The Chicago Rebellion

by onacruse 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onacruse

    As Rutherford progressively tightened his grip over the "companies" (as congregations were then termed), he ran into increasing difficulty with "Russellite hold-overs" and elective elders. He'd already infiltrated the companies with his Brooklyn-appointed "service directors," but many many JWs were resisting his attempts to enforce total conformity to WTS policies. Chicago was one such "hot spot," leading to the following show-down:

    1933 Watchtower, May 15

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    CHICAGO being one of the most important centers in the United States, the Society sent Brother Orrell there to organize a pioneer camp and to direct the field service. The following correspondence seems to be of sufficient interest to warrant publication.


    There is a condition existing in the Chicago English company that is detrimental to the functioning of Jehovah’s organization here and the well-being of those associated therewith. Some of those who compose the service committee and others who have been elected by the company as speakers are not really in line with the kingdom campaign as set forth in the Watchtowers and as presented in the Bulletins from the service department. While they are not actively opposed to the kingdom work, yet there is a lack of whole-hearted cooperation on their part which may be classified as passive resistance. The speakers are evasive and are constantly dodging the real issue as presented in the Tower articles. They are not positive, but rather are passive in nature, when it comes to anything pertaining to service.

    One speaker has constantly spoken on subjects that have been along the lines of character development as presented in the Sixth Volume. For instance, his subject was “The Suffering of the Cross;” and on three occasions he used this subject and, as a background, he used some supposed injury to some sister and stated that he wished his chances for glory were as good as hers. There is wholly a lack of understanding of the issue on the part of this brother. He does not actively engage in the service, only from time to time, and therefore cannot possibly be vital towards the kingdom work at this time. This brother is also entrusted with the responsibility of teaching the young people. Should a brother who constantly presents ideas that are absolutely out of harmony with present truth be retained either as a speaker or put in a position of trust?

    The service committee in reality is not a service committee. It functions wholly along the lines of the old

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    “executive committee” and does not dwell primarily on service matters. It busies itself strictly with the matters of halls, aid committee work, toilets, comfort and coffee. Apparently the vital function of the kingdom organization to serve notice on the Devil’s crowd and to point the peoples to Jehovah’s remedy is with it a secondary matter. This statement pertains to the committee as a whole and as it functions as a body. There are certain members of the committee who are altogether in harmony with the kingdom campaign, but as long as the committee has certain other members who are not actively engaged in the campaign it is extremely difficult for the committee to function properly.

    I am attaching a list of questions. Will you please answer them specifically.

    [General comments]

    Jehovah’s rich blessing be with you.

    With love as ever,

    (Signed) GENE ORRELL

    Gene was hand-picked by Ruthy and sent to Chicago to force this issue to a head. Of course, Ruthy was only too happy to take time out of his busy schedule not only to answer "Gene's" questions, but also to draft up a nice little declaration of loyalty.

    The letter:


    Your letter written at the instance of the active workers of the Chicago company to hand, requesting my advice on certain matters therein mentioned. This I here attempt to give.

    [General comments about the “birth of the kingdom” in 1914, and the “Elijah” work]

    If anyone now continues to preach character development, and to ignore the present truth, and to fail or refuse to enthusiastically do temple service, that is proof that such one is not born of God, is not a temple worker, and that the temple is not for him, and certainly such a one should not be put forward to deliver discourses or to lead class studies or to direct the service of the company.

    Surely Jehovah has an organization on earth, because everything with him is done orderly. For many years he has used the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. There is but one class of people that are doing his work on earth today, and these we call “the

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    Society,” acting under the direction of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society and putting forth the Watch Tower publications, and the expression of God’s will concerning the peoples of earth. These are the only publications that are making known the kingdom. The time has come when the church is at unity, mentioned by the apostle Paul in Eph. 4:11-14, and therefore every company of God’s people on earth will work in exact harmony and have in mind that the chief object is not self-development or character development to fit one for a place in heaven, because such a thing is an impossible thing and not commanded by the Lord. On the contrary, the chief and paramount thing is the vindication of Jehovah’s name and to obey his commandments by making proclamation of that which he has commanded.

    Therefore no person should be put forward as a member of a service committee or in any other position of service in a local organization or company who is not in full sympathy and complete harmony with and actively engaged in the house-to-house service of preaching the gospel as opportunity is afforded. No one should be appointed by the company to deliver a discourse or to lead a study unless that person is fully in harmony with, actively engaged in, and zealously supporting such service work as is now carried on in the name of Jehovah. If any speaker insists on discoursing concerning character development, as was done during the Elijah period of the church, and at the same time ignores or treats lightly the present-day truths as set forth in the Watch Tower publications, and is lukewarm or indifferent or opposes such service work, or does not engage actively in the service and encourage others to do so, that person gives evidence that he is not taught of God. He certainly should not be put forward as a speaker to discourse before the company or to lead a study. For any company of God’s people today to submit to and stay under the teaching of one who thus ignores present truth is to do so in violation of their covenant with the Lord because giving heed to men rather than obedience to God.

    If the service committee is not fully in harmony with and pushing the active field service, then it should be immediately reorganized and brethren put on the service committee who are zealous and active and encouraging the service of proclaiming the day of the vengeance of our God and concerning his kingdom. All servants of the company should be as a unit harmoniously and zealously active in the service.

    I have drafted a declaration which I think in brief expresses the Scriptural conclusion. This I am enclosing, and I suggest that the company adopt it, and all who are born of God and taught of him will certainly support it. Then the company should be reorganized by selecting a service committee in full harmony and who will go forward with the work. Chicago is a center of a large population, and there is a great responsibility resting upon Jehovah’s witnesses there. Let none of your hands be slack now nor permit the work to be hindered for fear of setting aside someone who has long been prominent amongst God’s people. This does not mean a division of the Lord’s people, by any means. On the contrary, it means a closer union of all of those who are of the temple. The time has come for the lukewarm, the indifferent and the opposers, to take their own course in order that those who are really devoted to the Lord may go on unhindered in their enthusiastic work for the kingdom.

    The list of questions I have answered specifically and enclose herewith. This letter you may read to the company and express to them my sincere love and best wishes in the Lord.

    With much love and best wishes, I remain

    Your brother and servant by His grace,

    (Signed) J. F. RUTHERFORD.

    The Resolution:


    THIS COMPANY OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES at Chicago, in regular meeting assembled, deem it proper and timely to make the following statement and declaration, that there may be no occasion for a misunderstanding and that we may go on harmoniously doing the work the Lord has commissioned us to do.

    THAT we keenly realize the grave responsibility that rests upon all who have sincerely and truthfully taken the new name which Jehovah has given to his anointed and that we must be entirely obedient to Jehovah’s commandments and perform our covenant as his witnesses. Our obligation is to Jehovah, and not to any man. We will not indulge in controversies with those who differ with us, nor will we have anything in common with those who are lukewarm or indifferent or opposed to the kingdom work which the Lord is now causing to be done in the earth. Others may take whatsoever course they desire, but as for us we are determined, by his grace, to faithfully serve Jehovah and his kingdom.

    THAT to us God’s Word means what it says, to wit, that Jehovah is supreme; that Christ Jesus is King, and has begun his reign; and that since AD 1918 he has been at the temple of Jehovah conducting judgment, which judgment began with the house of God; that those approved at the temple judgment have been brought into the temple, anointed and commissioned to go forth as witnesses for Jehovah, and that these are now specifically commanded to proclaim the truth that the kingdom of God under Christ is here and that this is the day of the vengeance of our God, and that the present-day work of God’s anointed is the proclamation of the truth as commissioned, and that the primary issue is the vindication of Jehovah’s name.

    THAT the visible part of Jehovah’s organization is the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society made up of those who are anointed by Jehovah and whom he is using, and that Jehovah is using the Watch Tower

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    publications as a means of conveying his present-day truths to his people; that the church of God, of Christ, is at unity, and hence all the members thereof are taught of God and must work together in peace and in harmony and with zeal serve God in spirit and in truth; that no one can maintain his integrity towards Jehovah and receive the divine approval unless he is wholly devoted to God and his kingdom.

    WE THEREFORE DECLARE that we will no longer stultify ourselves before the Lord and violate our divinely given commission by putting forward men to discourse before this company, or to lead study classes, or to serve as members of the service committee, or to fill any other office of service in this company, unless such person or persons first acknowledge that they are fully in harmony with this Declaration and with the Watch Tower publications, and that they are zealously supporting and actively engaged in the house-to-house service work of preaching the gospel and encouraging others to do so. We will therefore proceed to reorganize the service committee of this company and, before selecting anyone as a member thereof or putting forward anyone to deliver a discourse before this company or electing anyone to any other office of service in this company, we will first propound to each one the question as to whether he is in harmony with what is stated in this Declaration, or questions to that effect, and anyone who is not in full harmony with this Declaration does not possess the Scriptural qualifications to serve in this company in any capacity.

    As God’s children, born of his organization and taught of him, we will not waste time by listening to the opinions of men. We shall dwell together in peace and greatly rejoice to be taught of God and to have the opportunity of faithfully serving him and his kingdom interests, and this we will do that we may prove our integrity toward him and have a part in the vindication of his name. We earnestly urge all who are in harmony with this Declaration to unite heartily with us in the service to the honor of Jehovah and his kingdom.

    [The declaration was adopted by a large majority.]

    The questions:


    Should a company of Jehovah’s witnesses retain any brother in a position as speaker who fails to talk on Tower articles, and who fails to present clearly and forcefully the vital issues as set forth therein? ANSWER: No.

    Should any brother be retained as a speaker who selects Tower articles as a subject but thereafter completely ignores the vital issues as set forth therein, and particularly if he soft-pedals the main purpose of the article? ANSWER: No; this is no time for lukewarmness.

    Should any brother be retained as a speaker who selects the articles contained in the 13 new booklets but thereafter completely ignores the vital issues as set forth therein and reverts to the old manner of giving public talks? ANSWER: No.

    Is it proper for the service committee to instruct speakers to give public talks when the assembly is more than ninety-eight percent Jehovah’s witnesses? ANSWER: No.

    As stated above, are such brethren who are guilty of such discrepancies elders within the meaning of the Scriptures? ANSWER: No, they are not.

    Should a brother be retained on the service committee who either fails as a speaker to present to Jehovah’s witnesses the strenuous work of Jehovah’s anointed at this time, or fails to diligently present and vigorously cooperate with the company in carrying out the instructions in the Bulletins of the service department? ANSWER: No.

    Should a brother be on the service committee who does not attend the service meetings? ANSWER: No.

    Should a brother be on the service committee who does not lead the workers or work with them in the field? ANSWER: No.

    Should any creature exercise the power to vote within the organization of Jehovah unless he is in full harmony with the Society’s work? ANSWER: No.

    If one does not accept the two articles in The Watchtower on “Jehovah’s Organization,” dealing with the elders, and speaks from the platform against them, should he be assigned to lead a study on Revelation? ANSWER: No.

    This was a preliminary shot across the bow...culminating in 1938 when Ruthy finally got his way and eliminated all these pesky non-conforming elders.

    To this day, Chicago hosts a significant number of Bible Students.


  • NameWithheld

    BTTT. Very Interesting!

  • teenyuck

    WoW! This could explain why my great-grandmother became an *evil-slave*. Her son, my grandfather, would have been a teen then....he wanted nothing to do with the dubs and *supposedly* that is why GGmother turned to the dark side. From what I know she did not become a Bible Student, however, she may have been and no one, esp. my mom, will fess up.

    It is interesting that Chicago has so many JWs and seemingly, very few ex-JWs who post here. Since it is the 3rd largest city, I would have expected to see many more A-Fests going on up there.

    Heck, I would invite my mom and then tell her she was in a den of apostates!

  • onacruse

    NameWitheld and teenyuck, thanks for your comments

    I've been on a little mission this last week re: the Rutherford regime.

    If y'all will put up with me, I'll be posting a few more tads.


  • yesidid

    Thanks Craig. Interesting stuff.

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