I went to Church today

by Trauma_Hound 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trauma_Hound

    ... and donated a bunch of adult and baby food for the homeless. It actually was actually near the start of a sermon, they're choir was singing, sounded very good actually. The reason I went to the church, was because they were outside my safeway trying to get donations, so I took they're sheet and bought a bunch of food that was listed on it, when I came out, they were gone. So I called the number on the pamplet, and they left me a message today, so I dropped by after work to drop the food off. Well you think the dubs gang greet new people, I don't think I was ever greeted this friendly at any Kingdom Hall. Of course I did stand out, like a buch muscle man with flower tattoos, because I live in a prodomatly African American part of Seattle. I almost thought about staying for a second, because the woman that run the homeless food program, came up to get the food from me. She was very friendly, and well honestly quite stunning looking. I do have a thing for dark women, my ex-wife was African American, but she had these eyes that just made you want to look into them forever, and I thought about staying for a second. There was one thing that did bother me, because I had to double park my car, and they had me double park in front of the Pastor's car, and well it was a big black, brand new Mercedes. I don't drive a Mercedes, and I'm not poor by any means. Something bothers me, when a Minister makes more money than I do, and I'm giving food for the homeless at his ministry.


  • MegaDude


    Trust your instincts on that one. I left a church when they put up one of those big cheap plastic signs on it that advertized their low prices for using their tanning beds in their gym. There was the sign flapping outside the main sancturary. I thought it was grossly offensive. What the *&^% were they thinking? What kind of message were they trying to send? Tanning for Jesus?

    A year later the minister was sued for sleeping with about seven women he had privately counseled in his office. He quit the ministry in disgrace and began *selling* something else....insurance.

  • gumby

    Something bothers me, when a Minister makes more money than I do, and I'm giving food for the homeless at his ministry.

    A whole lot of that kind of crap bothers me and so I don't bother.......(with churchy stuff)

    That was kind of you TH.

    There are so many programs out there to help others, yet it is so hard for a person who wants to help.....to trust that those asking, are involved in a wise thing. I know there are many good types of helpful organisations that have helped thousands........but HOW much of the donated money is pissed off.....or used needlessly on "other things" is the hard part to know....hence...it makes a person apprehensive.

    Helping individuals.... personally...with finances, items, or a shoulder....I feel is a safer bet.


  • Chap

    I am not an ex JW. I am what people would consider a born-again fundamentalist. I agree with you about the Mercedes but I have a story to relate. The reason I agree that pastors (and laypeople) should not drive around in fancy cars and live lavish lifestyles is the stumbling block issue. I am quoting from memory but Jesus said "it is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come but woe to the man by which they come." Question: Would you have stayed longer and possibly come back if the pastor was driving an old pick-up truck instead of the Mercedes? According to Jesus' teaching, that man could be in trouble come judgement day.

    Now the story. The pastor and his wife who retired last year served as a missionary to Africa for many years. I forget where exactly but he sure had some stories to tell. Anyway, he drove a Lincoln Town Car which was fairly new because he had a friend from college that owned a garage and got him the car for about 5 grand. He was about 60 and you can't get a decent car for much less than that anyway. He related this story from the pulpit about how he got the car. You couldn't keep this man from taking out the trash or climbing up ladders etc. (Well we made him agree not to climb ladders so he kept his word.) I had a discussion about the car especially from a visitors viewpoint about appearances but after serving so much time in the bush, I could see how one could say he should be able to drive a nice car. I'm not saying that a majority of pastors are like this man is but you can't always judge a book by its cover.

  • gitasatsangha

    The problem is that all too often, esp with Protestant Churches, being a pastor is just seen as a regular professional career move by some, almost like being an MD, a journolist, or a psychologist. The burgeoning divinity school (and I am not speaking for all, I have known some very sincere theology students) student wants to one day lead a large church and make a good career, and get a pretty wife. The proffit margins are being maximized lately by buildign much larger centers (often built in a manner similar to modern warehouses) with names that typically occlude the religious organization to which they are affiliated with (in other words.. "Life Eternal Center" sounds better then Route 42 Southern Baptist Church.). Some of them seat 5000 people. I am not automatically faulting the pastors themselves. My cousin is a paster of such a church and I believe he cares for his parishoners. But at the end of the day he is living the American dream.

    The African-American churches are a similar matter I guess, but I'm not going to discus them because it's really not my culture. It IS strange though, to see the richest man in a poor neighborhood be the preacher.

  • Trauma_Hound

    I don't know, maybe I shouldn't judge him by the car he drives, for all we know, he could have been wealthy before he started preaching, and is the reason there is a homeless food program in that area. But still there is that appearance thing anyways. The fact of the matter is, I'm willing to help people, but I'm not sure I would be willing to go to a church, not that I'm scared of them, it is just, that I'm not sure I actually believe in a god, or the bible for that matter. I grew up on the streets of Seattle, having run away from my JW upbringing and home. I help other programs, like one called Teen Feed in the U-District area, that is run out of another church. I actually used this, when I was a teen on the streets. They have a teen homeless shelter, and feed the kids on the street. I kind of feel, like that now I'm in a position, where I make good money, and want to pay back some of that kindness I was given.

  • freedom96

    I tend to not trust big organizations that ask for money. Though I will, and have donated to organized charities, I prefer to choose exactly where my money goes. I would rather help the individual directly.

    True, we may not know where the pastor got the money to drive that car. Perhaps he has other investments of time or money, and if so, good for him. But driving it where he did probably was not his best choice. He need not flaunt it.

  • Trauma_Hound

    I don't usually help with money, like in this case, I bought a bunch of food. I don't give money to street pan handlers either, it has been my experience when they're asking for money, for food, it's complete BS. When they ask that, I offer to buy them food, and they all of a sudden, make up some excuse, not to take the food. United Way, is a good example of a big organization where alot of money goes to overhead.

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