Where does the $ come from?

by azaria 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • azaria

    I had a conversation with a JW lady recently and she proudly stated that they didn't pass the collection plate, like the churches do. To me a rose by any other name is still a rose. To pay the bills ( hall, hydro, phone, charity etc, etc) the money has to come from somewhere. Is there a donation box?

    How much money does one spend on mags, books, cd's etc, each month?

    I understand the Watchtower grosses approx 952 million annualy, Is this true?

  • RunningMan

    While it is true that they do not pass a collection box, we have all been present when there is a meeting part on donations. Instructions on how to donate are prominant. Letters from the society are read, instructing persons on the correct procedure. Whenever a new project is being financed (new kingdom hall or assembly hall), pledge forms are passed out to everyone.

    So, when they say that they do not pass a collection plate, it is true, however they do still need donations. Money is solicited for every literature placement. Donations are collected in boxes at meetings and assemblies. People can send cheques directly to the society or the congregation, and it is common for members to list the Society in their wills.

    On the other hand, because the ministers are unpaid, congregation expenses are much lower than they are for most churches. I was always glad that they did not practice tithing. Thank goodness for small mercies.

  • Buster

    I read an interesting thread recently regarding cults. Folks were throwing around various definitions of a 'cult.' One poster put up a snippet from a book or some such that has stuck in my mind: The fact that they do not pass a plate is MORE cultish.

    Someone has to pay for that stuff. Making the finances a 'covert op' simply forces the org to be more and more control oriented in order to ensure that the individuals are contributing.

  • scumrat

    Runningman, you are sooo right. There are constant reminders ( at meetings, in their literature ect ) on how to donate and leave things of value to the organization. I guess for Jehovah to provide, the congregation needs a little nudging from Crooklyn.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    What's worse, a collection plate, or contribution boxes in every corner of the hall, and at every aisle of an assembly?

    I've been to a couple of Catholic church events, and though the plate is present, it is not prominent. If you are not going for your wallet, they skip right past you.


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