This is how stupid college kids are today

by mickbobcat 8 Replies latest social current

  • mickbobcat

    Not only college kids but a lot of liberal idiots adults

  • pistolpete

    The College kids of today are tomorrows AOC's Congress of America.

  • mickbobcat

    That woman needs a ball gag. What an idiot dolt.

  • DesirousOfChange

    She should start a new Millennial Age religion.

  • oppostate

    The only thought more appalling than how idiotic some college students and liberals sound is the stupidity of conservatives who don't even qualify to be in college and say ten times more idiotic things than liberals do or say. E.g. most anything on showing up on OAN and Fox News commentaries.

  • mickbobcat

    Opp that is total bull shit. You are pulling dumb crap straight out of your rear end.

  • zachias
    Want to save the planet? Plant trees. New Zealand plant two for every one taken.
  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @zachias: the US has regrown natural forest more than the size of France in the last 30-something years. The problem with government programs from left-wing governments like New Zealand, is that you can't indefinitely plant 2-for-1, you'll run out of room, at which point they will invade other habitats with unhealthy trees (which they are already doing today).

    In NZ, the 1B tree program has caused exotic trees threatening naturally regenerating bush through wilding invasion, and invaded tussock (natural long and sturdy grass) landscapes too (the landscapes you see in movies like Lord of the Rings).

    Included in the species is radiata pine (the main source/type for cheap NZ wood). This is an ecological degradation that has received insufficient attention for too long. In consequence, much regenerating bush is doomed, because poor, left-wing, tree hugging policy.

    Trees aren't the answer to everything, most wood in the west already comes from farmed trees (because they're cheaper to grow, cut and process than natural trees), the expensive wood like cedars that does come from natural sources is only in demand due to the very rich, primarily left-wing, people that want to have the 'natural' look to complement their 'green' buildings. But to political simpletons and left-wing city dwellers, planting cheap, invasive trees is the end-all-be-all. Every building you enter that has that 'green' and 'natural' look, the interior of GreenPeace offices for example, uses expensive, high quality, big energy consumption to cut and process "naturally grown wood" instead of cheap farmed pine or high quality plastics.

  • Rivergang

    Pinus radiata doesn't even make good toilet paper.

    That is why Asaleo Care's papermill at Kawerau in New Zealand has to import woodpulp from as far away as Brazil. Only when the local product is blended with a generous amount of imported pulp can a half-decent tissue paper be made.

    Otherwise, the bloody stuff grows like a weed!

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