Meet my li'l Buddyette

by Tallyman 7 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Tallyman

    Like Ellie Mae, I just LOVE Kritters.

    This is one of my best little friends.

    Here's me teasing her and 'faking her out' ...

    Then I really give her JUST ONE peanut ...

    And looks what it leads to ...


    (she's eating for more than one these days - tree hollow full of babies)

  • mommy

    Tooo cute, oh my! I have 11 kittens right now, and can verify how much a mommy eats(animal mommy)
    thanks Tally

  • MuzicmanCa

    Looks like someone has it made!! Very cool, thanks for sharing...


  • Prisca

    Awww... that is soo cute!

    We don't have squirrels in the Great Southern Land, so I'm fascinated by those little "critters".

  • Tallyman

    Prisca, M-man, Wendy,

    Yep. She's got the sweetest dispostion.
    I go out in the back yard early morn and late afternoon
    and whistle for her, and she'll climb down from her tree
    hop up to me, and stand up and clap her hands for peanuts.

    Even cuter have been her little babies from past raisings.
    Several imitated their momma and were brave enough to approach
    for some of the same tasty treats.
    When they were real young, the peanuts were almost bigger than their heads.

    In my view, friendly kritters are the best "pets".
    They are free to come and go as they please.
    No cages, no fences, no fuss, no muss.

    Hey, where's "the Great Southern Land"?
    We've got enough squirrels here to export some to you!

  • Seven

    Tally, She's really cute!! I hear they like certain kinds of soda. You'll have to put a can out on the walk to see if she'll have a taste. Seven

  • Tallyman


    I'll try it!

    Hey, maybe I'll give her a sip of Seven-Up!


  • Tallyman
    We named him Freddie and he was a constant source of entertainment while we were there.

    ain't dat da Trut!
    My Buddy's three Kids were playing in the backyard day before yesterday and were rassling, chasing and joking around with each other- all three of 'em...
    and then they started flipping and flopping up in the air at the base of the tree they live in. It was like three furry Mexican Jumping Beans. One of the strangest things I ever done saw.
    I was about to run out there and administer first-aid to 'em cause I was worried they might be having an epileptic fit or something...
    but I threw 'em some peanuts and they calmed right down.

    Heeee, was it ever a trip!

    I love animals too.

    Me too. Birds too. I like to see 'em run and fly free.

    I have an aversion to Kages!

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