Peter answers the questions of when are the last days and what Generation all in one chapter

by Crazyguy 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crazyguy

    In chapter 2 of Acts ,this is the seen of Pentecost and the speaking of tongues. People started freaking out thinking these people are drunk an Peter gets up and says in verses 16-17 these people are not drunk this in the fulfilment of the prophecy written in Joel. He goes on to describe all these things and those accomplishes by Jesus and says these are the last days. He goes on then in verse 40 mention this all and about this evil generation.

    Read chapter 2 and you to will see that the writer of Acts was stating that the last days and the this generation was then.

  • _Morpheus
    Very true but the dubbies would say there was a past and a modern fulfillment (for which there is NO evidence of course)
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    Morpheus 13 minutes ago
    Very true but the dubbies would say there was a past and a modern fulfillment

    You forgot the "Future Fulfillment" Morpheus, after the overlapping generation runs its course. We're talking maybe 2075.

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