Restricted access to the Bethel libraries

by Room 215 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Room 215
    Room 215


    In your most interesting post in response to the thread in reference above, you mentioned ``access to the Bethel libraries" as one of the prerogatives of your position, you suggest that such access is currently restricted or privileged. My experience there in the mid-sixties was that the libraries were freely available to all members of the Bethel family; indeed, during the six-month period of our new-boy initiation, we were expected/required to spend three hours on non-meeting nights to do our Primary School research/homework.

    So then, are the Bethel libraries current off-limits to non-authorized Bethelites?

  • Gamaliel

    The libraries were open to all up until 1980 when the Bethel library was moved from the 10th floor of 124 C.H. down to Squibb. The Bethel Library was the one used by the Writing Department, so it had all the major commentaries and ALL (multiple copies, too) of the old books, booklets, magazines (Wt, Golden Age, Consolation), Food for Thinking Christians, Informants, Messengers, KMs, songbooks, Rutherford's legal books, transcripts of court cases -- everything. (Russell, Rutherford, Quackenbush, Cole, Moyle). It was moved to Squibb supposedly for the renovation of 124, but no Bethelite access was allowed at Squibb. It was now for the Gilead and Writing use only.

    The 107 C.H. "Gilead" Library was good enough for me, it had many of the old publications. But it had almost no commentaries, and it also contained a lot of "fluff." Subtly, the old valuable stuff was removed. Rutherford booklets and old tracts were moved along with most of the older Russell related books started moving out. I left in 1980, so I don't know exactly what finally became of the 107 Library. I assume it's still around (maybe in the Tower now?) for Bethelite access. But I'd bet there are less Bible translations, no commentaries except maybe the innocuous Barnes and Matthew Henry, a limited number of old publications, and plenty of less embarrassing recent publications. Things may have changed again by now, I only know how I left it in 1980.

    There was a small library on the second floor of 107 for immediate access to Bro. Glass' classroom, along with fairly good reference libraries in the offices of some GB members. I was never caught by the night watchman, but I used to lock myself in Bro. Glass' classroom, sit on the floor behind his podium to read his Gilead Notes. I didn't know at the time that Bud, the front desk guy at 124, would later be able to get me my own "student" copy (for a price).

    What a waste of time!


  • Gamaliel

    Room 215,

    Today after I answered, I wanted to do a little more research on the current Bethel library situation so I called some friends all over the country. I couldn't find out what the current situation is exactly but I heard a new story I hadn't heard before:

    Sam Friend was giving the "special tour" to a group in the mid-80's and he takes them to the Bethel Library at Squibb and says "we keep it locked up now because of the way that the Great Apostates were using it a few years ago."

    I don't know if that's an exact quote but the teller thought it was funny that he used the words "Great Apostates." Sounds like some obscure Scriptural fulfillment in the making. For example: "These library books, which represent the full remnant of works by Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz and the Governing Body, were actually put into spiritual captivity in 1981. Since many of the older books were moth-eaten and the words in them represent the locust plagues upon Chrysanthemum, I mean Christendom, we thought that letting Beetle-ites in here would be like opening a real Pandora's box -- all Pandemonium would break loose. What's that you say? ......Pandora is not in the Bible?!...... oh! never mind... (boy we sure do miss Freddy)."

    Sam Friend, btw, had a perfect name for that old joke about an anointed who goes AWOL from heaven, for a good time on earth, and tries to sneak back through the pearly gates without his harp. Punchline? I left my harp in Sam Friend's disco.


  • mustang


    LOL @ Great Apostates. What did they do, build the Great Pyramid single-handedly??? or did they refuse to go along with Russell's Pyramidology?

    Recently somebody posted pictures of the Bethel cemetery plots. They mentioned that the place was referred to as "The Launching Pad". Maybe there is some humor in the lower, nether reaches of New York, after all.

    Anyway, is this some prophetic reference??? Was the Great Apostate Ray Franz? Was he mentioned in the scriptures???


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