The Watchtower Letters, part 4

by NeonMadman 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeonMadman

    I'm trying to get the form letters all posted, so keep coming back to this series. There will be some very interesting personal letters coming up, I promise! There should be one more post of form letters related to pioneering after this one, then I'll get back to the "juicier" stuff. I present these mainly for archival purposes, and to set up for the letter I received from the Society after I was removed as a pioneer, which I think will be interesting.

    Anyway, the first of these items is a small slip that was issued if you were extending a prior appointment as a vacation pioneer. It was about the size of a field service report slip, and they sent you this rather than a full appointment letter if you continued as a vacation pioneer from one month into the next. Again, I have several of these, but they are all identical except for the dates.

    Next is a two-page form letter that was handed to anybody who asked about being a vacation pioneer. I believe these were kept at the congregation and distributed to anybody who expressed an interest.

    And, the final item this time is a similar letter given to anybody who showed interest in regular pioneering.

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