.

    To get to the point my sister was just married in a Catholic Church. We live in California where my whole wife's family lives and my sister and her new husband live in New York. My wife's family flew all the way out to New York for the wedding, attended the reception, but would not go to the ceremony because it was held in a Catholic Church. I found that absolutely ridiculous. Her family told me that they were "not allowed" to go into another place of worship of another religion. This is pathetic and demonstrates the pure control that the Governing Body, who are dictators, has over their subjects.

    I find this religion to be damaging to family relationships and revolting in every sense. I have told my wife that under no circumstances will our children be allowed to attend any type of Kingdom Hall or other bullshit JW ceremony outside of those practiced within my wife's inner family circle. I would not want to allienate them as they did at my sister's wedding.

    I hope your father sees the light of this pathetic and dominating religion.


  • ShanPatt

    Thanks everyone for your replies!! Makes me fell a little better to know that it's not just me dealing with this kind of stuff.

    The ceremony itself is actually being held outdoors but preformed by a Catholic Priest. I guess that's where my confusion is coming in. My family would not have to set foot in an actually church. Ah well, I am just focusing on the happy things with the wedding.

  • Jourles

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