by Lostwun 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mana11

    when you post use these tags,

    #jwsisters #BESTLIFEEVER #thankyoujehobah #jwgirls #jwsex #jwpene #jwbumsforfun #jwhappydreams #jwbitches #jwchlamydia #jwcondoms #jwsexproducts #jwprozac #jwguy #jwlgbtq #jwtrans #jwgaydaddy #jwmanass #jwftmpride #jwlatexfashion #jwskinnyjeans #jwhentai #jwvape #jwdepressed #jwscam #jwpuppetmaster #jwpredator #jwpathologicalliar #jwanxiety #jwabuse #jwfukshit

  • sir82

    They are trying very, very hard to convince themselves that something is true, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

  • stuckinarut2

    You want to see cringeworthy social media accounts?





    on instagragm....

  • FeelingFree
    Oh don't get me started! I cannot stand that stupid hash tag or the jw.borg thing. I have had to come off Instagram as all the jw crap is intolerable. The things I have seen on there make me want to vomit, It's all so fake and cliche. Do they think putting that on their pics will convert someone or something? Most jw accounts are private so obviously they are just trying to convince themselves and their followers it's "the best life ever". It's just weird.
  • Londo111

    Maybe we should co-opt this hashtag.

    It is my experience that leaving this cult indeed results in the Best Life Ever.

  • thedepressedsoul

    It's the same thing as them thinking they are the most loving people. The most honest people.

    They believe it's true. Now they believe they have the best life ever as they take another depression pill.

  • dbq407
    After all the memorial posts the other night i wanted to vomit. A guy from the hall posted a pic and then tagged this celebrity that is a witness (i think he is in sister sister) Anyways i looked at this celbrities Instagram and sure enough he has selfies from being in service, but other pics he has a goatee. If that was a regular, no name dub, he'd have been counseled.

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