What Should I Say?

by Stephanus 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    I ran into some JWs I knew last night and asked them if I could get the latest magazines; no-one seems to call on us anymore! They said they'd be around sometime today.

    What subject should I bring up? The paedophilia issue? The backwards growth in the west (-1% last year here in Oz)? Change in blood doctrine? Re-organisation of the 'Tower? Shunning? The calibre of such able WT personnell as Fred Hall (I personally think it's wonderful that they are reraching out to the developmentally challenged like that and making them feel useful! About the only positive mark on their score card, IMO)? Any other suggestions?

  • hippikon

    I'dd love to be there. I just ask dumb questions. Like Hows the fredom of religion issue going in Russia? Do you pratice freedom of expression?

    Or perhaps Has armageddon been yet? I seem to have missed it!

    "But it does move"

  • hippikon

    Or perhaps you could ask.

    Who's in charge now? If they say Jesus say you'd like to meet him

    Do you still practice disfellowshipping for oral sex? ( If they say no you could ask for a blow job. If they say yes tell them you wan't to dob in your wife!)

  • outnfree


    Do you just want to yank their chains, so to speak? or do you really want to effect some good?

    If you want to effect some good, go review the "Opening the Closed Mind" article by Randy Watters at freeminds.org and see if there's something you can use there if these are 'friends' of yours who might actually converse with you. OR, if not, you might want to ask how certain Jehovah's Witnesses can justify [as a conscience matter]accepting all those allowed blood fractions which require HUGE amounts of stored blood to enable the extraction, while they NEVER, ANYWHERE, IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, actually DONATE blood of their own?

    If you want to yank their chains, any of hip's suggestions will work.

    (There'll likely be plenty of publicity on the pedaeophila issue shortly, so you needn't bring that to their attention.)

    Let us know how it turns out.


  • Stephanus

    Do you just want to yank their chains, so to speak? or do you really want to effect some good?

    You're right; I was genuinely interested in what I can say to get them thinking, but got carried away with the "chain yanking" or "piss taking" stuff (Fred should be obscene and not heard!). I don't really know how to approach the subject properly anymore. It often turns into a "My religion is better than yours" shitfight rather than anything productive; I just see those stupid pictures and captions on the magazine covers and go into "How stupid is that??" mode!

    The bottom line is: yes I do want to do some good, but how?

    BTW, the guy has already been today, and dropped off the "latest" magazines, May (if those're the latest, then why are articles from June mags being already quoted here? Do apostates have quicker access to "the truth" or something??) He'll be back, probably tomorrow, if he can find some April mags. And no, I didn't take the piss out of him when he came!

  • d0rkyd00d


    Here ya go buddy! don't know if u have this site bookmarked yet, but i love the questions posed on this site! Good luck! and if u want my advice, don't scare them away. pretend ur interested in what they have to say, too, or else they'll catch on to you and scream,"APOSTATE, APOSTATE!" and run out of the house without their things.

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

  • outnfree

    Dorky D00d,

    Have I ever told you how much I appreciate your "non-quote" quote?

    I will go to check out the link tomorrow.


    Well, now you have a little while to reflect on what you will say and to gather other helpful suggestions from others on this board.

    The people who have their subscriptions MAILED to them get them a bit sooner than the mags that show up at the magazine counter and have to be unpackaged (and COUNTED?). I just got my 6/1 in the mail on Friday, though I think someone else was already quoting from it here on Thursday. Your friends should have their June mags in their hot little hands very soon!

    I know that there is SO MUCH you want to get through these Witnesses' heads!!! It's very hard to be tactful and subtle, but if you want to "effect some good" you must restrain yourself as DD cautioned.

    Let's hear what the others have to say.

    Still laughing at the "Fred should be obscene and not heard" quip!

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