Our COBE(Coordinator Of Body of Elders) Cried at the Kingdom Hall

by James Jack 50 Replies latest jw experiences

  • brandnew
    Not to be mean in any way....but....im sure in his many years as a higher up eldurr....he made LOTS of people cry. And also he probably realized that his days of making others cry was over. Very broken man i would say 😈
  • crazy_flickering_light
    It's more and more and internet-religion: from here we enter the jw.org-universe!
  • sir82

    This was sobering and thought-provoking for me. This older man probably never dreamed that he would be in the year 2016 with no "new world"

    Exactly. He was supposed to waltz into paradise 41 years ago, at age 35, never even having to face middle age.

    Now he is facing his own mortality. He was told that it was the "Creator's promise" that his generation would never get old, let alone die, and now....what?

    Maybe a decade of continuously & then precipitously declining health and evermore reduced ability to do much of anything, then death. Paradise is not, and never was, going to come "very soon now".

    On top of that, the (very likely) one thing that kept him going was snatched away with scarcely a "thank you".

    At least in "the world", they give you a gold watch & a pension.

    At the Kingdom Hall? Sneers and whispers, pitying looks, and patronizing words of "So good to see you, Brother X" murmured at him in passing by younger elders rushing by to do what he once did.

    Tears are quite understandable.

    Lurking JW elders: You realize of course that this is your future too, right?

  • zeb
    "TECH SAVVY??!?? Why is that a requirement for the COBE? "... from where will they come with education so opposed?
  • James Jack
    James Jack

    Faye Dunaway, zeb

    Tech Savvy because from the platform and out in the Ministry they want(GB), Elders to take the lead in Using Electronic Devices to attract People to the BORG. During our recent CO visit, the CO used his iPAD for every meeting part and then again in the Ministry. Many of the Older Ones are having difficulty in this area and in some cases you have these older ones refusing to go along, including older Elders.

    I saw an older prominent Elder that was always used on Assembly and Convention Committees and Programs not being used any longer. I asked what happened. He said, "We were instructed to train Elders in their 30's and 40's to know how to do our jobs for further growth in the Organization, only for them to take our position".

  • ToesUp

    I think most of the elderly JW's are having to face their mortality for the very first time. It is scary.

    We have some older ones in our family and they are having a hard time with the iPads (technology). My spouse and I often wonder why their "loving brotherhood" does not put on some kind of workshop at the Kingdom Halls to help these ones learn how to use their devices. I guess the answer is as simple as they couldn't give a sh*t.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    I don't want my post to appear insensitive, but this is not a " blanket" condemnation on the Watchtower, it is unfortunately the way all business led organizations treat " people"

    Sadly " organizations" do not have feelings, and they do not put the individual ahead of what benefits the " organization". This is the greatest lesson to learn from our freedom from the Watchtower, do not make the same mistake again and attach yourself to an " organization" no matter how worthy the cause. At least not if you expect to be treated as an individual.

    The Rebel.

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight
    The latest Watchtower magazine needs to feature a picture of Jesus walking around in his sandals carrying an iPad.

    Because of all the Christ-like qualities, TECH-SAVVYness is the most important.
  • crazy_flickering_light

    Some ask why tech savvy. All communication, BOE-letters and much more been send via the jw.bOrg-mailbox. There different usergroups which be set up by the COBE has different rights to read, mail... So if you not tech savvy you be a risk in the structure.

  • sparrowdown
    I get the feeling 35 will be the new retirement age for brothers soon.

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