Confronting the elders with doubts

by HowTheBibleWasCreated 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    I have already posted how I outed to an elder.... the only results were that another elder mentioned to me: "I heard you have doubts about the truth will you meet with us and clear it up... I also had doubts... I fixed them i can help." Laughing inwardly I said sure.

    Oh I'm going to slaughter this moron. When he asks my doubts I will show him the chromosome #2 video with Ken Miller. The say: "Ok so your explaination?"

    Well uh...

    Yeah you know what it will be,

    I have listed five areas I have doubts:

    1. ERVS

    2. Chromoseme 2

    3. Hebrew language not used before 850 BCE

    4. Lack of evidence for Jesus and Philo having invented him as a cosmic savior.

    5. No evidence for Judah as a Kingdom before Hezekiah.

    Note I will have given then doubts but also brick walls... all of these subjects are conclusive with not only evidence but EVIDENCE THAT IS NOT REFUTED...

    For that famous and idiotic comment by some here that they want a confirmation of my allegiance to the WTBTS... it is not strong in BC Canada... this is a very liberal place and I am under the radar at the moment as a loose end.

    I should note that these guys are friends of mine. So to see their life destroyed by my evidence will give me only partial pleasure... their life WILL be ruined and I know that. It's sad but that is what religion does and it is that NOT THE WT.. that I am fighting.

    60% of this provence are irreligious... why can these morons learn a bit... .. and I will painfully do this... It happened to me when I saw the evidence and it will happen to them.. if not now... I will plant the seeds.

    They are not really allowed in Canada to question me about religion in my own home if I refuse... freedom of religion that JWs started here lol.. its ironic.

    I have them at the moment at arm's end and anytime I want I came bring them here. My wife will support me... She knows my views and I support her beliefs because unlike JWs I beleive in freedom of religion

  • JW_Rogue
  • HowTheBibleWasCreated
    Yes ... but MY TRAP
  • JW_Rogue
    So let me get this straight, you're going to go after them with science and non WT approved history? Two things JWs don't believe in?
  • Crazyguy

    Ok number 3 Hebrew was spoken as a language as far back as 1200 bc in Ugarit. Yes it was an older dialect but still the bass language I believe. Also please give me your references that philo invented Jesus. There is some evidence that his writtings influenced or even became the philosophy of Christianity but I haven't read anything about Philo inventing him. 

    As far as your other points there so far over thier heads they will just deflect and move on to a subject like faith. Remember thier in a delusional world. My elders got all up set when I just spoke of the things Jesus taught not to exalt Not to judge , if he's not against me he for me, where there's two or more thier I will be also. That's it that's all and they couldn't even handle these simple teachings in thier own Damn bible. They just want to believe thier special and god loves them more than anyone else that's it that's all they want.

  • ScenicViewer

    When confronted with questions they can't answer, the elders will likely say something like "We will not debate you on this." I believe the instructions for saying that are in the Elder's Manual.

    Then they will divert to asking you loaded questions like "Do you believe this is God's spirit directed organization on earth," or something similar.

    When the elder said "will you meet with us and clear it up" the deck was stacked. Personally, if it were me, I might have agreed to meet with him 1 on 1, but no more, and only at my house. It's probably going to be 3 against 1 in the meeting (at least 2 to 1) and they will manipulate it however they need to.

    Best of luck with it and let us know how it turns out.

  • Landy
    So let me get this straight, you're going to go after them with science and non WT approved history? Two things JWs don't believe in?

    What he said. It's a complete waste of time.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Human instinct has some important preprogrammed objectives:

    • Self preservation
    • Avoid pain and injury

    Those are active for both our physical and mental states.

    So guess what happens when an elder living in a comfy mental oblivion is attacked with facts that inflict pain and injury to his oblivious mental paradise? He deflects, denies, retaliates and runs for the hills.

    Most of us here have been there with elders or friends and family. Most common result is denial and anger. Angry friends shun. Angry elders disfellowship.

    There are some secretly recorded judicial committee hearings on YouTube. Even when evidence is presented. There is only one thing that counts: obey Watchtower. Elders are trained to enforce that, and their handbook states:

    Deliberately spreading teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught by Jehovah’s Witnesses: (Acts 21:21, ftn.; 2 John 7, 9, 10) Any with sincere doubts should be helped. Firm, loving counsel should be given. (2 Tim. 2:16-19, 23-26; Jude 22, 23) If one obstinately is speaking about or deliberately spreading false teachings, this may be or may lead to apostasy. If there is no response after a first and a second admonition, a judicial committee should be formed.—Titus 3:10, 11; w89 10/1 p. 19; w86 4/1 pp. 30-31; w86 3/15 p. 15.

    I really hope for you that you can reach your friends' minds....but cult indoctrination is very strong :-(

  • purrpurr

    I've tried questions like that to get my jw family to wake up. But they immediately kick in with "so your saying you don't believe in the truth?!"

    It's how they are trained

  • ToesUp
    You have good intentions but you might as well spend the time banging you're head against the wall. You get NO WHERE with these people. 100% robots!

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