Just another Long Beach Saturday night

by nilfun 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    Brass knuckles, sand gloves, boots laced tight
    Just another Long Beach Saturday night

    The boys are out, the boys are out, there's lightning in the air
    Strutting with a blitzkrieg savoir-faire

    The girl with a monk-cut being tough for show
    What the boys got plannned for her she just don't know

    Each violator's moment feels like a thousand years
    Suck it up girl, suck it up, nobody sees your tears

    Brass knuckles, sand gloves, boots laced tight
    Just another Long Beach Saturday night

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Strutting with a blitzkrieg savoir-faire

    I love that phrase. Now I know what Long Beach is like on Saturday night.

  • nilfun

    Hi BT,

    Strutting with a blitzkrieg savoir-faire

    Yes, it has a certain rhythm to it, doesn't it?

    Perhaps all the things one could ever imagine have really happened to someone else...sometime, somewhere.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    In a different life perhaps?

    I don't like to think too much about that. Gets me to thinking about what I could have had in this life.

  • nilfun
    In a different life perhaps?


    Yeah, never mind the coulda, woulda, shouldas...they're a waste of time I guess.

    Besides, today's your birthday. Hope you have a good one!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Either way, I still like your poem.

    And thank you.

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