The Watchtower is in the renovation NOT construction business now

by raymond frantz 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    The Watchtower is officially in the renovation business NOW (no more building) because the "brothers"(Freemasonic scum of Pensylvania?) know best 🤣🤣🤣

    ***from the latest Watchtower article 07/12/23

  • Listener
    They don't have any shortage of free labour but like most construction companies, they would have had serious problems with material supply issues as well as much higher costs.
  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Please give the correct citation, as there is no 7/12/23 issue

  • iloowy.goowy
    because the "brothers"(Freemasonic scum of Pensylvania

    Okay now Mr Frantzypants, why do you even think "the brothers" are Freemasonic and scum? It sounds rather like you are besmirching Freemasons without reason. Call the brothers scum if you will, but why mention Freemasons? It just makes you sound like a conspiracy monger.

    Many of the USA founding fathers were Freemasons, the same ones who signed the Declaration of Independence and gave us here our Constitution. I would not call those men scum for being Freemasons, far from it, they remain our heroes of liberty and independence.

    Your prejudice shows and is sickeningly pathetic. Grow up man, learn some history.

  • truthlover123

    Society continues to feed the pubs with this "growing" scenario to keep the money flowing but the one day and three day in our area were wash outs for donations and attendance. If they let off on the growth idea of this org, then people will become depressed thinking the days are gone for growth- leading to less money in coffers as this org relies heavily on new converts for money - Amway system. Last year there were only two videos of hall construction projects - wow- what happened to the 1200- 1500 per year that was projected.. I see halls being sold, not built yet praise is given for the smallest percentage to keep folks giving and giving ad nauseum

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    STUDY ARTICLE 37 Rely on Jehovah, as Samson Did, paragraph 7.

    I see we have many Freemasons amongst us

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    iloowy.goowy, freemasons like the gnostics before them were adversarial to Christian values and beliefs, I'm not their friend and do not care about their masterplan


    The Watchtower—Study Edition | September 2023


    Rely on Jehovah, as Samson Did

    7 Many brothers and sisters who are involved in theocratic construction projects have shown trust in Jehovah. In the past, brothers usually designed and constructed most new Kingdom Halls and other buildings. Eventually, though, the needs of Jehovah’s growing organization called for an adjustment. The responsible brothers sought Jehovah’s direction and tried new methods, such as purchasing facilities and renovating them. “At first, it was not easy for some to embrace this new approach,” says Robert, who in recent years has worked with many of our building projects around the world. He continues: “It was very different from what we had been doing for years. But the brothers were willing to adapt, and it has become evident that Jehovah is blessing these adjustments.” This is just one example of how Jehovah is guiding his people to accomplish his will. From time to time, all of us do well to ask ourselves, ‘Am I looking for Jehovah’s direction and remaining adaptable in my service to him?’

    Robert ( who worked on the construction of new Kingdom Halls and other buildings) is now a renovation worker. Since the Watchtower Society is paying for too many pedophile lawsuits, they have no choice but to purchase older facilities and renovate them.

    Also, the paragraph forgets to mention Bethel layoffs and all non-essential branch projects were either cancelled or put on hold years ago. Watchtower Headquarters asked branches to sell as much equipment as they could liquidate.

    Jehovah adjusts to the new renovation projects. If Jehovah can make the adjustment, the brothers need to embrace and adapt to these changes.

  • Vidiot

    Polishing and selling off the family silver is not a sustainable method for sound financial health.

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