The Watchtower Letters, part 3

by NeonMadman 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeonMadman

    Next, I've decided to post some form letters (don't worry, there's more personal correspondence coming).

    Back before there were auxiliary pioneers, there were temporary pioneers. And before those, there were vacation pioneers. Way back in those days, vacation pioneers were actually appointed by the Society upon recommendation by the elders. Not like today, where the appointment comes directly from the body of elders. When you were appointed, they used to send out a form letter, and I have a stack of them. They're all identical except for the dates, so I'm just posting this one from 1969 so you can see what they looked like.

    Next is my letter of appointment as a regular pioneer, from 1972.

    And finally, there's a two-page "pioneer letter," also from 1972, which was basically just a form letter sent to all pioneers to encourage them, and to make them feel special because they were getting information from Jehovah's organization that wasn't available to the lower classes.


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