The Left and Present Truth

by neat blue dog 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Add yet another JW similarity to the list:

    They say now the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is a matter of weeks. Things like the effectiveness of masks and the vaccine, the origin of COVID-19 in a lab, Clinton spying on Trump, the existence of a pedophile ring for the elites and more, things branded as conspiracy theories have been proven true.

    Just like JWs who have set up an authoritarian central authority and outlaw anyone from "running ahead of the chariot", the ruling class backed by the left has decided that their present truth cannot be contradicted even for the sake of discussion and even if it comes out as true later. Multiple YouTube and Facebook users have spoken about their experiences being restricted for posting now verified facts about COVID, the Rittenhouse trial etc. - But those companies refused to reverse the restrictions after new facts came to light because it went against accepted truth at the time of posting.

    And yet so many people are content to just be drip-fed and not have to think about it. Ask yourself: What crazy theory will quietly be acknowledged as true next, and just like the JWs, pretend it's been that way all along?

  • markweatherill

    The globe earth?

  • Simon

    Has anyone noticed how for a long time, you find out news on the internet and then a week later your local news channel has it as a breaking story?

    Now the conspiracy theories that are rubbished at the time turn out to be absolutely true 6months to 2 years later.

    Then people try to gaslight you that they always knew and supported that truth, even though they pushed for people to be socially executed at the time for not repeating the official mantra.

    Practically everything you read or hear through traditional media is now a lie, coming straight from government agencies.

    Think critically and act accordingly.

  • carla

    "Has anyone noticed how for a long time, you find out news on the internet and then a week later your local news channel has it as a breaking story?"-

    good grief, I sometimes thought I was suffering from the Mandela effect or something! There are things I could have sworn I read about years and years ago and now all of a sudden it is new news. Who knew? well, no kidding, that was written about x amount of years ago and written off as goofy, woo-woo or 'unscientific and unproven' at the time.

    Comparing it to jw-ism is true. I should not have a tongue left from biting it so often when my jw will come out with something that is 'new news' when I told him about it years ago and he looked at me like I was the nutcase. Yet he cannot believe anything about jw's that doesn't jive with current light. It is maddening. breathe, shake head, silent roll of the eye, sigh....

    I am of the opinion there is no real news, it all seems to be 'opinion news' or simply repeated news from some major source. It is like changing the channel from one National Enquirer story to the next. No offense to National Enquirer but it used to be considered a 'less than' or 'rag' paper of sorts and often a bit looney. Not sure if it is even still in existence, haven't noticed at the check out lines.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    neat blue dog, I am a far left person who does not say (nor define) that "the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is a matter of weeks". Where do you get the idea that all (or even most) people of the left say such or have such a definition?

    Most of you writers in general in this topic thread, what category of left people do you non-left people (I don't want to call you "right" people, since many your stated ideas on certain topics are very wrong to me) consider to be elites? I ask that since you people seem to be excluding highly accomplished people in the following categories: scientists, inventors, scholars, athletes, actors/actresses, and most self-made billionaires who started their own companies. From what I heard in television a few years ago, you non-left people seem to be exclusively using the word "elites" the way the former President Trump did in his televised statements at rallies. Did you folks obtain that specialized unflattering usage of the word "elite" from him?

    In some of your statements you non-left wingers seem to be speaking a different language (or in code) than I. In many of the ideas you non-left wingers write about in your posts on this site it like you are living in a different world (an alternate reality Earth in a universe parallel to mine) than my world (my Earth). You ideas are so alien (as in not from my world/reality) to me. In many cases it is thus hard for me to figure out how you folks get such ideas.

    I wish for us (not just those on this forum) to reach agreement on a number of topics (in order to discern/discover what are truths and for society to make much greater progress), by being open minded enough and by carefully considering the ideas of each other, but I don't know if such is possible. Some of you right winger folks (not jsut ones on this site, but also ones I met in person 'face to face') even seem to have a different idea of the meaning of the word "consensus" which you seem to consider to be the only meaning of the word, not recognizing that in certain contexts it means something else.

    Some of you even claim that "practically everything you read or hear through traditional media is now a lie", whereas in my world in the reality which I experience the following is what I personally observe to be the case. Practically everything I read or hear through traditional media are truths, or at least in the sense that: (1) what the media reporters (and/or the ones writing scripts for them) sincerely believed to be truths (at least in the sense of reporters believing the ones reported on actually said what they are reported to have said), and (2) what many of those speaking (such as scientists, doctors, and ordinary people) to the reporters considered to be truths.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    I have noticed the news media sometimes (such as on the PBS New Hour) repeating the exact news footage segment several months apart, while portraying the repeated news as if it is new news. I have also noticed some content in science news reports on the internet being repeated years later, tough reworded. It appears they are recycling content in order to have sometime to say, but also to inform those who didn't read it the first time and to remind those who forgot it.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    They say now the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is a matter of weeks. Things like the effectiveness of masks and the vaccine, the origin of COVID-19 in a lab, Clinton spying on Trump, the existence of a pedophile ring for the elites and more, things branded as conspiracy theories have been proven true - The Left believe lots of weird shit, let's face it.

    Here are some more weird lefty shibboleths ...

    The UK and The US in current year are institutionally racist

    People of color can't be racist - only whites can be racist

    Trans-women are women

    There is no link between womanhood and things such as vagina, breasts, ovaries, womb and pregnancy

    Children who claim to be transgender should be given puberty-blockers

    Trans people (an unelected minority!) should determine what pronouns everybody else uses - human interaction isn't a two-way process after all

    The British Empire should be condemned for the bad stuff it did but it shouldn't be praised for the good things it accomplished

    The British Empire is worse than Nazi Germany because the British Empire killed more people than the Nazis did

    Gender disparity means that society is sexist.

    Biological sex is a spectrum (<--- an amazing piece of sophistry - the pattern of the data is binary, ie there are only two biological sexes, and the vast majority of people fit into this.)

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Disillusioned JW:

    I am a far left person who does not say (nor define) that "the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is a matter of weeks". Where do you get the idea that all (or even most) people of the left say such or have such a definition?

    No, of course the left would never admit to this. Like I said sometimes they pretend when a change happens it's always been that way. This line about weeks is something multiple conservatives have noted.

    you non-left people seem to be exclusively using the word "elites" the way the former President Trump did in his televised statements at rallies. Did you folks obtain that specialized unflattering usage of the word "elite" from him?

    No actually, president Eisenhower warned against this concentration of power decades ago, especially on the the military, scientific and technological front. Notice this speech, especially the second half where he mentions this "elite".

    In many of the ideas you non-left wingers write about in your posts on this site it like you are living in a different world (an alternate reality Earth in a universe parallel to mine) than my world (my Earth).

    Are you sure about that? I see and endless string of failed climate prophecies with obviously underhanded financial motives, and yet I'm told to believe that this time the world ending in 20 years will be true.

    I'm told that we're in the middle of the deadliest virus in history and we must lock up, stunt the growth of an entire generation of children, and hand the government's of the world unprecedented emergency powers, and yet I see the death rates and true causes of death are no way near what's being implied.

    I see multiple true stories like Covid being developed in a lab and a pedophile ring for elites including Clinton eventually come out as true but quietly swept under the rug by mainstream media.

    I see reports that unarmed black people are being mowed down by racist cops, but then I see the details of most each and every case and see that they were fighting back, in the middle of crimes and in the case of George Floyd even ingested deadly levels of drugs.

    I see BLM protests based on those lies making one of the most destructive summers with billions in damages and many deaths, yet I'm told it's a mostly peaceful protest.

    Then I see single protest, not nationwide, where the protestors kill absolutely no one (although one of them was killed ironically) in an effort to get the government to investigate voter irregularities, and I'm told it was an insurrection and a deadly one at that (of course they conveniently don't say who died).

    I could go on and on and on.

    Maybe you're living in the alternate universe?

  • carla

    "... by being open minded enough and by carefully considering the ideas of each other, but I don't know if such is possible"-

    Here lies the problem. There is no open mindedness allowed, no discussion allowed if it does not fit the current narrative. Much like the jw's that are not allowed to discuss Biblical ideas, doctrines etc... and to be able to disagree with the current light handed down by the gb. If they openly discuss such things they are canceled, shunned, df'd to become a leper of the jw society. They have a virtual death of sorts. Their family often consider them as 'dead' and only will 'reactivate' their life if they step in line with current beliefs even though they may be subject to change tomorrow.

    How many doctors lost their jobs and some even their license to practice for simply doing what they have been doing for years and years? that being; using drugs for off label use. There was no open discussion in the media or with the powers that be even though there is study after study that using certain drugs early on were life saving and incredibly cheap. Why was discussion, studies and real life examples not allowed? Why all the suppression for even thinking or talking about some of these drugs? because if there was found to be early treatments that worked already on the shelf the vax would never been approved to begin with. The vax would have had to go through normal trials which takes years. Now there are real life examples all over the world that the vax does not stop you from getting ill, does not stop the spread and any boosters wane after a very short time. Even though they all know this there are those that still insist everyone get these m-RNA experimental shots. Where is the open minded discussion on that? Follow the money.

    One might ask, well, if there are all these studies to the contrary of the vax why aren't we hearing about it? I don't see it on the mainstream news! exactly, and you never will or probably not for many years later. If one is not willing to research the why then there is not open mindedness only going along with the crowd or going along with what the gb tell us to do.

    I am not trying to make this exclusively about ivermectin and hydroxy merely one example of the lack of open mindedness and lack of real reporters. When reporters say things like, "wow, I just can't imagine why someone wouldn't get the vax" I can't help but think how damn ignorant they are as reporters, that is their job! to find out why, but they don't, they shake their head in disgust.

    Why not report both sides and let the reader decide for themselves? let them do their own further research and make informed decisions instead suppressing studies and what real doctors who actually work with patients have to say.

    I direct you to this youtube particularly the 3 minute mark and then tell me how independent our news really is-

    As for conspiracy theories consider when people were saying that covid came from a lab, remember anyone who said that was a tin hat nut job? not so much today.

    I recently watched an interesting thing on false flags even though at first I was skeptical and found much of the promo distasteful and probably against my belief system in general. Then I thought no, I should watch it because I can't outright dismiss it when I have not looked at whatever evidence they wanted to show me. That is having an open mind, looking at both side even if at first you might find it disagreeable with your original belief system.

    When people in government, news sources, etc... say things like, "the science is settled" on any subject I am automatically skeptical because that is not how science is done! Science is always asking questions, always looking deeper and doing more research. When scientists and doctors cannot do their due diligence because they will lose funding or their license because they are not towing the line and following a certain narrative we all lose out.


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