2022 Convention Sat. Afternoon part 1

by Rattigan350 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rattigan350

    I found it ironic that the symposium "Put Away Peace Wrecker Inappropriate Boasting"

    was presented by a Helper to the Publishing Committee. And all of the other talks were given by, if not GB members, but by Helpers to the various committees. It sounded so boastful.

    Then there was the dramatization of the pioneer sister that complained about the other pioneer sister with the makeup TikTok type social media videos. No one just came out and told the complainer to Mind your own business. If it doesn't concern you, it doesn't concern you. Why is she even following her and watching the videos if she doesn't like them?

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I have never heard any boasting đŸ€„

    I'm Jesus' brother, pioneer, elder, give good talks......never heard.

    Measuring d__ks comes to mind.

    Saturday I learned it is a personal choice to attend funerals/ weddings -- so don't do it. And go to meetings to feel better. Instant mood changes

  • hoser
    Watching the dramatization of Haley, the middle aged Karen and the younger pioneer sister that confronted Haley about the boastful Snapchat post reaffirmed my belief that pioneers and elders lead pathetic lives.
  • BluesBrother

    I ,and the couple of believing dubs that I have family relationship with, were somewhat puzzled by this presentation. One of them was really perplexed.

    I didn’t really get it , but it appeared to be that this one JW Hayley , made her living as a social media influence . Was she a pioneer? I am not sure. .

    The segment was teaching the need to avoid boasting, envy and anger , maybe more I forget..The faults seemed to lie with the gaggle of friends, I saw no criticism of the main character.... I thought they were not supposed to use Social Media?..

    Are American congregations really like that? I mean full of wealthy looking ‘sisters’ who looked like “Hollywood Wives” , sitting around in coffee shops gossiping about each other .

    It didn’t look like any congregation I know.......

  • hoser

    I think the “drama” was in Australia because of the accents and the left hand drive cars.

    Hayley was using social media to sell home made jewellery and maybe makeup products.

  • TonusOH

    It sounds like they are saying don't be boastful around one another. After all, don't they anticipate a time when they will go out and warn the world that it will be destroyed, with that warning delivered by the people favored by God to survive? Sounds boastful to me.

  • HiddlesWife

    BluesBrother, the congs have those types, whether they look like the clones of the rich and famous or the poor and obscure. GOSSIP is no longer an offense nor infraction/wrongdoing in the Borg--because EVERYBODY DOES IT!

  • FedUpJW

    Hayley was using social media to sell home made jewellery and maybe makeup products.

    And of course any JW woman should be a frumpy old hag that buys their "modest" dresses from the tent and awning store. Heaven forbid they were moderately attractive, in good shape, wore decent makeup and jewelry. The woman selling handmade items was also following the JW edict to pious sneer full-time which would suggest she did not have a full-time job with good wages. And on top of that she was taking care of a disabled elderly relative. The character Hayley was totally justified IMO for her understandable reaction to that big nosed busybody. I sure didn't see those self-righteous a-holes that were gossiping about her offering any help! I've known too many of that type JW over the years, and as far as I am concerned with them they can GFT!

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