Minimus, how about the "blood issue" re. yr post on shameful discipline?

by Deleted 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deleted

    My kids were 16 and 15 when we left, they are 21 & 20 this year, still living at home and we get on fine-ish. I have apologized to my son for the way I scolded him when we were part of The Collective. Maybe not so much taught by the WTS, but it is sure as hell accepted or expected. But the shame came with this:

    I was talking to my son Dan about 3 years ago and said that I would have let him have a blood transfusion if he needed it, no matter what. As far as I am concerned the elder that studied first (1981) with us lied about what would happen if a JW were to let his child die. He said nothing would happen. After indoctrinated I confronted him with and he said, well you needed to get past that, the truth is about everyday living and not blood transfusions. I was vested in the Borg by then and he was/is the PO. It is one of the 30 nails in my JW coffin.

    The look of relief on Dan's face and the thank God for that! expression really got to me. I hadn't considered how he had felt. He was drifting away, even before we were. How must you feel if you think that your parents would sacrifice you to Jah've the Volcano God, as explained by one of the most deceptive christian sects on the planet?

    I apologized for that too.

    Oh, I am so happy to be out!

    Love, peace etc.

    Glen James

  • Deleted

    Sorry, I am not used to the new format and I can't find "edit". I meant to say would NOT let his child die (letting him have a transfusion)

  • Francois

    We knew what you meant, didn't we y'all? Well, I knew what you meant. He lied to you about that, did he? Well fug him, in fact, fug 'em all.

    I must not have been around the day, 47 posts ago, that you showed up. So welcome a little late, but welcome anyway. The important thing is that you got yourself and your family out. Great work. It was a good education for you all. Now, the liklihood that you'll ever go off following some cult, or the teaching of a man, or be lulled by some Pied Piper is very small in your particular case. It's serving sort of like an innoculation against a deadly disease. But see, you've had it before and you can't get it again.

    It would be nice if you'd help others get out, and I'm sure you will.

    What about you? Where U frum? What U do? What iz?


  • Deleted

    Francois, we have responded b4 actually, I just changed my picture. How are you? I don't post that often, but of recent I have been doing some research for a idea I have. Since the love of statistics is important to our former friends in the religious publishing empire, my goal is to respond empirically, using WTS publications. It flares up as a continued hobby. Hopefully it may amount to something. If not, well, as an accountant by trade ( I find the math appealing.

    We are all doing quite well. It's been four years, almost to the day that someone (a Bethelite) indirectly referred me to Randy Watters. It was a bumpy ride for the first month as my wife was quite loyal. The kids had no interest in any more WT specifics, and are doing there own thing. My wife is only lightly interested as it pisses her off for being so stupid, her words not mine.

    Mathmatically I have heard (Bergman) that if you take the number of years you were in the collective and double them, then take the square root of that number, that's the number of years it takes to rid yourself to Borg implants, or words to that effect. For me that was 18. we were adult converts. So 18x2 = 36, sq rt of = 6 years. So only two to go!

    If I recall you are also an ex-pat Brit, yes? We live in the Portland Oregon area but I was born in Ilford in Essex and went to school in Chelmsford.


  • greven
    Now, the likelyhood that you'll ever go off following some cult, or the teaching of a man, or be lulled by some Pied Piper is very small in your particular case. It's serving sort of like an innoculation against a deadly disease. But see, you've had it before and you can't get it again.

    Very good metaphore! This is exactly what I have experienced, you recognize cultic behaviour and propaganda tricks head-on because we have seen through the tricks. Like seeing the magician's trick and never being able again to be fooled by it. Got to remember this one!


  • minimus

    Apologies can be very healing, can't they?

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