CBS News mentioned child abuse story

by DevonMcBride 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • DevonMcBride

    Tonight they were advertising upcoming stories for next weeks news and they brought up child abuse within another religion. They didn't say it was the JW's so maybe that will peak curiousity and bring in more viewers.


  • DJ

    Hi Devon,

    Was that on the evening or nightly news? thanks, dj

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Thanks for the information Devon!

    UPDATE from Bill Bowen on the SilentLambs CBS News Story:

    The interview went great and all pieces of the story are put together.
    We recieved an email from the producer that stated the story was being
    postponed till later in the week possibly Tuesday of Wednesday. The
    powers that be thought the content to heavy for the Monday broadcast and
    wanted something lighter.

    In network television nothing is ever absolute and we have to be
    thankful for what we can get. So plan on the story running later as soon as we have a definite we will send it out on the newsletter.

  • sf

    If the promo has indeed aired, then how can it be postponed NOW?

    I can understand it being pre-empted after airing promo's. Yet, this seems odd to postpone a program that has been promoted on air already.


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    You're right sKally, that does sound odd. I am going to go ahead and record CBS News tomorrow and Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday, just in case it comes on earlier than expected.

  • bluesapphire

    Thus far no one has stated which broadcast i.e., time????

  • blondie

    CBS Evening News maybe on Tuesday or Wednesday. That is 5:30 pm CST. Adjust for your area

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