by Bhagavad 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bhagavad

    Take heart if you feel you were not loved by the Watchtower Organization for any of a multitude of reasons. From my own Internet research that's spanned over two years now, I finally realize that the Watchtower is simply an Illuminati-inspired pseudo-nonpolitical organization masquerading as a Christian-type religion. I say pseudo-nonpolitical because: its stance of prohibiting involvement in politics is a form of politics itself, and their position that the Organization will survive any Holocaust, Third World War or Armageddon-type scenario is akin to the Illuminati belief of eventually being able to preside over a one-world government where there will be no more war or strife. So who could think that they could be loved or appreciated by a political party or a corporation anyway.

    Interesting and revealing information has come to me by entering the following terms (for example) into Google in random order (just a sampling of what's possible): FREEMASONRY, ILLUMINATI, MASONIC SYMBOL, JEHOVAH, OCCULT, THEOSOPHY, PYRAMID, CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL. Seems the more one searches topics like these the more there is to learn.

    I had just remembered those Kingdom Song words as I entered this site, and it reminded me of how anyone searching for TRUTH is labeled PROUD and a LIAR by Jehovah's Witnesses. I emphasize that what I've written here is not fallible, is not preaching, is not complaining, and is not an invitation to have my views ridiculed by posters, but just an attempt to share ideas with others.

    If anyone wishes to respond personally, please use my e-mail address.

  • mattnoel

    Well spoken !

    Has anyone seen a book called the Jesus Prophecies, there is some really interesting stuff in there about Jehovah !

  • Abaddon
    I emphasize that what I've written here is not fallible, is not preaching, is not complaining, and is not an invitation to have my views ridiculed by posters, but just an attempt to share ideas with others.

    If anyone wishes to respond personally, please use my e-mail address.

    By not fallible, you mean you're not wrong.

    That's a matter of opinion.

    You say that your post is "not an invitation to have my views ridiculed by posters". Tough luck mate. If your opinons are ridiculous (not saying they are), and you post them in an open forum, then you have no control over whether they get ridiculed or not. It is not within your control to stop people, and to even state that your post isn't an invitation to have your view ridiculed is a tad dillusional, and inviting what you avoid.

    You say; "anyone searching for TRUTH is labeled PROUD and a LIAR by Jehovah's Witnesses." Yes, you are right. But you are denying people the right of dissent with your opinions. What does that make you? Denying people the right of dissent is what the Dubbies do.

    As for sharing idea, well, the fact you want to discuss privately with people rings the good old cult alarm bells. Truth need not hide. Why are YOU hiding? Looking for a few followers? Patrolling the xJW boards for someone still in the crisis stage of deporgramming who is especially suseptable to your brand of 'truth'? DO you want followers, or just sycophants?

    Of course, you might be pure of motive and sqeaky clean. But you are not behaving in that way, if you really stop and think about it.

    Oh, and if there is a big bang up conspiracy going on... how come they don't kill the people who talk about it?

  • Francois

    Surely this thread isn't going to die here.

    And what about the entire site? No new posts in how long? Surely not.


    Oh, one more thing. "Illuminati inspired" is fairly large? What makes you think that?

  • Satanus
    Illuminati inspired

    Ya, this got my interest too. I'm very curious if you can supply one name of an illuminati member who inspired russell to start an org. Better yet, name some other associates of this inspirer of russell. Illuminati - this enlightened group, that sees the big picture, not just on earth, but all that is, yet stays in the shadows, and secretly controls mankind, guiding it on the upward evolutionary path, toward it's own illumination. The ball is in your court.


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