Phoney Birthday Greetings

by teenyuck 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    My mother, being the good dub that she is, sent this phoney birthday greeting to my sister....My sister's birthday is March 5, mom sent it on March 6th in an effort to confuse the JW Birthday Greeting patrol.

    Hi XXXX,

    WOW! Age 44. I can't believe we are all as old as we are.

    Funny thing about getting older. One does not feel emotionally older,
    just the body looks it!

    Pretty soon Tina, you will be 41! OH MY GOD!

    I am really OLD! Must keep putting on the cremes and taking vitamins.

    I keep remembering when you were little and I had so much
    fun with you both. Do you remember how in the mornings you would both
    jump in bed with me and tell me all about your dreams and we'd lay
    there and talk and laugh. I was in the middle and one of you was at
    each side! That was the best fun time of my entire life!

    Do you remember how I would take you guys in a stroller to the store
    windows so we could window shop and have some fun, we had no $!
    I would cash in soda bottles for a few cents so we could buy a treat!

    Hope you had a fun day. Love you both dearly, my beautiful angels!.


    Last year my mother called me the day after my birthday to ask what I would like! I told her a gift that I have to ask for is not a gift. Why doesn't she call my husband and ask him what type of perfume I like? Or just buy me a gift certificate and send it?

    Her response was that it is not a birthday gift...she just wants to let me know she loves me. I again asked why didn't she just call my husband and ask him? That would not be right.....he might get the wrong idea (read: he might want a gift on his birthday and she has never given him a gift---ever)

    Here is my response to my mother's e-mail:

    I didn't say Hi Mom, just what you see....It will be interesting if she calls or e-mails me back.

    Why don't you say Happy Birthday and get it over with?

    You try to skirt the JW rules without breaking them. Would it kill you to actually call on the day we were born and say you are happy?

    I hate the phoney, made up, just recent way she tries to get around the rules. It is like she is trying to outwit god and prove she is a loyal dub; like god wouldn't know that this is a birthday greeting cloaked in "oh, I sent it the day after, so it doesn't count."

    This is a recent phenomena with my mother....she started the birthday greeting (always a day late) a few years ago.

    BTW, last year she sent me an old oil painting she had...she bought it and never had it is about 25 years old...she purchased it from some painter who she thought would be the next Picasso....didn't happen....he is a no body. So I got a worthless painting that I have to pay to have stretched and framed.....weeks after my birthday. Oh Happy Day!

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