WT Judical Files could cost them $$$ Ask the Catholic church-

by JT 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    This is somewhat long, but what it shows is the tremendous amount of documentation that religious groups often time have on the bad actions of their members

    This one quote just stood out:

    MacLeish said Shanley's writings are significant because they show that church officials had ample evidence that Shanley was a danger to the youths he counseled in his street ministry as early as 1972, yet continued to allow him to work as a priest and apparently did little to supervise him or alter his behavior.

    ''These are the writings of a perverted monster who was sent out into the field unsupervised to be with children,'' MacLeish said. ''We are talking about the most senior officials in the archdiocese.''

    And this is the same way in which wt handles issues- one of the worst things that is common knowledge is that wt keeps an extension paper trail on it's members who have to have judical committees- etc- therefore wt can say WE DIDN'T KNOW,

    In fact their own instructions to ALL ELDERS IS SO DAMNING "Call us before you do anything"

    That mere phone call automatically put wt in the middle of the issue regardless-

    Well enjoy ,


    Files show Shanley tried blackmail

    Letter threatened Medeiros with 'shocking' revelations; late cardinal spurned effort

    By Michael Rezendes and Thomas Farragher, Globe Staff, 4/26/2002

    This story ran on page A1 of the Boston Globe on 4/26/2002.
    © Copyright 2002 Globe Newspaper Company.

  • JT


    show Shanley tried blackmail

    Letter threatened Medeiros with 'shocking' revelations; late cardinal spurned effort

    By Michael Rezendes and Thomas Farragher, Globe Staff, 4/26/2002

    This story ran on page A1 of the Boston Globe on 4/26/2002.
    © Copyright 2002 Globe Newspaper Company.

  • JT
    And this is the same way in which wt handles issues- one of the worst things that is common knowledge is that wt keeps an extension paper trail on it's members who have to have judical committees- etc- therefore wt can[not] say WE DIDN'T KNOW,

    This, indeed, should/must be quite the critical concern for the WTS.

    I do not think it too far-fetched a scenario wherein some elders, either on their own or in obedience to oral "nudges" from HQ, in a misguided attempt to protect the organization and/or themselves, begin discarding damaging files and other probative documentation. Nothing like adding obstruction of justice charges to their offenses.



    Trial Ordered for Ex-L.A. Priest in Sex Abuse Case

    Michael Baker, who left ministry in 2000, is charged with 29 felony counts of molestation.

    By William Lobdell
    Times Staff Writer

    April 16, 2003

    Michael Stephen Baker, the priest who 17 years ago confessed to Cardinal Roger M. Mahony that he had molested boys, became the first Los Angeles cleric to be ordered to criminal trial since the Catholic Church's sex scandal broke last year.

    After a two-day preliminary hearing in Downey, a Los Angeles County Superior Court commissioner ruled that there was enough evidence to try Baker on 29 felony charges of molestation. Baker left the ministry in 2000.

    Prosecutors presented a single witness, Matthew Severson, a 35-year-old West Hollywood man who testified he had been sexually abused by Baker more than 100 times during the 1970s and 1980s, with the first alleged molestations beginning at age 7 or 8.

    Besides involving the first former priest to be ordered to trial, the Baker case will be closely watched because of its link to [Cardinal Roger M.] Mahony. Baker told Mahony in 1986 that he had abused two or three boys, though Baker stayed in the ministry until 2000.

    Mahony transferred Baker to nine parishes, many temporary assignments, after learning about the priest's history of alleged sex abuse and sending him to therapy. In 2000, the cardinal approved a confidential $1.3-million settlement to two men. Mahony removed Baker from the ministry that same year without notifying authorities or informing parishioners about the alleged abuses.
    Baker then successfully petitioned Pope John Paul II to be released from the priesthood.

    Baker is one of more than 100 L.A.-area priests under investigation by the district attorney's office. Eleven have been charged in the last year.

    A key piece of evidence presented by Deputy Dist. Atty. Steven Katz was a letter written in 1994 by Baker, in which the then-priest apologized to Severson for his "immature emotions and psychosexual-screwed-up-ness," which he said had "slashed and burned through those years of your life seeking self-satisfaction in the name of love."

    Commissioner Burt Barnett ruled that the letter was, "if not a confession, at least a strong admission of misconduct."

    In the courtroom, Severson was supported by family, friends and Catholics who attended his childhood churches, St. Paul of the Cross in La Mirada and St. Hilary in Pico Rivera. After the commissioner's ruling, Severson's mother, Diane, gave her son a long hug and called it "the happiest day Matt and I have had together."

    During the testimony, Baker's gaze remained fixed on the floor, a finger stroking his mustache.

    In cross-examination, Donald Steier, Baker's attorney, asked Severson how many specific sexual encounters with Baker he could remember. Severson, who said the acts occurred in the rectory of two Los Angeles parishes and at a condominium in Palm Desert, said most of the alleged assaults had blended together in his memory.

    But he was able to tie details of several to specific events, such as a New Year's Eve party, a church dance and an outing to see a movie, "Kramer vs. Kramer," with the priest. He occasionally referred to a timeline he had drawn last week to refresh his memory.

    "I'm a bit of a list-maker," Severson said.

    Steier also asked the witness if he had "a crush" on or was "infatuated" with Baker, a characterization that Severson denied. Baker's attorney succeeded in arguing that testimony about other alleged victims of Baker should not be considered at the hearing.



  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    WT Judical Files could cost them $$$ Ask the Catholic church-

    Only if they haven't destroyed them first. I do not trust anyone at Brooklyn and I think they are capable of anything.

  • bluesapphire

    Although it's horrible and I hate that man - Mahoney, at least he sent the guy to therapy. Probably he was so ignorant that he thought that the therapy could "cure" the guy and that's why he kept on sending him to different parishes.

    Anyway, there are no excuses but I do notice some differences between the RCC and the WT's ways of handling things. Seems Mahoney (even though he's an asshole) at least was humble enough to know that he himself couldn't help the ped-priest. WT would never be so humble. They would counsel him with scriptures and send him on his merry way.

  • JT
    Although it's horrible and I hate that man - Mahoney, at least he sent the guy to therapy

    excellent point, while many say there is no cure, AT LEAST THEY SENT THE GUYS FOR HELP compare that to the wt

    you got 3 Cheese and Cracker Men with a Max of 12th grade education if that depending on what country you are in-- and they tell the man

    1 stay away from kids

    2. read the mag

    3 attend all meeting

    4 sell books on a regular basis

    and that is the extent of the Help that a person will get who has this problem

    any 1st yr medical student knows reading the wt publicaiton will not help a man with this problem

    yet this is the advice that so many have been given

  • JT
    I do not think it too far-fetched a scenario wherein some elders, either on their own or in obedience to oral "nudges" from HQ, in a misguided attempt to protect the organization and/or themselves, begin discarding damaging files and other probative documentation. Nothing like adding obstruction of justice charges to their offenses

    you got a point there, many elders will be more than willing to be the fall guy for the wt

  • JT
    I do not think it too far-fetched a scenario wherein some elders, either on their own or in obedience to oral "nudges" from HQ, in a misguided attempt to protect the organization and/or themselves, begin discarding damaging files and other probative documentation. Nothing like adding obstruction of justice charges to their offenses

    you got a point there, many elders will be more than willing to be the fall guy for the wt

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