Faith in the Flood,-- a Dud.

by prologos 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    The flood story was done to evoke power and relevance to the god the ancient Hebrews worshipped namely Yahweh.

    There were many other stories told by this civilization concerning their select god as well with the same inherent intent.

  • xjwsrock

    Noah's mother, brothers, and sisters ---**have perished in the flood".

    Another attempt to drive a wedge between family members in the congregations.

    Translation - Be loyal to the GB to the point of losing all your family.

    It's really just recently completely sunk in for me how synonymous their use of "Jehovah" is with "organization" "governing body" "kingdom" etc. It's all just loyalty to them. They are saying the exact same thing with all of the various phrases. There is no Jehovah without the GB in their theology. "Draw closer to Jehovah" means getting more bought in to the org's agenda. "Put Jehovah first" means put the org first in your life. There is no meaningful separation of terms. So it's pure manipulation and deceit.

    So when they say we should follow Noah's example of loyalty to Jehovah, they are just using a passage of scripture to coerce loyalty to them. Again,no separation of terms whatsoever.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS has used the Ark analogy many times inferring that look what happened to people who became unfaithful, god punished everyone by killing them.

    They first impose the thought that they are god's only true representatives on earth, then they say if your not loyal to us his chosen organization, the doors of the Ark are going to close up on you one day.

  • xjwsrock

    Fink- yeah i forgot about that. The organization is the ark. Fear-mongering much?

    I recently read an explanation of why so many ancient cultures have a flood story.

    Everybody basically believed the earth was flat.

    So, if you are living in your ancient village, and a huge flood comes and destroys your home and flood waters are as far as the eye can see, then you automatically assume the whole earth flooded. It's flat remember? So 20 ft of water floods the whole earth. Lol.

    So all these goofy uneducated paranoid ancient people with their flood stories that were passed down from generation to generation and exaggerated, prove absolutely nothing.

  • Finkelstein

    It does prove that human ignorance is an undeniably fact and was a consequence of so many gods envisioned in the past.

    Great calamitous events observed by the ancients were deemed to be caused by gods who controlled these kind of events such as earthquakes, lightening, floods , storms and so on.

    If we didn't have the knowledge we now have would we think differently ? probably not .

  • xjwsrock

    Good point.

  • prologos
    xjwsrock13 minutes ago

    Fink- yeah i forgot about that. The organization is the ark. Fear-mongering much?

    Everybody basically believed the earth was flat.

    So all these goofy uneducated paranoid ancient people with their flood stories that were passed down from generation to generation and exaggerated, prove absolutely nothing.

    Well, it proves the bible is not inspired, not proof-read by G.O.D or the writing staff. and if this is so, then:

    Their belief is an Imitation Faith, based on the Imitate Their Faith book.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    I'm glad they are looking at the Biblical flood because if there is one obviously crass fairy tale in the Bible it is this one. There is no physical evidence for it and it could not have happened!

    To believe this myth in today's more enlightened world makes the Bible believer look like a real twit.

    They should be waking up in their droves when they think about this subject.

  • xjwsrock
    They should be waking up in their droves when they think about this subject. - Half banana

    What's wrong with the above sentence? Lol....

  • Warren Wilson
    Warren Wilson
    My chump of a foster brother (in his mid fifties) still believes firmly that the rainbow is only in the sky because god put it there.

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