Before attempting to persuade someone that life evolved, first discuss genetics.

by fulltimestudent 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    The reasoning behind the thread''s title was developed by a team looking at the teaching of evolution. "The team, led by Professor Laurence Hurst at the Milner Centre for Evolution, University of Bath hypothesised that since core concepts of genetics (such as DNA and mutation) are so intimately linked to the core concepts of evolution, then priming students with genetics information might help their understanding of evolution."

    More at:

  • Vidiot


  • sir82

    Probably a good idea.

    If they are smart enough to understand the basics of genetics (a non-controversial subject), it is easy to get them to see the relationship to evolution.

    If they are too dumb to understand genetics, they'll forever be stuck at the "if men evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?" stage, so any attempt at reasoning would be futile.

  • cognisonance

    I don't think that approach would help JWs as it's geared towards high school students. Additionally the acceptance rates were unchanged by the order of instruction, only the test scores. Instead I'd recommend Jerry Coyne's Why Evolution is True for anyone that is a JW.

  • jp1692

    Great thread FTS!

    Scientific literacy is woefully lacking among the general population, and that is a serious problem. It is impossible for anyone to be an active participant in modern society without having at least a passing level of knowledge of scientific facts and methods. Full, active citizenship in a democratic society depends upon all members to have at least a basic, minimal understanding of what science is and how it works. Diverse topics ranging from climate change to stem cell research, from the global collapse of bee colonies to the search for exoplanets all require at least some fluency in considering scientific data and evidence as well as the arguments which develop from them.

    In the United States, many states have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for science education in public schools.

    One aspect of these standards is an increased focus on teaching molecular biology and genetics. Although the NGSS support genetic literacy better than existing standards, there are still "gaps [that] exist in the coverage of essential genetics concepts, most worryingly concepts dealing with patterns of inheritance, both Mendelian and complex" (Lontok et al, 2015).

    For anyone interested in a deeper dive, here is a detailed, scholarly analysis: "Assessing the Genetics Content in the Next Generation Science Standards."

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Not just genetics. They should also be primed with a knowledge of statistics and epidemiology. Epidemiology is not directly related to evolution but it provides some useful memes that would be helpful in understanding evolution.

  • jp1692

    “To be scientifically literate is to empower yourself to know when someone else is full of shit.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson‏

  • cofty

    If there was not one single fossil and no other evidence of any kind evolution would be proven beyond all doubt on the basis of genetics alone.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    DNA proves that we evolved which flushes the Watchtower corporation's defense for man's creation happening around 4 thousand something BC right down the toilet of discarded ignorance.

    Anyway it don't take a rocket scientist to find out the WT is full of shit. Just a little common sense and the internet at you finger tips, just ask Google.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The Watchtower Corporation hopes to keep it membership for as long as possible believing in the unscientific bull shit they base their major non profit $$$$ from to keep expanding but seems to be in a bit of decline which spells bankruptcy religion or not.

    Anyway Profits are on a sharp decline as internet access expands so say bye bye to these religious frauds. No matter how fast they can they can liquidate all potential kingdom hall grabs and kicking the elderly on skid row in gratitude for all the hard work they did for them getting their slave labor from these gullible.

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