Jw's (and others) defending their child abuse policy - videos

by izobcenec 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • izobcenec

    today is D-day in Sweden, TV programme about JW child abuse problem
    on their website you can watch few videos from:

    J.R Brown, Director Office of Public Information (man som sitter framför fönster)

    M. Ruth Infante, Psychiatrist, Psychopharmacology (kvinna med rosa skjorta)

    Philip Brumley, General Counsel for Christian Congregation of Jehovas Witnesses(man i läderfltölj)

    David Sinclair, Congregation Elder (man i bll kavaj framför mörka bokhyllor)

    Dr. Rodney Stark, Sociologist (man sittande framför ljusa bokhyllor)

    Robert P. Dickey, Pediatrics (man med ljus kavaj)

    Tammy Bea Gwaltney, Executive Director, Network Against Sexual Violence (kvinna i rött)

    go to this page and scroll down the text...and click on VIDEO icon...its all in english (real video)


  • Matty

    Thank you izobcenec for the info. I'm getting an error when I click on that particular link though - I guess there must be some problems on the site.


  • izobcenec
  • izobcenec

    Dont click on the link but copy-paste it...it should work then...

  • Matty

    Yes, so it does - how odd!

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