Post war paranoia - or - The Truth Will Make You Nuts

by undercover 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    Check out this wacko BS from the 1943 'The Truth Shall Make You Free' book:

    Page 342-343
    In the postwar "new order" Jerusalem's modern counterpart, "Christendom," will surround herself with armies of an international police force for her continued world domination. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy will attempt to act as the. spiritual police force of the entire earth . "Christendom" will then feel she can cry "Peace and safety". This international police force, or the stationing of order-preserving armies according to the mutual understanding between allied nations, will be for the maintenance of the "abomination of desolation" in the "holy place" . Hence those armies will be really maintained against God and his kingdom . And when you see this, said Jesus, then you may be certain that "Christendom's" astounding "desolation" is nigh. Religion will not save her .
    Page 344-345
    Before the ten horns of the seven-headed beast turn upon her in retribution, organized religion will turn the horns against Jehovah's witnesses and will ride the beast in a final savage charge against them . ... (illustration)
    Therefore "Christendom" will use her postwar "new order" and her encompassing armies (Jesuitic as well as military) for the suppression of the Kingdom message. She will claim it is treasonable and disturbing and unsafe to the postwar rule.

    So this is new to me. As a kid in the 60s I remember that the notion was that while Christendom rode the Wild Beast, it was the nations that would turn on religion, and then come after JWs... which is wacko in its own right, but this notion of actual armies under Christendom's rule attacking JWs... hoo boy

    or did I just sleep through all those book study meetings?

  • kpop

    When I read this my head hurts. The stupidity is too much for me! How could my parents have believed this garbage???

  • steve2

    I read this overblown prose and am taken by how much I've grown up. I now see it for what it has been all along: Religious bullshit.

    Man, I can still be staggered by the stupid stuff I earnestly embraced in the name of religious "Truth".

  • JW_Rogue

    Never knew that we believed such a ludicrous notion. The Catholic Church controlling a vast international army? Someone was smoking the good stuff that day.

  • cobweb

    Oh yes, the Roman Catholic Heirarchy. They used to talk about this a lot at one time. Listen for example to this audio recording from 1938

  • cobweb

    Also, is it me or does the Roman Catholic Heirarchy sound like something out of Futurama

  • tepidpoultry

    How does this keep on going and growing?

    It's stupiflying

    It's religion

    Ezekiel and Revelation are embraced

    By all Christendom

    I'm so happy I'm secular


  • smiddy

    Jehovahs Witnesses have always had it in for the Roman Catholic Church they have been obsessed with persecuting the R.C.Church since the early days even calling it the principle opponent of Christ Jesus kingdom On Earth because of their adoption of the League Of Nations the counterfeit Kingdom Of God On Earth as they said.

    A casual look at there publications will show how they are obsessed with the R,C.Church over many decades .and of course the Pope and his title was another thorn in their side.Such blasphemy they said .

    Are the claims of the Governing Body today any less a blasphemy ? against God ?

    Or is it all an insult to our intelligence .

  • anointed1

    If one can believe murder of an innocent man would atone for the sins of the world (using evil means to reach a good end), anything else become believable

  • schnell

    If one prediction fails, just keep spewing until something sticks.

    Before the ten horns of the seven-headed beast turn upon her in retribution, organized religion will turn the horns against Jehovah's witnesses and will ride the beast in a final savage charge against them . ... (illustration)
    Therefore "Christendom" will use her postwar "new order" and her encompassing armies (Jesuitic as well as military) for the suppression of the Kingdom message. She will claim it is treasonable and disturbing and unsafe to the postwar rule.

    I think this is interesting, only because JWs currently predict they will survive and be persecuted AFTER Babylon the great is shut down. Here, it is BEFORE, which is interesting because JWs today are citing Russia as evidence BEFORE Babylon the great has been shut down.

    Bunch of wingnut nonsense.

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