Forget the Dalai LAma

by Zep 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zep

    Forget that dalai lma crap(that was BS i cant belive i wrote all that stuff) heres the down to earth version

    Well, My story!

    I'm not a JW....I read from age 15 to say 21 all the watchtowers and stuff...and was pretty well versed in it...knew all the basics,thought that 1914 stuff was pretty cool, i was amazed when i first read that and alll that Revelation and Babaylon the Great, i thought JW had a lot of answers at times but had latent Questions in the back of me head. I went to a few meetings, they just felt weird, i felt outa place, i didn't sing any songs that for sure...did a bible study, that was silly...because we just read one of there books and i already knew the stuff by then...i read the books within weeks but the bible study went for 4 months, i just didn't know how to tell the guy that the study was i just asked Questions anyway, we'd debate, i gave him a read hard time....asked one really curly question he had to go away to the Elders and they just fobbed me off with a patronizing answer.I liked the guy who took me for the study BTW...i think hes better off being a JW than the way he was before, was a real messed up waster.....Anyway i must have been asking too many questions cause he wanted to bring a guy called an OVERSEER round, i didn't what they were then...maybe they wanted to suss me out or something cause i asked too much???? i dont know!?.Anyway it culminated with when we had an argument, i say "this stuff just doesnt click"...and he got stuck into me about not going to meeting so how would i i said"i dont go cause it dont click"...the i said "i dont want to do this Bible study anymore...yeah thats right" i Really pissed him off when i said should have seen the look on his face as he left, it hit him out of the blue, he must have been thinkin satan got into my head!!!!!
    Thos days were real weird, i remember he came in at the start of the study and just started praying...i just looked at him...i couldn't figure it out.And i remeber when i found out that this lady i use to see around when i was a kid(she use to come around to selling magazines stinking of Garlic) was one of the annointed....i gave him a real hard time about that and how she knew and stuff, i made a joke of it, i dont know.Anyway my connection ended there with JW's, i did read a lot of there stuff and it sort of coloured my thinking...i just didn't know what to think at the time, i thought "i'll just study there stuff later in life" did have an impact on my thinking, more than i'd like to admitt probably! but i'm no way like you guys! it just one of those things!
    Anyway, last year..i get this call from a friend and he's saying how he's in with JW's and that...cause he rembers i was studying the stuff before ( i'm 27 now)and he's saying "yeah it definitly the truth and he's getting baptized and gettin married cause he cant live in sin with his Girl friend.....and he asks me what i think of it all and i say real diplomatically.."i dont know, if i was a christain thats what i'd probably be"...i really didn't have a clue what to think of 'em, still thought they had some good points and that 1914 stuff seemed pretty good from memory....never could understand the blood issue.Anyway he got me thinking on the issue, and i started reading a little of their stuff again and then stop...I cruise into h20 as a Lark, just a peek, i thought it was a JW board...and the first thing i find out is that "this generation" has changed...incidentally the friend was talking to last year, has no idea they have changed it, they've taught him the old stuff (FIGURE THAT??????????)he thinks the generation of 1914 not going to pass away...i told him not to get his hopes up moreorless by saying that it could be another 20 years and he just says "yeah BUT...i dont think so, i think its goin to happen in the next few but after 2000 just to screw up all the idiots who thinks its going to happen then"
    So for the next 4 months i just hang out at H20...not serious, just casually reading stuff...i post crap!nonsense stuff, not really going anywhere with it...but now i've got sucked into it in the last 2 months, in analysing all this stuff....i finding it sort of interesting, i want to know how wrong JWs really are, cause i sort of believed it when i was young, so i'm just learning...but dont know, a few months ago was gunna go to KH to check it out again, now i just feel "whats the point"???????? still might go though...dont know why, dont know what i'm thinking on that point????? considering i'm pretty much of the opinion its all bullshit pretty much? ....i'm one of the new breed of people out there who throught the NET are gunna find out that JW's arn't all they crack themselves up to be!


  • waiting

    Hey, Zep,

    Glad to have you hang out here. I don't think anyone here has any hard answers to much.

    That's why we come here - just space to look and think.


  • Dubby

    Hey Zep,

    I think you're pretty perceptive. I just sucked it all down(JW doctrine). I believed everything they said. Things I didn't or couldn't understand, well, I just thought it too deep or intellectual for me. I met some very intellegent people at the Kingdom hall, and thought; how could they be wrong? Obviously I was young and naive, never having studied religion before.

    I can't emphasize enough to people this: Check it out! Get more than one side of the story! Do a little or a lot of research! Don't hand over your life and mind to a belief system that you haven't studied from all angles! The problem is, when you first start studying with the JW's, it all sounds so good(except the door to door part, that's scary!). It isn't until later that one starts finding that it's mostly hogwash! Just studying the Society's own written material(stay away from the rewritten bound volumns!) from the start will show a person that they constantly have things bas-ackwards!

    "Enjoy God's creation, ride a dirt bike!"

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