The Watchtower Letters, part 8

by NeonMadman 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeonMadman

    Here's a letter I wrote questioning the fact that a New Testament writer applied to Jesus a scripture that clearly referred to Jehovah in the Old Testament. Their answer was interesting - they cited a number of other cases where NT writers did the same thing, assuming that I would be so brainwashed by WT teaching that I would not realize that these added citations provided even more proof of the deity of Christ.

    The "principle at Matthew 10:40" that they cite does not refer to Jesus as representing Jehovah at all, but to the disciples representing Jesus. And the reference is to "receiving" Jesus by receiving his disciples. In other words, those who listened to and accepted the disciples' teaching would come into a relationship with Jesus as well. Not quite the same sort of allusion as when the OT speaks of Jehovah as being "pierced" or sold for 30 pieces of silver...

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