Thi want proof?

by siegswife 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • siegswife

    One thing you can do is go to the unification churches website and type in Washington Times.

    Here's some reading for you in the meantime (bold added by me):



    Founder's Address
    15th Anniversary of The Washington Times
    June 16, 1997
    Washington, DC

    Respected guests from Washington D.C. and abroad, dear staff of The Washington Times, eminent world literary leaders, ladies and gentlemen. I deeply appreciate your taking time from your busy schedules to attend this meeting.

    Today, as we celebrate The Washington Times' 15th anniversary, I cannot help but feel deep emotion. Fifteen years ago, when the world was adrift on the stormy waves of the Cold War, I established The Washington Times to fulfill God's desperate desire to save this world. Since that time, I have devoted myself to raising up The Washington Times, hoping that this blessed land of America would fulfill its world-wide mission to build a Heavenly nation. Meanwhile, I waged a lonely struggle, facing enormous obstacles and scorn as I dedicated my whole heart and energy to enable The Washington Times to grow as a righteous and responsible journalistic institution.

    Today The Washington Times Corporation can be proud of its development into a world class global media enterprise. Since the end of the Cold War, the world began to realize that the direction taken by The Washington Times was correct. History will not forget our contribution. The efforts of The Times to revitalize the moral and spiritual values of the United States and the world are being recognized as absolutely urgent and necessary at this time.

    I want to convey my warmest appreciation to all The Washington Times staff who have worked so hard together with me to develop The Times. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to the American and world leaders who have offered their unwavering support.

    What can be the pride of the Unification Church? We know we can be very proud of being Unification Church members, but for what? We founded a very influential newspaper, The Washington Times, Insight Magazine, and the World and I monthly magazine. Father created all of this in Danbury, not under normal circumstances. The Washington Times didn't start in Danbury but during the court battle, before Danbury. Father signed the final go-ahead on The Washington Times in the courtroom. Is that wonderful or not? Why? America was trying to hurt Reverend Moon-trying to do evil to him, trying to make him perish. Under this tremendous pressure, Father still loved.

    Without The Washington Times, America could not have lived. Which power can embrace and overcome the other-the power of hate or the power of love? Love can embrace hatred. That is a natural course of events.

    We must have an awareness of how splendid a work The Washington Times is. It is a unique newspaper in the whole of the United States. It reveals the facts and is not self-interested. The goal is to publicize and record the facts. When the satellite countries try to go against the Soviet system, they have no way to gather enough material. The newspapers here in America are liberal and rather procommunist. They hardly even print anything against communism. However, The Washington Times, paying no attention to what other newspapers said, audaciously reported the facts. The satellite countries took that information as precious material with which to oppose Russia.

    These satellite-based media gathered all their material through The Washington Times because without it, they have no source of correct information. 100% of the material that Radio Free Europe uses came from The Washington Times. In this respect, The Washington Times has really, truly played a great role in making today's satellite countries what they are.

    Within America, each different government department must understand what stance the media is taking. They have to make an analysis and a brief for each department and distribute this to all the different departments. They take material from the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times-but The Washington Times provided by far the most crucial information. 65-75% of their quotations are from The Washington Times. Do you see what an important role The Washington Times played in providing the necessary information? This is used all throughout the U.S. embassy-not just in the American government, but everywhere in the world. We made a great foundation. Use it as your armament. Is that a good feeling or not? (Yes.)

    The borderline of where Father is needed is everincreasing, stretching. Reverend Moon's teaching and what he has endured and what he has implanted will be needed more and more. This is an American stage and Father is talking so publicly about these things that it might be seen as boastful, but unless it were real, could Reverend Moon say it? As Father said to the Washington Times staff members, the eighty leaders, a few days ago, "If I were not standing here, then America, like Insight, the Washington Times., the World and I, the television center, Universal Ballet Academy, the summit organization and media organizations all over the world would not be here." Father made that foundation under a situation of severe persecution. Did Father make that kind of foundation going an easy or a difficult way? How difficult of a way? In all of American history, no one has stood on that kind of foundation, withstanding the severe difficulty and persecution Reverend Moon has. That is most important. Who did that? God and Reverend Moon.

    Accept God and Reverend Moon. That is the theoretical conclusion. No smart American can deny that answer. This is the reality. Don't you think so? Is it true or not? [True.] You true American people, answer clearly this morning. Is it true or not? [Yes.] Who did that? The American government or Reverend Moon? [Reverend Moon.] He became the victor. I don't need an adjective for it. The victor, that is all. Who can deny that? Who can accuse me?

    The creation of the Washington Times in 1982 was r that purpose. American conservatives cannot deny Father's great influence for moral values. In 1975, around the time when America was retreating from Vietnam, American morale was incredibly low. Was there any politician talking about anti-communism at that time? Only Reverend Moon. He was talking not only about anti-communism but about victory over communism. Certain things that Father has said seemed crazy at that time but look what has happened -- every prediction Father made became reality. This is the reason that American politicians and the American president all respect Father.

    In 1975 and 1976 liberalism was everything. It was fashionable to be liberal. The Washington Post was liberal and conservatism was gone! In those days America had absolutely no hope. The major cities had no people; they were deserted because the liberals said "no more cities, cities have gone." But at that time the Unification Church moved into New York City and bought the New Yorker Hotel to serve as its World Mission Center, paying only 5.6 million dollars. Now people offer 100 or 200 million dollars, but we say "No, not enough," because of Father's foreknowledge. We bought the HSA Headquarters building and the Tiffany building and many other buildings because Father knew the future. So who reversed liberalism, leading to its defeat, and predicted that conservatism was coming? Father. That's why, during that Reagan era the restoration of the economy occurred, which they called 'Reaganomics'. It's true; it's the reality of history. Many of you don't know that during the election of 1980 nobody thought that Reagan would win. Even the Republican party thought he could not win certain states no matter how much money they could spend. Therefore, they closed up the Reagan Republican campaign HQ in certain cities. For example in New York City there was no Republican campaign. It was the Same for New York state, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Connecticut. In those six states there was nothing. But Father knew they would win, and said so what happened? At the end of the day when the election was completed, all six states were victorious and a great victory came nationwide. Father predicted it the night before in the News World.

    Look at the Washington Times. No one in America helped to create that. Without Father's guidance for the Washington Times, this country couldn't have found a direction. Literally nine hundred million to one billion dollars has been spent to activate and run the Washington Times. Did we make any part of this money and give it to Father, saying, "Father, please use this to continue the Washington Times"? The world thinks it is true that Reverend Moon really exploited young Americans by making them go out and sell flowers. The amount of money that American members raised was not even enough to support themselves with food and shelter every day. Father brought tons of money to this country to accomplish his goals. So how can they say Reverend Moon exploited the youth of this country? Because of this Father was persecuted.

    Father wants that, no matter how difficult the situation. Do you know that I was creating the Washington Times during the court case? It was on tape that the American government wanted to kill me. They were my enemy-I understood that. But God until now, has been forgiving and loving His enemies, investing and forgetting that He invested in His enemies. I followed God's attitude-I forgave everything. Do you know how much the Washington Times spent? 830 million. How much money! Only one, The Washington Times , spent that much money. How much money was spent for all American activities? But Reverend Moon didn't take a loss. Why? I gave everything, centered on true love. So it expands everyday. So that I could affect the depth of American thinking, filling it full of true love water. Completely full, occupying everything.

    The Unification Church, centering on Reverend Moon, came to America to connect that victorious foundation with the American government, the presidential level. The Christian world didn't take the subject position. Instead, the Unification Church inherited the Christian world, combining with it into one. Father is standing upon that combined subject-object foundation. Reagan became the president in 1980 through me. Think about it. Five years after the Vietnam War, a conservative, moral, rightwing Reagan could become the President of the United States. Who made that? Reverend Moon. During my time in Danbury jail, in 1984, I helped Reagan too. He was my enemy. Bush, too. I chose those great American leaders, centering on the Unification Church as subject, with the American government as object-connected into one. The Washington Times helped America overcome the communist world. The Washington Times completely serving the nation, eliminating the Soviet curse. That means that, centering on Father, the rightwing united into one and digested the leftwing. That is the resurrected Jesus' world foundation. Occupying those two thieves completely, and Barabbas' position. Islam is like Barabbas' position, that third one. God's religious side doesn't have that kind of concept. On Satan's side, the communist world represents the body and the Muslim world is the mind. Syria represented the center of Soviet terrorism. How can God digest that kind of situation? I chose the Syrian Grand Mufti, and brought him and his followers here for forty days education, digesting them here in America. After that they are completely following me. Three Muslim nations fulfilled this course, which is now finished. Reverend Moon combined with those three, turning them around completely 180 degrees. Now occupying them, with no accusation, no persecution. Making one direction.

    Father is not so deeply interested in The Washington Times . Father can withdraw at any time. All he has to do is to say, "Closed." Then Father does not have to spend tens of millions of dollars every month. Father can divert that money into Russia or anywhere else. Father is investing millions of dollars per month into the media. Do you know what millions of dollars can do in a country like Russia?

    In the last nine years, the Church poured eight hundred million dollars in cold cash into The Washington Times. 800 million. You have no idea how much money that is. If you deposited that money into a bank, the interest alone, at 10% a year, would be eight million dollars per month. At 12%, it would be even more. That is one hundred million dollars a year. This is just the money that the Church has invested in the American media. With ail the other money put together, Father has invested two billion dollars in the providence in America. This is a fact. How can we be the enemy of America spending that kind of money on this country, shedding tears for this country? Of course, two billion includes money spent all around the world, including Europe, but in America, our Church spent more money than anywhere else. If we had kept on buying buildings, what kind of investment property would we possess today? If we invested all that money in real estate, today our property, would be worth trillions of dollars. Father knew how precious, how painfully-gotten this money was, but Father knew that he had to safeguard the free world, the whole world against the invasion of communism, so Father fought against communism, fought against iniquity. Now we are getting results. We had to spend that money that way. It is not because Father did not know the investment value of that money.

    When the Bush administration heard about the changes at the Washington Times, they were worried that we might stop its publication. They don't want us to stop. We have been spending seven million dollars every single month, on direct and indirect expense for the Washington Times. How much of that did you fundraise? Maybe two or three million at the most. And the American government wanted to get Father for taxes due on the amount of seven thousand dollars! Father didn't know anything about tax laws and didn't have any time to care either. What Father did was his very best to recover this country. Saving this country was the only crime he committed. Besides this seven million Father spends on the Washington Times, how much more did he spend elsewhere? Now we are ready to make this known to the world. Now America had better compensate for the damage they have done. Father doesn't expect the government to pay him back What they owe to Reverend Moon, Father is encouraging them to pay back to the American Unification Church. If you are going to be entitled to receive that compensation, you had better stand on the same foundation as Father himself. Otherwise how can you qualify yourself? If someone wants to give lots of benefit to you, but how many people actually stand on the firm ground where Father can say, "He is qualified"? How many among us are like that? That is the main point. One has to pass at least a minimum test to reach this qualification.

    After losing the Vietnam War, communism was rampant. The college campuses were dominated by leftist thinking. This was the peak of communism in this country. Who could have expected that someone representing the right wing of conservative politics, namely Reagan, could become president in 1980? What is the so-called Reagan doctrine? That Reagan doctrine was coached along by the Washington Times Who was the one who inspired Reagan to proclaim that the devil's representative on earth was communism? The Washington Times boldly said that. Also who emphatically asserted that in the Gulf War, Christianity and Judaism should stay united, never separating? The Washington Times. If we did not do that, the result would have been a religious war between even the Arabic religion there. And there would be division, like between the Western hemisphere and Eastern hemisphere of religion. Buddhism and Confucianism would have taken the Moslem side because they originated in the Orient. This separation between East and West danger which can be averted only through Father's direction.

    Last May, I traveled to Washington and spoke at a dinner commemorating the tenth anniversary of The Washington Times, which I founded. I was reminded that when I first announced the founding of The Washington Times in 1982, there were many people in America who ridiculed me. Some experts predicted, even if I founded a newspaper of acceptable quality, that I would run out of funds in six months. And if not that, then the paper would degenerate into nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Unification Church and would end up as a weekly newspaper, read by almost no one.

    Now, ten years later The Washington Times is counted among the top three papers in terms of influence among the 1,750 newspapers published in the United States. It is the first newspaper read by the president of the United States when he gets up in the morning. On August 13, President Bush gave an exclusive interview to Wesley Pruden, editor-in-chief of The Washington Times, the first such interview of the campaign season for President Bush with a daily newspaper.

    Year after year, The Times is awarded for its excellence in editorial design. In 1989, in the American Newspaper Society's annual design competition in the United States, it received Best of Show honors, the award of highest excellence awarded only by the unanimous vote of a jury of twelve judges. Furthermore, in the category of editorial writing, The Washington Times received their highest award for two consecutive years, something that had never before been achieved by any newspaper in the United States.

    During these past ten years, I have invested onelion dollars in this newspaper. If I were pursuing political influence or personal wealth, or if I were trying to proselytize my religious beliefs, I would not have invested such a sum in a newspaper. Simply put, I founded The Washington Times in order to fulfill the Will of God.

    I know that God loves America. America is a center of traditional Judaism and Christianity. It is the cradle of the spirit of modern Christianity. God's desire is that America play a central role in rescuing the entire world and that America maintain its traditional values, which have fallen into confusion in recent years. During the Cold War, God placed America in a position to block the attempt by communism to gain world domination. In the context of God's Will, it was most important that there be a newspaper that had the philosophical and ideological foundation needed to give encouragement to the people and political leaders of America. I certainly could not leave Washington, the capital of the United States, to be a victim of the leftist Washington Post.

    So where are we now, after ten years? The bells heralding the collapse of communism rang out clearly on November 9, 1989, with the fall of the Berlin Wall. And on Christmas Day, 1991, the communist empire founded on atheism vanished from the earth after having held the world in fear for seventy-four years.

    I am not saying that The Washington Times accomplished all this by itself. These developments were the results of God's providence. God, however, works His will on earth through human beings. I do not have the slightest doubt that The Times played a decisive role in bringing about the fall of communism. God used the newspaper as His tool to bring an end to the most pernicious worldwide dictatorship in history-and gave freedom to tens of millions of people. Even if I had spent ten billion dollars instead of one, I could not have made a more valuable investment.

    The mission of The Washington Times, however, is not yet finished. The fall of communism does not automatically lead to the coming of world peace. Nor does it mean that the ideal society of God's desire will establish itself without any further effort on our part. It is still too early for the free world to be toasting its victory, for the world is still faced with too many urgent problems that strike terror in the hearts of all humanity.

    A few days ago, Father gave direction to Reverend Joong Hyun Pak to make a video tape of Father's speeches that were given when Father first came to America in 1974 and spread this truth again to the entire world, in particular this country of America. In those speeches given in 1974, Father clearly gave a proclamation and warning to the world. We have to re-educate and re-alert them by giving these speeches because we now have enough external power and foundation to influence people. Many of the leaders, intellectuals, and politicians of this country who used to oppose Father recently changed their attitude by stating that they believe America truly needs Reverend Moon and begged him not to leave from America. However, in reality, it is we who have to do that work. Centering upon the Washington Times, all Christianity in this country is now united together with the conservative power. They are begging Reverend Moon to remain in the center of the Christian and Conservative Movement to save this nation of America. Have you heard of Nostalgia cable television station? Now we have complete ownership of it. During the process of our purchasing this company, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham and other prominent Christian leaders were strongly opposed to the idea of Reverend Moon owning this cable TV station. However, God was on Father's side so they were unsuccessful in their opposition.

    Are you really truly American citizens? (Yes.) Do you really love your President? (No.) (Laughter.) This is not a laughing matter. If you are given a choice to love Reverend Moon or President Clinton, whom do you have to love first? (Father.) You say that because you are Unification Church members. (Laughter.) Thinking people in the society also consider Reverend Moon more valuable than President Clinton. Isn't the Washington Times becoming more famous every day? The Washington Times exercised its power properly by chasing seventy congressmen who were involved in immoral behavior and causing them to step down. At this time the Washington Times is digging into President Clinton's past, mistakes that have been covered up. When American people in general look at the situation, do they think that Reverend Moon is doing too much or would they encourage Father to go ahead and find out the truth? They all know that Reverend Moon is not an American citizen so, in a way, you should feel that a non-American is here, digging into these bad situations and coming up with the truth. There is no other choice because right now there is nobody else who is righteous enough or brave enough to do this except Father. What do you gain by opposing and judging your President? You may find yourself in all kinds of life threatening situations by doing so. Reverend Moon is labeled as a person who goes up against anyone who is unrighteous, so the entire population of 240 million American people have been judged at one time or another by Father. Therefore, even if he goes against President Clinton, they consider that normal behavior for Father. Father has the label that even though he is Korean, he is here to save the entire world.

    Satan can only reach up to the national level. When it comes to the world level, only God is able to subjugate it. Once we go beyond the national level then Satan has nothing more to do with our lives. Look at the reality of the world, the gigantic nation of America is being manipulated by Kim Il Sung. President Clinton doesn't know what to do and the Washington Times is giving him such a strong blow that it may knock him down. Who is doing it? Who opposed President Carter? This man standing here on the stage. (Laughter.) Clinton is exactly like the brother of Jimmy Carter. How can we protect the nation and world from their political action? America doesn't have that power. We are the ones who must know in what direction the world should go.

    America lost everything little by little after the war because of this. Now, representing the right wing of the world, America is experiencing great difficulty. Father worked so hard to lift up America. When Reagan was elected, nobody expected such a thing. This was done literally by the work of Reverend Moon, though the power of prayer, and through the practical work for that event. But the Reagan administration did not respond to my direction, they even allowed me to be incarcerated. They should at least have recognized that Reverend Moon was their benefactor. But when they failed to do that, then Clinton came and knocked them out.

    Now Bill Clinton has come to office and is in the same position as Carter. How can Clinton lead America? How can he be any better than any of his predecessors? Only through the help of Reverend Moon will Clinton be able to lead this country successfully. I had a great plan for George Bush. After I met with Kim Il Sung, I worked very hard on a proposal which was a concrete and workable plan, and I offered it to President Bush. But he did not pay any attention to this offer from Reverend Moon. What has happened to him since?

    On August 20, 1985, thirteen months after beginning his prison sentence, Reverend Moon was released as a complete victor of freedom. Twenty-five representatives of the religious community throughout America gathered in Washington DC and held a welcoming press conference. Reverend Jerry Falwell, leader of the Moral Majority and a well-own television evangelist, and Reverend Joseph Lowery, president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and an activist in the cause of black civil rights, were among those who welcomed Reverend Moon's release and urged President Reagan to pardon him. Reverend Falwell stated that whilst Reverend Moon might be the unpopular one at that time, it might be anyone else in the future. Further, that religious leaders were certainly not above the law, but that they ought to have absolute religious freedom.

    Father really helped the United States with The Washington Times. Reagan and Bush could not gain power without it. The world knows the Soviet's ultimate goal was to conquer the world by 1984. During Carter's time in office, he lost twelve countries to communism. If someone like him had stayed in office, would Gorbachev be doing what he is now? No. America would have pulled out of Korea, and taken many other actions causing worse collapse. What would have happened in 1984 if Mondale had won? He was a very good friend of Donald Fraser. The United States would also have pulled out of Korea. Would communism have gone down like it has? No. What about if Dukakis had won? Would Gorbachev have had to open up? No. Father wrestled with all his might to guide Reagan and Bush.

    Father came to America in 1971. In 1975 America was defeated in Vietnam. Yes, the US Army could not win the war at that time. At that time anti-communism was virtually dead in America, morale was very low. Carter was president. Father came and boosted up the morale. In 1976 there was a great rally at Washington Monument. In 1978 for the following twelve years, Father completely turned around America's atmosphere. This country changed from a liberal atmosphere to a conservative atmosphere. 1975 was the supreme liberal era of the United States. Five years later, the so called extreme rightist Ronald Reagan was persuaded to run for president. Nobody believed he could become president. Father is the one who in 1980 predicted Father would win, when no one else thought so. Reagan himself could not believe what happened. In 1980 Reagan became president and the conservative movement became top. In 1984 Father was in Danbury. Even from Danbury Father commanded the entire Unification forces. So Reagan reigned in this country for eight years with the Reagan doctre. But who is the author of the Reagan doctrine? SDI, commonly known as the Star Wars program was not widely supported by Reagan and others in government. General Daniel Graham, the founder of SDI came to Father and asked him for support saying it was a crucial program for the nation's security. Father pledged his support. SDI was promoted and finally the defense department and the White House became convinced it was a good idea. Three weeks later Reagan announced in the State of the Union message that SDI would become part of the national defense program. If SDI was not created at that time, the existence of the Patriot missile would be impossible. The Patriot is an offspring of the SDI program. American people today know how valuable that program is. They say, "Thank God for SDI." thank God for Reverend Moon.

    Furthermore, Nicaragua was one communist nation which connected North and South America. Even though Cuba is communist it is an island. Nicaragua is strategically located on the mainland. Father was in prison, but at that time said Nicaragua must not be abandoned, the Freedom Fighters must be supported. US Congress abandoned the project, they didn't want to give any money to the Freedom Fighters. So the Washington Times made a special editorial on the front page. You never see front page editorials, but it was published. Many people sent money and letters to Congress and the Senate. The leaders were shaken and knew they had to pass the resolution for support that had already been sent to the trash can. They decided that instead of fourteen million dollars, they would send twenty seven million. That is the money that Father earned for the Freedom Fighters of Nicaragua.

    Father made a special film on Nicaragua called "Nicaragua is My Home." That film was made by our dear brother Lee Shapiro. His wife is here. Linda, could you please stand up. Lee Shapiro made this film upon Father's order. This film was shown at the White House first. President Reagan wrote a letter of commendation after viewing it. It was shown on PBS, to different localities all around the country and that completely turned around public opinion. Nicaragua today is free. Communism is gone, they have freely elected a president. As soon as Violetta Chommoro became president, she wrote a letter to thank Father. Another heartwarming story was when Lee Shapiro reported to Father about the Nicaragua film, Father said, "We have to push the Soviets out of Afghanistan. You make a movie." Lee Shapiro was completely determined to make a most dynamic movie in Afghanistan. So he traveled there fearlessly. So many people would not go, but he went with the Mujahudeen even to the front line. He himself looked like a Mujahudeen! He grew a beard. His weapon was not a gun, but a movie camera. He was on camel back with all his film taken on the front line. One day coming out of a fight, Soviet helicopters came. Everyone hid in the bushes, but Lee Shapiro realized he had left the film cans on the camel. More important than his life was this exposed film. So he ran trying to get the film, without any fear. The Soviet helicopter gunned him down. It then landed and picked up all that film and took it away to the Soviet Union. Father is now trying to recover it through the KGB. All the Soviet Congressmen who came this last time were told to bring us back that film. In any case, because of Lee Shapiro's effort the Congress unanimously voted him a Medal of Freedom.

    Father's job is the unification of left and right, but on different levels, the family level, the tribe level, the nation level, world wide level, universal level, cosmic level and God and human beings level. On every level Father is bringing unity. Father united Christian morality and the leadership of this nation. Ever since Father came, since the time of Ronald Reagan, Father has had influence over choosing the right president and Christianity has come to stand more and more on Father's side. This is very important for this country.

  • ThiChi

    Thanks for this information. Though I have read nothing here that shows proof that Bush has publicly confirmed your claims, I understand the complexity of overlapping goals that sometime make strange bedfellows. This information is a far stretch to meet your original claim regarding Bush.

    As an example,

    Rev. Sun Myung Moon calls America "Satan's harvest" and vows to subjugate its people under a Korea-based theocracy. We know Bush is not supporting this aspect of Moon’s stance, so one must ask if this control thing is a little over the top.


  • siegswife

    Oh, you're referring to what I said a month or so ago regarding Rush Limbaugh and Bush being in cohoots with the rev moon. Today I was merely pointing out that the Washington Times is not a good source of unbiased information.

    I don't have time right this minute, but later I'll go through my stuff and find the articles I have regarding the Bush/Moon connection, ok?

  • ThiChi

    I am truly open to any information. I agree that many newspapers have an agenda, and the one you cite is a good example. I truly enjoy your thoughts and posts, you are a free thinker!

  • siegswife

    Thanks for the kind words Thi Chi!

    Here's a few links

    I thought you might find this article interesting (bold added):

    BUSH , REV. MOON & Washington Times
    By Carla Binion
    In the 1970s, the Fraser Senate Investigating Committee looked into the "Koreagate" scandal. . . Then-U.S. Representative Donald Fraser said the senate committee discovered that Moonie leaders were told Moon wanted to start political work in the U.S. The Moonies were told that objection to Moon's goals would equal objection to God. (Fraser Committee Report, page 320.)
    President George Bush was head of the CIA when Koreagate broke in 1976 and knew the above details. Despite that, Bush (1) Did nothing to oppose the Unification Church's deceptive, coercive, brainwashing tactics or designs on our political system, and (2) In 1995 spoke at a series of Moon rallies in the U.S. and Japan. The rallies were hosted by Mrs. Moon's front group Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP). (Jolen Chang, "Asian Fortune," March 1995.) Bush received one million pounds for payment according to the "British Daily Mail." ("Bush and '1M from Moonies,' "Daily Mail," September 5, 1995.)
    George Bush claimed innocence and gave his only interview on the subject to the Moonie owned paper, "The Washington Times." Bush praised the WFPF's "great emphasis on family" and told the "Times:" "Until I see something about the Women's Federation that troubles me, I will continue to encourage them." (Peter McGill, et al, "Ed Schreyer and the Moonies," "Maclean's," October 23, 1995; Andrew Pollack, "Bush Host In Japan Tied To Rev. Moon," "The New York Times," September 4, 1995.)
    Because Bush headed the CIA during Koreagate, he knew that when the Moonies talk of "family" they mean the "True Family" of the Unification Church. As former head of the CIA, he also knew of The Washington Times Moonie connections
    The Washington Times newspaper has long been bankrolled and controlled by Moonie interests. The paper's former editorial page editor, William Cheshire, said he thinks the paper is operating in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. ("Cults and the Media," Cult Awareness Network News, December 1990.) The Act requires foreign controlled businesses to make financial and other forms of disclosure to the Justice Department and was originally passed to expose covert Nazi funding of American newspapers. According to Frederick Clarkson, ETERNAL HOSTILITY, several Moon media executives, including San Kook Han, were Korean CIA (KCIA) officials during the "Koreagate" era in the '70s.
    Many former Moonies say the organization uses deceptive recruiting practices and indoctrination techniques that amount to brainwashing. Some report the church strong-arms members to remain against their will. Many who manage to make it out of the cult report that soon after members are indoctrinated, they're coerced to abandon their families and become members of the "True Family" (the Unification Church.) Church members are taught that Rev. Moon is the Messiah and that Rev. and Mrs. Moon are their "True Parents."
    Clarkson reports that former member Steve Hassan said the Moonies used social isolation, nutrition and sleep deprivation for indoctrination purposes. When church recruiters first approached Hassan, they claimed they didn't represent a religious group.
    Hassan reports that Unification Church recruits are taught that any doubts they have about Rev. Moon are "satanic attacks or evil spirits trying to get in" and are repeatedly told their families are satanic. Members are taught "thought stopping" techniques to prevent doubts about Moon. Hassan's family hired deprogrammers who said Moon's goals and methods are theocratic and fascistic. Hassan was so thoroughly brainwashed that during the deprogramming he believed that even if Moon were Hitler, he would follow him. Today Hassan works to help church victims.
    Rev. Sun Myung Moon has worked to get Unification Church tentacles into every phase of rightwing politics. Literally hundreds of Moonie front groups bankroll and work with "conservative" politicians. Moonies send out their members to give the false appearance of grassroot support for political causes. Moon's American Freedom Coalition (AFC) staged pro-Gulf War rallies in all fifty states in 1990 and 1991, including a rally of 400 people at the Statue of Liberty. ("Pro-War Rally Near Lady Liberty: 'Let Freedom Ring' 400 Activists Told," "Bergen County Record," February 10, 1991.)
    The World Anti-Communist League (WACL) is an international alliance of fascist and Nazi groups, "conservatives," governments and individuals. Frederick Clarkson (ETERNAL HOSTILITY, Common Courage Press, 1997) writes that the head of the Unification Church in Japan was a member of the WACL board of directors for years. "The Japanese section of WACL, Shokyo Rengo, was founded in 1968 as an alliance between top Unification Church officials and leaders of the Yakuza (Japanese organized crime), notably Yoshio Kodama," according to Clarkson.
    Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC), spoke at the annual WACL conference in Tokyo in 1970 and later helped Rev. Moon get into the U.S. by working to overcome his immigration problems. (Robert Boettcher, GIFTS OF DECEIT: SUN MYUNG MOON, TONGSUN PARK, AND THE KOREAN SCANDAL, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1980; Frederick Clarkson, "God Is Phasing Out Democracy," "Covert Action Quarterly," Spring, 1987.)
    After Congress cut off CIA funding for the contras in 1984, the Moonie-supported WACL helped provide contra arms and money. Moon's front group CAUSA also provided contra money. (John Lee Anderson and Scott Anderson, INSIDE THE LEAGUE: THE SHOCKING EXPOSE OF HOW TERRORISTS, NAZIS AND LATIN AMERICAN DEATH SQUADS HAVE INFILTRATED THE WORLD ANTI-COMMUNIST LEAGUE, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1986.)
    Frederick Clarkson writes that in a November 15, 1979 press statement, former WACL youth leader Allen Tate Wood said that Moon told him to "win the power centers" of the U.S., starting with academia. Wood also stated Moon told him: "Part of our strategy in the U.S. must be to make friends in the FBI, the CIA and police forces, the military and business community . . . as a means of entering the political arena, influencing foreign policy, and ultimately establishing absolute dominion over the American people."
    Frederick Clarkson (ETERNAL HOSTILITY) notes that Moon-sponsored events operate under deceptively conventional sounding names. The Moon-backed "Global Family Festival" sounds conservative, but to church members it refers to the "True Family." In 1994, then-Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN), Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS), and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), sponsored supporting a "Parent's Day" resolution that turned out to be initiated by the Unification Church.
    Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) addressed Moon's CAUSA-sponsored "American Leadership Conferences" at least five times in 1988 alone. (Frederick Clarkson, "Heaven and Helms," "Washington City Paper," August 18, 1989.) Conservative activists came together at those meetings for strategy sessions and INDOCTRINATION into CAUSA ideology, or "Godism." Rev. Jerry Falwell, Senator Orrin Hatch and CA Rep. Pete Wilson also addressed the conferences.
    One conscientious moderate Republican, Rep. Jim Leach (R-IA) said in 1983: "A political movement basing its appeal on old fashioned patriotism and family values simply cannot justify an alliance with a cult that preys on the disintegration of the American family and advocates allegiance to an international social order operating with cell-like secrecy." ("Ripon Forum," January 1983.)

    The billions of dollars of Unification Church money -- money used to bankroll The Washington Times and religious right and Republican interests in the U.S. -- comes partly from Japanese Moonies selling religious artifacts and other items at inflated prices. American Moonies are also used to sell flowers and raise funds.
    In Japan, over 300 lawsuits have been filed against the Church by members who say they were "duped into paying exorbitant prices for vases, prayer beads or other religious objects, sometimes under pressure from church members who said their relatives would 'burn in hell' unless they donated." (Kevin Sutherland and Mary Jordan, "Once-Generous Japanese Become Disenchanted With Moon's Church," "The Washington Post," August 4, 1996.)
    Given the Unification Church's totalitarian methods, why is the Moonie-supported Washington Times newspaper respected by mainstream politicians and journalists? Why don't powerful U.S. officials conduct a new investigation, including a look into George Bush's relationship with Moon? Moon funnels millions of dollars to rightwing political causes and provides "bodies" for conservative rallies. He helped fund the Contras. The religious right and Republican Party can use Moon's money and the "grassroots" support of his brainwashed legions. Republican Congressman Jim Leach was right. A Republican and religious right alliance with Moon can't be ethically justified. Religious freedom implies voluntary participation. The Unification Church recruits by deceiving, holds people against their will and uses standard brainwashing techniques. The U.S. government allows this in part because Moonies hide their primarily *political* agenda behind a banner of "freedom of religion." Moon is not about religion, but politics -- and a most corrupt, anti-democratic form of politics. The fact that he has any relationship whatsoever with George Bush, and the fact that Bush has given Moon a pass on his misdeeds, should give voters pause about backing George W.
  • siegswife

    bttb...because I see Thi Chi's in the house.

    Hey Thi Chi, if you take the time to read the article I posted, notice where it says that the Moonies held a "pro gulf war rally" during dad's presidency, and how they add to the appearance of a "grass roots support" of the republican agenda. I think this is very disconcerting since we have no way of knowing how many of those who are in support of GW and his agenda are actually cult members.

    It makes me leary of the people who are so fanatical about GW, this war and those who would silence the opinions of the people on the other side of the issues.

  • ThiChi

    I agree that sometimes different groups join to fight a cause. In the South, most KKK members were Democrats (Senator Bird for example), does that mean that Clinton should be marked with the same brush? Even I cannot stoop that low.

    You must admit, many examples that are given requires a stretch to come to the conclusions that the article does. Does accepting money from a group for a national campaign automatically mean you are in their pocket? China contributing money to the Democrats does not mean every Democrat is in the China pocket.....does it? Double standards exist if you draw a different conclusion.

    Like it or not, the Moonies are a legal entity that share values that seem reasonable to some. If they share views with the President, and as such, support him and his party. So what?

    Rev. Sun Myung Moon calls America "Satan's harvest" and vows to subjugate its people under a Korea-based theocracy, truly Bush does not share this view, true?




    An article, by Jeffrey Steinberg and Scott Thompson

    On Jan. 9, 1994, the Reverend Jerry Falwell traveled secretly to Seoul, South Korea. Falwell, then the head of the Moral Majority and the proprietor of the ``Clinton Chronicles'' series of scurrilous videos, attacking the President, was accompanied by his direct mail handler, Dan Riber, and Ronald Godwin, the former executive director of the Moral Majority, who had recently left that post to become the Vice President of the Unification Church-owned Washington Times Corp. The secret Seoul meeting was with the Unification Church leader Rev. Sun Myung Moon and some of his key operatives; and it resulted, within a few years, in the Moonies' takeover of the Falwell operation, through a bailout of Falwell, who was, at the time of the Seoul pilgrimage, already on the verge of bankruptcy. Falwell was facing $73 million in debt, accrued by his Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. With the aid of the Moonies, Falwell would shed that debt and, in the process, bilk his loyal supporters out of most of that money.
    Just as organized crime's favorite ploy is to capture control over prominent, but vulnerable politicians or businessmen by ``buying up their gambling markers'' at Las Vegas or Atlantic City casinos, Moon's favorite ploy, throughout the 1990s, was to buy up right-wing politicos and wanna-be Elmer Gantrys, at the point they hit the financial skids. Moon had already established a track record for using his nearly bottomless pool of Asian and Ibero-American offshore cash, to ``buy up the markers'' of prominent figures in the Christian Right, starting with Richard Viguerie, the Buckleyite direct mail guru, who found himself in deep financial kimche in the late 1980s.
    In 1982, the Moon organization had hired Viguerie to do direct mail solicitations for the just-launched {Washington Times} newspaper (which has lost an estimated $100 million a year, from its inception). According to an Oct. 15, 1989 {Washington Post} account, a company owned by Moon controller and bagman Col. Bo Hi Pak, of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA), bought a piece of Fairfax County, Virginia commercial real estate from Viguerie for $10 million--far more than the property was actually worth, at the point that Viguerie was about to go broke. The Moon money saved the day for the Radical Right's legendary direct mail-meister.

    The Falwell bailout by Moon was a far more complex deal. It was first exposed by investigative journalist Bob Parry in a 1997 series, titled ``The Dark Side of the Moon,'' which was published on the Internet by the Consortium for Investigative Journalism (CIJ,
    During the 1980s, Falwell accumulated $73 million in debt, largely in the form of bonds, sold by a Texas company, Church & Institutional Facilities Development Corp., which marketed the commercial paper to finance Falwell's operations and the expansion of Liberty University. All told, 2,500 fans of Falwell's Moral Majority and Old Time Gospel Hour TV show, ponied up their hard-earned money to purchase the bonds. Falwell burned through the money, and, by the end of the 1980s, when the political might of the Christian Right began to decline, Falwell found himself on the verge of financial ruin. At first, according to a U.S. Senate source familiar with the case, Falwell was able to fend off his creditors, by turning to such Christian fundamentalist deep pockets as the Arthur DeMoss Foundation.
    According to court records on file in Bedford County, Virginia, by the Summer of 1993, two Virginia associates of Falwell, Dan Reber and Jimmy Thomas, began devoting most of their time and energy to finding a bigger ``financial angel'' to bail out Liberty University and Falwell's other front operations. Reber and Thomas were the sole proprietors of the non-profit Christian Heritage Foundation of Forest, Virginia, and they also ran a small outfit, Direct Mail Communications, which they founded in 1989, located in a strip mall in the same rural town.
    Just months after DMC had been created by Reber and Thomas, it was purchased by one of the Moon fronts, Mail America, for $2.5 million, a hefty sum for a company that was only months old, with no track record of making money. What DMC had was the line into Falwell, handling direct-mail solicitations for Falwell's entire empire; but, according to court records, the firm was never even compensated by Falwell for the postage costs. Was Moon, then, already subsidizing Falwell's operations in the early 1990s? What is confirmed by the court documents, obtained by Bob Parry, is that in the Summer of 1993, Reber, Ronald Godwin--the architect of the Moon buyout of DMC, Falwell, and Dong Moon Joo--the publisher of the {Washington Times}, met in Lynchburg, Va. to discuss Falwell's financial dilemma. The Summer 1993 meeting led to Falwell's January 1994 secret trip to Seoul.
    Clearly, a bailout deal was hatched during the South Korea session. On July 26, 1994, Falwell made his first appearance at a Moonie event, sitting next to Reverend Moon at the head table of a gala affair for the Youth Federation for World Peace. It would be the first of many grovelling appearances that the pudgy televangelist would make before Moon-manufactured organizations. In 1996, Falwell traveled to Montevideo, Uruguay to join Reverend Moon at another international confab.
    In January 1995, Reber and Thomas bought half of Falwell's Liberty University debt--for pennies on the dollar. The total that the duo shelled out was $2.5 million. The purchase of the Falwell debt came shortly after Reber and Thomas' Christian Heritage Foundation received a contribution of $3.5 million from Moon's Women's Federation for World Peace. Federation vice president Susan Fefferman confirmed, in a Parry interview, that the $3.5 million had gone to ``Mr. Falwell's people'' for the benefit of Liberty University.
    One of the attorneys in a Bedford County court case that evolved out of the DMC-centered financial shenanigans, had a different take on the ``bailout.'' Doug Hudman told Parry that most of the bondholders, who lost their shirts, were ``moms and pops cashing in their IRA [individual retirement account] money because their local minister and Falwell's letters said they'd be doing God's work. The true victims are the ... believers who think their money was going to a good cause. All it was doing was going to fund Mr. Falwell's continued indebtedness. It's kind of sickening.''
    Worse: Falwell's bailout by the Moonies consolidated a nearly total takeover of the already-demented Christian Zionist Right by the Moonies and their controllers.
    By 1986, the list of Christian Right prominents who were adorning the head tables of Moon-front affairs included Falwell, Ralph Reed, Beverly and Tim LaHaye, Gary Bauer, Paul Crouch, and Robert Schuller. Moon's collection also included some prominent elected officials, who became virtually addicted to Moon's reported six-figure honoraria checks. Thus, former President George H.W. Bush found himself standing next to Reverend Moon, addressing a crowd in Buenos Aires in November 1996, for the opening of the South American version of Moon's {Washington Times}. Former President Gerald Ford had already become one of the regulars on the Moon-front circuit.
    Among the members of Congress who also lent their names to Moonie fronts are: Rep. J.C. Watts (R-Okla.) and Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), who were poster boys for Moon's Faith-Based Initiative for Family and Community Revival, a group that many on both the Right and the Left regard as the gatekeeper to President George W. Bush's ``Faith-Based Initiative'' pots of gold. Another Moon front, the Empowerment Leadership Roundtable, headed by longtime Moon hireling and former aide to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Jack Kemp, David Caprara, prominently featured Santorum and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.).
    When the Moonies ran a Dec. 1, 2000 demonstration in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, demanding that George Bush be declared the victor over Al Gore in the November elections, even Pat Robertson sent his personal emissary, Billy McCormack, to read a statement of endorsement from ``Diamond Pat.'' McCormack joined Falwell at the Moon-funded ``Americans Come Together'' lunch on inauguration day 2001. And subsequently, Robertson's man McCormack showed up, arm-in-arm with the Rev. Moon himself, at a Little Rock, Ark. event.

    Moon Family Values

    In 1994, the U.S. Congress passed a bill, establishing ``Parents Day'' as a new national holiday, designated on the fourth Sunday of July. The leading Congressional sponsor of the Moon-instigated legislation was Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.), one of the most fanatical of the House ``Clinton-bashers.'' Long-time Moon functionary Gary Jarmin did the legwork for the legislation push.
    While no one could dare protest the idea of ``Parents Day,'' many legitimate Christian, Jewish and Islamic theologians have serious problems with Reverend Moon's particular views on ``parenthood.'' According to Moon, he and his (fourth) wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, are the ``True Parents.'' Moon claims that Jesus Christ failed in his mission, because he was crucified before he had children, and therefore mankind was not freed from the original sin, which, in Moon's world, derived from Eve having had a sexual union with Satan. Jesus came to Moon, this fractured fairy tale continues, and bestowed upon him the task of completing his failed mission--by staging lavish mass-marriage ceremonies, in which Moon's ``pretty girls'' from Korea and Japan are paired with unsuspecting targets.
    In a posting on the Unification Church website, Rev. Michael Jenkins, who now heads the entire Moon organization in America (now called ``the Holy Spirit Association/Unification of World Churches USA''), wrote bluntly that ``Unless we are cleansed of the original sin, human beings, from the moment of conception, are not in their original state. In order for us to be cleansed of the original sin, we should be reborn. The method of rebirth is to receive the Marriage Blessing with the Reverend Moon as the officiator. That is the best way to be cleansed of the original sin. This cleansing remains to be done for all humankind. Only after having gone through this cleansing can we personally stand before God and grow as original human beings.'' Later, he added, ``Reverend Sun Myung Moon is one anointed to fulfill the mission that Jesus was unable to complete.''
    On July 4, 2002, the {Washington Times} ran a full-page ad from one of Reverend Moon's front groups, proclaiming him the Messiah and daring to purport to quote from Jesus Christ, God, Karl Marx, Deng Xiaoping and a host of others, all embracing Moon. The ad quoted Jesus Christ: ``Reverend Sun Myung Moon! Thou art the Second Coming who inaugurated the Completed Testament Age! The 120 people, who have brought light to the history of Christianity, pledge to take part in all that the True Parents do, and resolve to strive toward the ideal, the original garden where there is no original sin, through the guidance, the words of the Completed Testament, and the Unification Principle, of the Savior and Messiah, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.''
    In the same blasphemous ad, God was quoted: ``As you, the True Parents, have now succeeded in everything and have raised everything to its true level, you are now the Savior, Messiah and King of Kings of all humanity!!!''

    A Criminal Background
    For someone proclaiming himself the true Messiah, the North Korean-born Moon has a rather checkered past. In the post-World War II period, when Moon migrated to southern Korea, he became involved with a mystical sect called Israeli Suo-won, which practiced a strange ``purification'' ritual, in which women achieved purity by having intercourse with the sect's ministers. In both North and South Korea, Reverend Moon was charged with morals violations, according to an FBI report, obtained by reporter Parry under the Freedom of Information Act. He landed in a South Korea jail in 1955 for his sexual missionary work.

    Reverend Moon might have simply wandered around the Korean countryside, dodging the law and practicing ``sexual purification'' on unsuspecting young girls, but for the intervention of two of the Korean CIA's founders, Kim Jong-Pil and Bo Hi Pak--and their patrons in rightwing factions of U.S. intelligence. According to a CIA report, dated Feb. 26, 1963, ``Kim Jong-Pil organized the Unification Church while he was director of the R.O.K. Central Intelligence Agency, and has been using the church, which had a membership of 27,000, as a political tool.''
    Kim Jong-Pil was also in charge of rebuilding South Korean ties to Japan, as part of an overall American-backed effort to build an Asia-wide anti-Communist apparatus. Among Kim Jong-Pil's best Japanese contacts were two convicted Japanese war criminals, Yoshio Kodama and Ryoichi Sasakawa. Sasakawa was a leading figure in the Yakuza, Japan's organized crime secret society, which was employed in the postwar period by the CIA to counter the Communists and trade union radicals. According to authors David Kaplan and Alec Dubro, authors of a respected history of the Yakuza, ``Sasakawa became an advisor to Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Japanese branch of the Unification Church.''
    When the South Korean and Taiwanese governments co-sponsored the founding of the Asian People's Anti-Communist League, the Moon organization became a pivotal part of the group. In 1966, APACL became the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), and the entire Japanese membership of WACL consisted of Moon church members.
    There is good reason to believe that, from the outset, APACL and WACL were part of a worldwide covert operation, run by CIA factions, to establish ``resistance organizations'' that would go into action, in the event of a Communist takeover of a Western European or Asian country. In Italy, the operation was code-named ``Gladio,'' and it took on a life of its own, fueling a corrupt parallel intelligence apparatus, dominated by wartime fascists and royalists. By the late 1960s, the CIA was attempting, to no avail, to shut down ``Gladio'' and other, now out of control, paramilitary cells, which were engaging in ``strategy of tension'' terror attacks on continental Europe and elsewhere.

    ~~~~~~ Coming to America ~~~~~~

    In the meantime, in 1964, Col. Bo Hi Pak moved to the United States to take hands-on control of the newly-launched Moon organization there. At the same time, he founded the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation, a group that the U.S. House Committee on International Relations found to be a KCIA front. The Moon organization, the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation, and other South Korean influence-peddling outfits, went hog-wild in Washington, D.C. during the 1970s. At one point, Moon was accused of running a 300-woman prostitution ring, infiltrating Congressional offices, in league with R.O.K. lobbyist Tongsun Park. Through the Washington, D.C.-headquartered Diplomat National Bank, Moon and Park spread vast sums of money all over Capitol Hill and K Street. It was a recipe that Moon would repeat over and over again.
    In the late 1970s, Rep. Donald Fraser (D-Minn.) ran a Congressional probe of the ``Koreagate'' influence-peddling scandal. Moon survived the scandal by spreading even more cash around Washington, creating more front-groups, and particularly spreading money around the emerging New Right. Among the early New Right recipients of Moon largesse was Joseph Churba, a ``former'' Israeli Air Force Intelligence officer, and childhood friend of Jewish Defense League founder Rabbi Meir Kahane, who was one of the key liaisons between the Likudnik right wing in Israel and the emerging neo-conservative crowd in Washington.

    The North Side of the Moon

    The Iran-Contra ``secret parallel government'' operation afforded the Moonies the opportunity to do what they do best: launder vast sums of cash from undisclosed offshore enterprises into the hands of rogue anti-Communist spooks. The largest recipient of Moonie largesse was Lt. Col. Oliver North. Moon's CAUSA International became a prime source of funding for North personally, and for the Iran-Contra gang more broadly.
    Godwin, the Vice President of the Washington Times Corp. and the former director of Falwell's Moral Majority, set up a Moon front, Interamerican Partnership, which was one of the first fronts to funnel cash into North's ``Enterprise.'' Another Moon-sponsored group, the American Freedom Coalition, produced a North promo video, ``Ollie North: Fight for Freedom,'' and paid to air it 600 times on over 100 TV stations, according to Bob Parry. The AFC, according to one eyewitness report, received $5-6 million from Moon to boost the North covert wars in Central America.
    Furthermore, the Moonie-owned Direct Mail Communications firm of Falwell allies Reber and Thomas was put to work for Ollie North, building his direct mail operations. While they were devoting much of their time in 1994 to arranging the Moon bailout of Falwell's Liberty University, Reber and Thomas were also running direct mail operations for Oliver North's failed campaign for the U.S. Senate in Virginia. At the conclusion of North's campaign, according to the Bob Parry's ``Dark Side of the Moon'' series, DMC was still owed more than $89,000 by the campaign.
    If not all of Moon's sources of mystery cash are known, at least one case appears to clearly tie Moon and his array of fronts to some of Ibero-America's biggest and most bloodthirsty drug traffickers--as well as to the abovementioned ``Gladio'' apparatus of European war criminals.

    Dipping for Narco-Dollars?

    Since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, the White House National Office of Drug Control Policy has been running a series of TV ads, warning kids that the money they spend for illegal drugs could be going into the pockets of terrorists who are out to destroy the United States. The same could, perhaps be said for Reverend Moon.
    While the House International Relations Committee conducted an exhaustive study of the Moonies' role in the ``Koreagate'' influence-buying scandal in the late 1970s, and found that the ``church'' had been established as a front for the KCIA and had been linked to the Japanese Yakuza organized-crime apparatus, no such study was done, in the 1980s heyday of Iran-Contra, of Moon's involvement with some of Ibero-America's most vicious narco-terrorists.
    On July 17, 1980, the ``Cocaine Colonels Coup'' took place in Bolivia, placing General Garcia Meza and Col. Luis Arce-Gomez in power. The money behind the coup came, principally, from the world's then-leading cocaine trafficker, Roberto Suarez, Colonel Gomez's cousin.
    Within weeks of the coup, Col. Bo Hi Pak, the real ruler of the Moon empire, arrived in Bolivia's capital, La Paz, to bless the new regime. Soon, the photo of Pak and General Garcia Meza was adorning the pages of every Moon publication around the world. According to Parry, Moon's World Anti-Communist League (WACL) front had poured $4 million into the cocaine coup--money that would be repaid many times over, before the putschists were ousted from power. Another Moon front, CAUSA, which became the principal Moon conduit of suspect funds to the Lt. Col. Oliver North-led Iran-Contra ``Enterprise,'' set up shop in La Paz, under the control of Thomas Ward, a Moon functionary, who was frequently seen in the company of Nazi butcher Klaus Barbie, who ran the ``Cocaine Colonels'' intelligence organ.
    Another member of the "Cocaine Colonels'" intelligence apparatus was Stefano della Chiaie, a fugitive from Italy, who was implicated in a series of terrorist bombings, including the blowing up of the Bologna train station. Della Chiaie was a leading player in the ``Gladio'' apparatus, and was linked to the ``Propaganda Due'' secret Freemasonic apparatus in Italy, led by former Nazi collaborator Licio Gelli.
    While most of the Cocaine Colonels wound up in jail as drug traffickers, Moon's operation in Bolivia escaped scrutiny, and the Korean guru seemed to have early warning of the regime's collapse. Moon had moved his South American operations to Uruguay and Honduras, two other major hubs of Contra hot-money flows, before the colonels fell.

    History does, indeed, often repeat itself as farce. Beginning in 2000, through another string of front groups, Moon began the same ``buy up the markers'' operations, targetting the Democratic Party, the tattered remnants of the civil rights movement, and the growing Islamic community in the United States. Never mind that his prize possession on the Christian Zionist Right, Rev. Jerry Falwell, was a fanatical proponent of the Clash of Civilizations war against Islam, going so far as to declare, on national television, that the Prophet Mohammed was, himself ``a terrorist.''
    Moon was betting that some among the African-American and Muslim clergy would be susceptible to the same seduction and bribery that had made the Christian Right such easy pickings in the 1980s and 90s.
    Among Moon's chief targets: Rev. Louis Farrakhan, whose Nation of Islam ran into financial troubles, after the successful Million Man March on Washington. By 2000, Moon had managed to insert himself into the Million Family March, which featured one of Moon's infamous mass marriage ceremonies.
    Moon's big pitch to the African-American and Muslim clergy was that he offered them instant access to the Bush Administration's widely-hyped Faith-Based Initiative, with its anticipated bottomless pot of money.
    Moon also demonstrated his own willingness to spread around some gold. In the Spring of 2001, Moon staged a 52-day, 52-city tour of America, which largely focused on inner city African-American churches. At every stop along the way, Moon and his entourage staged lavish ceremonies, at which scores of local clergy were paraded up on stage and presented with gold Christian Dior watches, valued at thousands of dollars each.

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