I would also like to have WT articles that talk about Karate! Thanks!
by Iamallcool 4 Replies latest jw friends
The Day the Black Belt Came UntiedPetra! -
I was not allowed as kid. Kids should do sport. I was only allowed to watch Karate Kid and Bruce Lee lol
Try going to jw online , and typing ‘karate’ into the search box. That would be a good place to start.
joey jojo
Heres the problem - or one of many that's wrong with these type of articles.
Good JW parents will read this and be convinced that it would be wrong to let their kids learn self-defence.
The first myth is that everyone that learns karate or other forms of martial arts are killing machines. They are not. Most people learn these skills for self-defence, discipline and fitness, a tiny percentage of people that learn how to fight actually compete in the ring. Most people will never have a fight of any kind, either on the street, or a competitive fight.
The next myth is that learning how to fight makes people violent. Good instructors teach discipline and self-control, respect for the gym and fellow students. Students are taught never to fight except for defence and I know trainers that do not welcome students to their gym if they are thugs.
Every jw article I have read depicts the karate guy as some kind of dangerous, deadly assassin, always ready to fight. Its actually quite funny.
If you are a parent reading this, let your kid learn these skills, self defence is a life skill. Go with them to the gym, encourage their progress and meet their new friends.