An Essay I'm Writing To My Family

by ColdRedRain 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    I'm working on this essay for my family (At least the ones that are open minded enough.) to show them why it makes no sense for me to be a Witless.

    God has chosen a group of men that included the right hand man of a famed Apocalyptic cult leader that said Jesus would return in 1845, a famed swindler, a man that had a mistress, a man that based some of his dates for biblical prophecies on the Great Pyramid, a contemporary object not specifically mentioned in the bible, then denying he ever did that, a man who unethically took over a corporation and am alcoholic who told people to break prohibition laws in his religious journal, all to play roles his new church?

    What would you think if God chose these guys just for auxiliary roles in his church? You would scoff at the idea. You'd think that I'm insane. Yet, these men that were mentioned played key roles in the formation of a controversial church. Actually, I'm only mentioning 2 people. CT Russell and Joseph Rutherford. And they claim to be chosen by god.

    But you may say, "You're only looking at the people, not Jehovah." Then in that case, I would still have a case not to join the JW's. They've been proven through some of the above actions that they're not with god. The last time I checked, thieves, false prophets, drunkards, adulterers, liars and those that go "Beyond what is written" (Gal 4:6, 19+20)) did not inherit the Kingdom of God. If God wouldn't allow them to join him in his kingdom, why would he ever let them lead his people on earth? "But they're only people" you may say. The Sadducees were also just people, does that mean that they're righteous, despite rejecting Jesus?

    No, it meant that they were holy men that were corrupt. You may also say "But even though the Witnesses had a bad past, their present isn't as controversial and they're still a good religion." Ignoring all of the current controversies following them right now, can you read Matthew 7:17 and honestly defend them?

    But you may also say, "They have the closest thing to the truth, so it's best to stay with them."

    The truth? Take a look at some of their "Truths". For instance, The New World Translation is touted to be by the Witnesses, the translation that gives the most glory to god, using his name everywhere. However, this is wrong. Nowhere in the original Greek NT texts is "Jehovah" mentioned. Not even the Hellenized version of the name "Jehovah" (Most of the NT is written in Greek, BTW) is found in the NT. The word that they translate as "Jehovah" is Adonai, which means "Father" in Greek. Just to overpromote their gimmick that they're the only religion that uses god's name.

    Another one of their "Truths" is that how they taught that 1914 was a marked year consistently. Not true. For a short time, they taught how 1915 was a marked year until WW1 broke out. (For more on that, read "Endtime Predictions" by Richard Abenes.)

    They also insinuated of the time that the endtime would occur many times. (Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, 1989) And they've claimed that as prophets. (Awake June 6, 1986).

    With truths like these, it's no question that they're a "Rotten Tree". As Matthew 7:17 said, a rotten tree can't produce good fruit.

    Now you see why I don't want to be a Witness?

    Whadda think?

  • Prisca
    God has chosen a group of men that included the right hand man of a famed Apocalyptic cult leader that said Jesus would return in 1845, a famed swindler, a man that had a mistress, a man that based some of his dates for biblical prophecies on the Great Pyramid, a contemporary object not specifically mentioned in the bible, then denying he ever did that, a man who unethically took over a corporation and am alcoholic who told people to break prohibition laws in his religious journal, all to play roles his new church?

    If your family ask for proof, do you have anything to back up your claims? They are pretty wild stuff, so you will need to have something substantial to back them up. Just saying to a JW "I read it on an apostate website" wouldn't be enough.

    Another one of their "Truths" is that how they taught that 1914 was a marked year consistently. Not true. For a short time, they taught how 1915 was a marked year until WW1 broke out. (For more on that, read "Endtime Predictions" by Richard Abenes.)

    They also taught that 1874 was the year of Christ's return, and 1914 was the date when Armageddon would come. The Harp of God (1921, 1926) is where they said this, if you can get your hands on a copy.

  • jgnat

    What is your goal here? To vent? To convince? I think short "sound bytes" of information with your family, though it takes longer, will reap you a more productive result.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    rain; your letter is fine it lays the ground work of what's wrong with the wt .. thier lying ways, a rotton tree cannot bare good fruit . that says a lot and the jw's love that verse. now your jw's friends will hate it. you have the right idea. add to that. was these false prophecies proper food at the proper time? and were they worship acceptable to god? hold to this line of reasoning and you cannot be out talked . just keep repeating it over and over . they either will see the light ,or walk away in time.....good for you freedom in christ ....

  • ColdRedRain

    >God has chosen a group of men that included the right hand man of a famed Apocalyptic cult leader said Jesus would return in 1845,

    It's well documented that CT Russell and Miller had a close association. All I have to do is bring up information from a neutral website.

    >a famed swindler,

    Miracle wheat. It's also well documented, and I could get photostatic copies of old Watchtowers to back my claims up.

    >a man that had a mistress,

    OK, that's a rumor. I'll strike that from the essay.

    >a man that based some of his dates for biblical prophecies on the Great Pyramid,a contemporary object not specifically mentioned in the bible, then denying he ever did that,

    That's also well documented in some of Russell's old writings. I could get that either from the public library or from the KH library.

    >a man who unethically took over a corporation and am alcoholic who told people to break prohibition laws in his religious journal, all to play roles his new church?

    Pictures, mydeary, pictures. Do you remember the pictures of Rutherford holding the keg on (I think that's the URL.)

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