Hi guys
I live in Scotland. I need help from the xjw community. I understand that anyone in the UK and in Australia as it happens, can sign this petition.
I am Angela. I was born in 1980 and my parents converted to "da troof" shortly after my birth. So I guess you can say I was a born in. In the years 1991 - 1995 I was molested by my father. I took this to the elders and of course we all know the story from each and every survivor who has told it, they did nothing. They didn't call the police, they didn't phone child protection in fact they sent me and my sister home with our abusive father even though he confessed. We were both minors.
Further to this, one of the elders on that judicial committee, seen this story as an opportunity. He had already struck in the 1970's which would become apparent to us later on when we watched him being given his sentence. He continues to this day to say he is not guilty and that we all made it up, colluded together to ruin his life. I never knew of the other victims, bar one - my sister.
IICSA (The Independent Inquiry on Child S Abuse for England and Wales) has recently published it's findings. I won't go into the politics of this all, but basically, we could not budge in Scotland until England had concluded there inquiry.
My petition is now live and I have 4 weeks to gather signatures. Could you all please try to sign this and if it is a case where only those can sign it from the UK and the former colonies, could you please share it out? We need as many signatures as we can get for the Scottish Government to consider it.