Watchtower Publication Titles

by logansrun 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    Is it just me, or has the Society changed the way they title their literature; a change that has taken place in just the last few years? What I mean is that the titles for publications these days are much more direct (to the point of being very awkward sounding) and are subtley designed to make someone do something -- right from the start with the title itself. Examples? How about "Draw Close To Jehovah." Notice, it's not "How to Draw Close To Jehovah", but the imperative "Draw Close...." More examples: "Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy!", "Worship The True God" and others. A far cry from the non-obligatory, more neutral sounding "You Can Live Forever...", the flowery "From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained" or just "Studies in the Scriptures."

    It's all too easy to nit-pick an organization like this, but I think this subtle shift in the way the Society entitles literature is another attempt to control, impose guilt and forcibly make their followers do what is told. The Devil is in the details sometimes.


  • BluesBrother

    They are certainly shorter and snappier nowadays and if I were offering them I would be glad . I always hated the title " You Can Live Forever in paradise on Earth", and what about some older ones

    "Paradise Restored to Mankind by Theocracy"

    "Things in Which It is Impossible for God To Lie "

  • logansrun

    Blues Brother: Good point. What's next: "Serve God?", or perhaps just "Join Us"?

  • RunningMan

    I'm waiting for the release of the new book series: "Shut up!" and "Obey!"

  • CoonDawg

    How about "uh-oh!"

    or maybe "Oh, S*it!"

    But my favorite would be "Sorry!"


  • heathen

    How about , How to abuse your children theocratically .

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