The Watchtower Letters, part 10

by NeonMadman 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeonMadman

    OK, I haven't done one of these posts in several days, and this one is short, so I figure it's all right if I post two today.

    This is a pretty simple one. At one point in my (admittedly short) career as a regular pioneer, I entertained thoughts of bailing out of the congregation where I was assigned, and going "where the need was greater" So I wrote the Society to inquire, and they sent me what must have been a fairly standard reply, suggesting a congregation that was about a 45 minute drive away.

    I went and visited that congregation, and had a long talk with the PO (who was the only elder assigned there). He was interested in having someone come and help, of course. When I mentioned it to the elders where I was assigned, one of them said, "What are you doing writing letters?" - though he didn't intend it to be as harsh as it seems when you read it written out like that. They very much wanted me to stay.

    After considering the condition of both congregations, I decided that the congregation I was in was in worse shape than the other one, and wrote to the Society to that effect. They responded with the second, even shorter letter. It amused me greatly that they implicitly acknowledged my reason for staying - that my congregation was more screwed up than the one they were thinking of sending me to.

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