Change a Kingdom song Contest!

by qwerty 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • qwerty

    Most will know I still attend the meetings, for "family reasons". I can barely sing the Kingdom songs anymore. I find myself changing the words to more appropriate ones, trying to do it in the ear shot of my wife!

    We've had caption contests on here, what about change a Kingdom song Contest?

    If you want to be reminded of how it goes!....

    Song 42
    “This Is the Way”
    (Isaiah 30:20, 21)
    1. God’s voice keeps on calling; O walk in the way,
    The way that Jehovah has shown us today.
    He has a fine channel that’s surely unique,
    And through it he chooses to warn and to speak.
    This is the way in which to walk.
    O do not wait! O do not balk!
    With our own ears, we hear the call so crystal clear.
    About it we should ever talk.
    God’s spirit will help us to walk straight ahead.
    In tracks of uprightness we do well to tread.

    2. The word from behind us, how pleasant its tone,
    For our Grand Instructor has made his way known.
    We hear with discernment and listen with care.
    Of taking false steps we now want to beware.
    Walk in God’s way of truth and light,
    The way of holiness so bright.
    Our eyes of faith do see that soon true peace there’ll be,
    For Christ now reigns with Kingdom might.
    No right or left turning we dare ever take,
    But walking in God’s way, advancement we’ll make.

    3. The way of Jehovah we need to expound
    To those who will listen the wide world around.
    Like doves to their dovecotes, those hearing now flock
    And come to the true God, their Refuge, their Rock.
    Jehovah’s way is one of peace.
    From Satan’s world He gives release.
    In paths of righteousness and ways of pleasantness,
    He leads to life that will not cease.
    We lift up our heads, then, and quicken the pace,
    With eyes on the Kingdom, our true resting-place.

    qwerty (Sorry for bringing back any bad memories!)

  • TR

    Here's the song "dialectized" to "jive":

    “Dis Is de Way” (Isaiah 30:20, 21) 1. God’s voice keeps on callin'; O walk in de way, De way dat Jehovah gots shown us today. Slap mah fro! He gots a fine channel dat’s sho' manly unique, And drough it he chooses t'warn and t'rap. Dis be de way in which t'walk. Ya' know? O do not wait! Right on! O do not balk! Right on! Wid our own ears, we hear de call so's crystal clear. Ah be baaad... About it we should eva' talk. Ya' know? God’s spirit gots'ta help us t'walk straight ahaid. In tracks uh uprightness we do well t'tread.

    2. De wo'd fum behind us, how pleasant its tone, Fo' our Grand Head homeboy gots made his way knode. We hear wid discernment and listen wid care. Of takin' false steps we now wanna beware. Walk in God’s way uh trud and light, De way uh holiness so's bright. Man! Our eyes uh faid do see dat soon true peace dere’ll be, Fo' Christ now reigns wid Kin'dom might. Man! No right o' left turnin' we dare eva' snatch, But walkin' in God’s way, advancement we’ll make.

    3. De way uh Jehovah we need t''spound To dose who gots'ta listen de wide wo'ld around. Like doves t'deir dovecotes, dose hearin' now flock And mosey on down to de true God, deir Refuge, deir Rock. Ya' know? Jehovah’s way be one uh peace. From Satan’s wo'ld He gives release. In alleys uh righteousness and ways uh pleasantness, He leads t'life dat gots'ta not cease. We lift down our haids, den, and quicken de pace, Wid eyes on de Kin'dom, our true restin'-place.


  • riz


    Slip me some skin, my brotha. That was tight. Sho' nuff.


    Insanity in individuals is something rare- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule. - Nietzsche

  • TR

    Here it is again, done in "Swedish Chef":

    Sung 42 “Thees Is zee Vey” (Iseeeeh 30:20, 21) 1. Gud’s fueece-a keeps oon celleeng; Oo velk in zee vey, Zee vey thet Jehufeh hes shoon us tudey. Bork bork bork! He-a hes a feene-a chunnel thet’s soorely uneeqooe-a, Und thruoogh it he-a chuuses tu vern und tu speek. Thees is zee vey in vheech tu velk. Oo du nut veeet! Oo du nut belk! Veet oooor oovn iers, ve-a heer zee cell su crystel cleer. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Ebuoot it ve-a shuoold ifer telk. Gud’s spureet veell help us tu velk streeeght eheed. Bork bork bork! In trecks ooff upreeghtness ve-a du vell tu treed. Bork bork bork!

    2. Zee vurd frum beheend us, hoo pleesunt its tune-a, Fur oooor Grund Instrooctur hes mede-a hees vey knoon. Bork bork bork! Ve-a heer veet deescernment und leestee veet cere-a. Ooff tekeeng felse-a steps ve-a noo vunt tu booere-a. Velk in Gud’s vey ooff troot und leeght, Zee vey ooff huleeness su breeght. Um de hur de hur de hur. Oooor iyes ooff feeet du see-a thet suun trooe-a peece-a zeere-a’ll be-a, Fur Chreest noo reeegns veet Keengdum meeght. Um de hur de hur de hur. Nu reeght oor lefft toorneeng ve-a dere-a ifer teke-a, Boot velkeeng in Gud’s vey, edfuncement ve-a’ll meke-a.

    3. Zee vey ooff Jehufeh ve-a need tu ixpuoond Tu thuse-a vhu veell leestee zee veede-a vurld eruoond. Bork bork bork! Leeke-a dufes tu zeeur dufecutes, thuse-a heereeng noo fluck Und cume-a tu zee trooe-a Gud, zeeur Reffooge-a, zeeur Ruck. Jehufeh’s vey is oone-a ooff peece-a. Frum Setun’s vurld He-a geefes releese-a. In peths ooff reeghteuoosness und veys ooff pleesuntness, He-a leeds tu leeffe-a thet veell nut ceese-a. Ve-a leefft up oooor heeds, zeen, und qooeeckee zee pece-a, Veet iyes oon zee Keengdum, oooor trooe-a resteeng-plece-a.


  • goo

    tr - hilarious. man you must be getting good on that guitar now, everytime i look at you you're playing it.

    qwerty - can you load the mp3 files up onto your post? why do things in halves? oh and prferably the "as sung by the bethel family" versions those ones always made me feel that little bit closer to god.


  • mommy

    That is too funny Thanks for the bellylaugh so early in the morning. I was imagining the chef from "The Muppets" singing heehee.

  • qwerty

    Song 42
    “This Is the Way”
    (Isaiah 30:20, 21)
    1. Borg's voice keeps on calling; O walk in the way,
    The way that Gov bod has shown us today.
    There it as a flawed channel that’s surely unique,
    And through it they choose to whine and to squeak.
    This is the way in which to balk.
    O do not think! O do not talk!
    With our own ears, we hear the call, so give us a beer.
    About it we should ever squalk.
    Pioneer spirit will help us to tack too and throw.
    In tracks of uptightness we do well to shead.

    2. The word from behind us, oh how it does mone,
    For the Governing Body has made it's way known.
    We hear with discernment and listen on chairs.
    Of hating false truths we now want to beware.
    Walk in bod's way of "truth" and flight,
    The way of huggliness, so fight.
    Our pies of faith do see that soon true peas there’ll be,
    For the Borg now reigns with Kingdom might.
    No right or left turning we dare ever take!
    But walking in bod’s way, advancement we’ll fake.

    3. The way of Brooklyn we need to expound
    To those who will listen the wide world around.
    Like dubs to their dubvecotes, those hearing now mock
    And come to the true bod, their Refuge, their not!
    Borg's way is one of fleace.
    For Satan’s world He gives increase.
    In paths of brainwasheousness and ways of thoughtlesness,
    It leads to a life that will not cease.
    We lift up our cheques, then, and quicken the pace,
    With eyes on the assimulation, our true testing-place.

  • goo

    that was so funny qwerty - thanks goo.

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