Mt 10:18 / JWdom

by Magnum 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    Mt 10:18 (NWT):

    And you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations.

    How has this worked out for JWdom? I always got the impression that JWs would be brought before governments and would give some kind of grand, impressive witness. Maybe JWs can relate some positive incidents, but the main thing that comes to my mind now is negative, that is, the org's being brought before government agencies because of the child molesting crisis. Think about the ARC. I don't see JWdom giving some kind of noble witness, but just trying to defend itself, and not looking very good in the process - definitely not giving some kind of witness that would attract people to it or even make people respect it.

    It seems to me that JWdom doesn't even want to be haled before the average person on the street anymore. It doesn't want scrutiny. That's why it's changed so much in the last few decades - becoming less analytical. JWs used to relish challenges and questions, but now, they run from such and/or direct people to their website (the material on which is no longer deep and analytical).

    So, I think Mt 10:18 ain't quite workin' out the way it was supposed to.

  • pistolpete

    And you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations.

  • smiddy3

    You just have to look at how the Elders performed at the Australian Royal Commission { ARC} to see how pathetic they were.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of TRUTH shall be evil spoken of.

    2 Peter 2 nails them. The TRUTH is NOW widely spoken evil of because of their damnable heresies.... like the Two-Witness rule.

  • nowwhat?

    Geoff Jackson's mealy mouth testimony said it all

  • GregW

    As its known the JWS gospel is wrought full of bullshit, which they think is the most honest (Righteous) and accurate by the WTS's own indoctrination.

    They were and are witnesses for the Watchtower Corporation and its devised gospel which isn't inline with bible scripture.

  • Guard

    Jesus gave these instructions to the apostles several times. Obviously, Matthew 10: 18 is a repetition of Mark 13:9-13, which is a direct reference to Matthew 24:14. And it is also a reference to Revelation 11: 3-6.

    Sorry, I don't speak English, but I also don't want to create any sects. I'm just sharing information.

    Pay attention to this:

    Of course, religious believers like Jehovah’s Witnesses will object that “worldwide preaching necessarily requires an organization“. Taught by the Watchtower, they truly believe it. But the Bible does not have this view in any way.

    The two prophets of the Apocalypse are not called “two olives” for nothing (Revelation 11:4). This directly refers to the 4th chapter of the prophet Zechariah, where the prophet was shown a vision of a lamp with “two olives”, which symbolized “two anointed ones”, i.e. holy ones (Zechariah 4:1-4,11-14). The term “two olives”, which is repeated in both texts, is never repeated in the rest of the Scriptures. And that clearly indicates, that in these texts Zechariah and John speak of the same saints and anointed servants of Jehovah.

    In this connection, it is interesting that, in response to Zechariah’s question “what is this?“, the angel said to the prophet:

    “This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel, saying, “Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” Jehovah of armies has said. (Zechariah 4:6, NWT).

    From this it is clear that the preaching of the holy ones will not be guided by an earthly organization, but solely by the Spirit of the Most High. However, we see another confirmation of this in the prophecy of Jesus, who answered the question of the apostles about the signs of the “end of the age”:

    Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains. “You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them. And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit. (Mark 13:8-11, New International Version)

    Note that Jesus also says that it is not so much the chosen ones themselves who will speak, but the Holy spirit through them. This confirms Zechariah’s prophecy that the word of Jehovah will be proclaimed not by an army, nor by a power (or organization), but exclusively by the Holy Spirit.

    Is this prophecy fulfilled on Jehovah’s Witnesses?

    Contrary to the command of Jesus Christ, Jehovah’s Witnesses carefully rehearse all their preaching speeches. And they always prepare for the courts, using the services of lawyers. Can such blatant disobedience to Christ be called the fulfillment of His prophecies? Can we call their preaching guided by the Holy spirit? The answer is obvious: no way!

    If in the first century preaching was conducted by the disciples of Christ, guided and anointed by the Holy Spirit, so why should it be otherwise in the “time of the end”? The Spirit of God guides only those in whom it lives. Therefore, the real preaching will be delivered only by those who are truly guided by the Spirit of God – sincerely and with willing obedience to Him.

    How will these last Holy preachers appear?

    The answer to this question is already partially contained in the above phrase of Christ. When Jesus has predicted the last preaching, He calls it “the beginning of birth pains” (Translation of these words is more correct in the New International Version Bible, than in New World Translation of Watchtower Society.). This is very important because it’s about the birth of the Holy nation, whose Father is God Himself, and the mother was “barren, not born” celestial “wife of God” (Galatians 4:22-31, Isaiah 49:14-22, 54:1-5). This “wife” figuratively describes the entire family of His faithful heavenly creatures. And this is correct, because the heavenly creatures do not give birth to children that God will adopt and make part of his heavenly family. This family named “heavenly Jerusalem” or “heavenly Zion”.

    Although Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that this nation was already born within their organization in the early 20th century, it is clear that they are mistaken. This people has never been born yet, because the real “Time of the End” and, accordingly, the predicted “beginning of birth pains” have never happened yet.

    Their birth is the moment of sealing by the Holy Spirit, described in the 7th Chapter of Revelation, where angels seal the chosen ones. And also in the 12th Chapter of Revelation, where the heavenly “woman clothed in the sun” and surrounded by the moon and 12 stars, gives birth to her Royal child. The sun, moon, and 12 stars remind us of Joseph’s dream (Genesis 37:9). From this dream, it is obvious that such symbolism says in analogy with the ancient type: “the wife” from the 12th Chapter of Revelation is “Israel”. But the fact that she gives birth in heaven best proves that this is the “heavenly Israel” – a family of faithful heavenly creatures who throughout history accompany (or figuratively “give birth”, i.e. carrying) faithful earthly servants.

    Therefore, as Isaiah says (and not only he), they will be gathered from all Nations. And enlightened by Jesus for the final preaching.

    This was recorded in Matthew 24:14. And this good news will be preached to all nations... By whom and when?


    Interestingly, at the same time, the stupid prophet e-Watchman wrote that the false preaching of Jehovah's Witnesses is "saving":

    When he read the above article his rhetoric changed! It has become even more inflated. Like the false prophets of the Watchtower, he began to plaster the wall of his own interpretations. The real prophets directed people's attention to Jehovah. And Robert King directs people's attention to the Watchtower. Although he understood a lot of things correctly, it is obvious that he is the shadow prophet of the Watchtower, at least.

    Because the real sermon predicted by Christ (Matthew 24:14) is yet to come.

  • mynameislame

    Witnesses carefully rehearse all their preaching speeches. And they always prepare for the courts, using the services of lawyers.

    Good point.

    The GB have utterly disgraced their “God-given” positions by dodging almost every opportunity to give a witness before Ceasar.

    They are cowards and hypocrites.


  • peacefulpete

    The section has had repeated redaction. As someone noted vs 18 is dependent on Mark 13 and doesn't actually make sense in the context of Matt 10's commission to preach to Jews only. Some later editor inserted it here rather than where it likely belong in chapter 28.

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