Spring and Mosquitoes

by Undecided 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    Are any of you concerned about the Nile disease and mosquiteos? I love to sit in my back yard in the spring and summer in my swing and read or just sit and enjoy the birds, squirles etc. but the mosquitoes are out there also and the Nile disease is everywhere. At my age it is a real danger. How can you kill all the mosquitoes? I hate the idea of not being able to enjoy the out side this summer. What are the odds of getting the disease?

    Ken P.

  • DJ

    Hi Undecided,

    You don't have to worry........there are natural, safe sprays that repel mosquitos. You can pick them up in health food stores. Just enjoy your yard. I love mine too. Just try not to leave any standing water in your yard. Love, Dj

  • SheilaM


    We've had some trouble in Missouri with this but I have a Koi pond filled with fish, and I also have toads which eat bugs in fact I have about 5 generations of toads LOL We never have problems with mosquitoes but if I do as DJ said the natural bug spray is great or Avon's Skin So Soft <course I'd rather be bit then wear the stinky stuff> LOL It's great though when we go places mosquitoes are drawn to Thunder and leave me alone

  • LyinEyes

    Boy , we have the mosquitos here really bad in Louisiana, all the stagnant water in the Bayou's is a breeding paradies for those critters.

    In fact , I think our mosquitos are so big, they should be our state bird!

  • BluesBrother

    It's too flipping cold around here to be thinking of mosquitos!

    BB in the U.K.

  • Undecided

    I'll have to try that natural anti-mosquito spray. I have used Skin-So-Soft and it works pretty good but does stink. Maybe I need some more frogs. I emptied all the water I could find around the house. Maybe I could use a big fan to blow them away from my swing. There is a creek down the hill, but they don't raise in flowing water. Guess I'll just have to take my chances that the one's that bite will be free of the Nile bug.

    Ken P.

  • manon


    NYC has been plagued with west nile for several years now. I too love my back yard I'm an avid gardener. My family and I enjoy quiet summer nights on our deck. We have been dealing with this problem by turning on cirtinella candles and mosquitoe blue lamp the lamp helps alot. The bugs are attracted to the light as soon as they approach it (fried bugs). Plus I make sure there is no still water around the area.


  • Azalo

    I work in a hospital and people com in for that a lot and yet I never saw a single case. The doctors that I talk to tell me that only people who are immunosuppressed are really in danger. Healthy people may get it and never even know it because the body just fights it like any other virus. Birds are the carriers though so if you see dead birds keep away report it to the proper authorities and get inside.


    Annoying creatures.

    Here in the Toronto area, we have had reports of birds being infected with the West Nile virus. There were reports of a couple of people coming down with the virus also. 1 man died from it.

    I found 2 dead birds (crow and a blue jay) in my backyard last summer. Poor birds, but I was told I did not need to have them picked up for examination. I just buried the birds.

    Mosquitoes are globally notorious for the spread of many diseases. When I lived in South East Asia, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MOSQUITOES...

    SheilaM, oddly enough, you're so right about that 'Skin So Soft' product. I hate the smell of it, but it does work. It really does. It's better than that Muskol - I got high from that stuff and not deliberately either. I was like dazed and confused for an hour in my brother's car after applying it to nearly 50% of my body.

    Mosquitoes won't be out here for a little while yet, but when all this snow melts, there's going to be plenty of breeding grounds for them.

    Empty anything that may contain water, because these are the areas where mosquitoes will lay their eggs. (unused tires, buckets/pails, eavestroughs, anything that will accumulate water)

  • Warrigal

    If you can stand the smell of it, citronella repels the little buggers. Some other aromatics are; Virginia cedarwood, rosemary, lavander, lemongrass and thyme. This mixture I've used and it has kept them at bay.

    Two mosquitos were talking the other day while contemplating my husband. "should we eat him here or take him home to the kids?"


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