A.N.Z.A.C. Day 25th April 2017.

by zeb 9 Replies latest social current

  • zeb

    This day is when there are memorial services across Australia and New Zealand for our nations' war dead.

    On the 25th April 1915 the Australian and New Zealand Army corp' swept ashore at a beach on the mainland of Turkey at a place they call Galliboli or Gallipoli as it is known to us. The soldiers were landed at the wrong beach and were shot to hell they faced cliffs and thick coastal scrub. They were supposed to be landed some miles further along the coast which was lightly defended and flat sandy beaches. As they were being shot to bits the Royal Navy ships stood off and watched with no supporting fire as no one gave the order to.. fire. This was the underpin of the Gallipoli campaign a monumental f*** up. The only success was the evacuation that came months later with thousands dead left behind. Thousands of British, French and other nationalities were also involved and driven off eventually by the Turks.

    The plan was to land cut Turkey in 'half' and march on Istanbul forcing Turkey out of the war and hopefully ending it.

    Since then the special day remembers those who fought and were killed or wounded in WWII in the west and in the Pacific and subsequent actions. The Korean war, Malaya campaign and Vietnam, and many 'peace keeping' missions.

    "They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them. At the rising of the sun and the setting of the sun we shall remember them".

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    You can thank Winston Churchill for that failure and all those deaths. He was the architect for that disastrous attack. He was shamed out of his post for it.
  • waton

    He was not the only one to have another go at it, and improve the record. Playing with precious human lives. brave souls.

  • Phizzy

    Whose fault was it that they landed at the wrong place ?

  • dropoffyourkeylee
  • waton

    It seems there is no hatred between the two sides now. Hard to hate near antipodes? but

    Turkey learned it's lesson, did not get involved in the re-match,-- WW2. and of course, there was not a lot of recrimination because of the two sided mistreatment of prisoners of war so common in the other conflict. Armenia aside.

  • zeb

    Phizzy. wrong place? I am no expert on this matter but my guess it would have to be the Royal Navy.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I think Churchill was rather high up in the Royal Navy at that time, but I'm not sure you could lay the blame entirely on him. There was also a poignant film starring a young Mel Gibson about Gallipoli... well worth watching.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill
    Whose fault was it that they landed at the wrong place ?
    I am no expert on this matter but my guess it would have to be the Royal Navy.

    Strictly speaking, that is correct - inasmuch as it was the navy's job to get the troops ashore, and the Anzacs were put ashore in the wrong place.

    However, as far as I am unaware, the question as to how this situation came about has never ever satisfactorily been answered. There were suggestions made that it was an ocean current, of which the navy either did not about or failed to take into account. However, others have claimed this ocean current to be "non-existent". In the 1984 documentary Gallipoli, the New Zealand Story, Sir Leonard Thornton bluntly attributes the wrong location to a "blunder" made by "somebody."

    The truth will probably now never be known.

  • smiddy

    Then their was the ABC Muslim woman presenter who made the inappropiate remarks about the ANZAC tradition /sacrifice on social media trying to gain political points for her cause.

    she was the one who on ABC National TV advocated that Islam was the most peaceful religion.

    It is something that all Australians /new Zealenders can be proud of that in this day and age so many old and especially young honour those that have fought and died for the freedoms we in Australia enjoy today.

    Imperial Japan was the biggest threat to New Guinea , Australia and New Zealand and I for one would not like to have lived under Imperial Japan of the 1940`s and I thank our armed forces for preventing that.

    For you young ones read some books on Japanese occupations of China "The rape of Nanking" for example

    and their treatment of POW`s in the phillipines ,Borneo etc.

    I dont hold a grudge against Japanese people of today it was a culture they were brought up under and they were indoctrinated .

    Maybe in a hundred years time if I was still alive I would say the same thing about nations that support Islam.

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