My brother

by fairy 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairy

    a few yrs ago my brother ended up in a prison for a minor offence - a low security type - and before this happened he hadnt been to the meetings for some time - .......well, low and behold while he was in there an elder from the congregation went there to have a study with someone and he saw my brother there....they went and saw him after he got out and wanted to see him about it but my brother said to them that he didnt want to talk to them about it and that was that...he never let them into his house either...................................................just thought i would mention it

  • Prisca

    They should leave him alone. He did the crime, so he's done the time, now he should be allowed to get back into normal society. What more do the elders want??

  • Mary

    What more do the elders want??

    His body and soul.

  • LovesDubs

    Im thinking the Society is like the villain in Harry Potter, Voldemort, who in order to keep his evil self alive must suck the blood and life out of the innocent ones. The more people the elders hunt down and disfellowship the more alive and powerful and evil the Society becomes. They are its henchmen...lining up the victims for it to suck the life out of.

  • Dawn

    If this elder was truly a Christian, he would have approached your brother WHILE he was in prison and offered to help him. Jesus reached out to those in need - he didn't wait until it was convenient then call a comittee meeting to condemn the sinners.

    Just goes to show you that they are more concerned with appearances than in saving the lost sheep.

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